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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


[SOLVED] BEO5 Need help in programming.

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Aleksei Posted: Mon, Jul 29 2013 11:04 AM

Dear colleagues,

I just bought Beo5 remote control, and would like to ask your assistance in programming.

When remote comes, the software was in "Default" condition.

It has only "Standard" zone. When I pressed this button, it highlighted and that's it. Nothing happens. Screen bottom buttons (+, back, D) have same reaction. Highlights on screen, but nothing happens.

I connected remote in to Configuration software and uploaded configuration. Same symptoms. "Zone" screen changes layout depends on my configuration, but on pressing menu items only highlighting pressed menu. Nothing happens on screen. In software emulator all working as well.

Should I do something wrong in programming or it can be hardware problem.

Because my main system is Windows 7 x64, I was used Configuration Tool in VMware virtual machine. I tryed Configuration Tool versions 6.00.02 and 4.11, but same symtoms.

Remote SW. 1.45b and HW. 7


Thank you in advance,



Top 200 Contributor
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BeoHut replied on Mon, Jul 29 2013 6:07 PM
You have to set your Beo5 in the Custom mode.

You can do this by pressing on the keypad of the Beo5 first the red dot (standby) en then, while pressing down the red dot, the GO (the key in the middle of the keypad) key.

Then you can set your configuration in the Custom Mode.

Any more questions, please ask. Suc6!
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Aleksei replied on Mon, Jul 29 2013 9:03 PM

Yes, it helps me to get my layaut, on screen Yes - thumbs up .

My another problem was that when I touched buttons on touch screen, they only higlighted but was not operate. Stupid mistake, I just need to pres it harder to make reaction Big Smile 

Thank you for assistance,



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