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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


[SOLVED] XML file for Toshiba LED TV (CT-90326)

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Aleksei Posted: Tue, Jul 30 2013 7:35 PM


Hi All,


I'm looking BEO5 XML file for Toshiba TV (model 40HL933)

Would like to get som of these functions: ON/OFF, Volume, inputs, up/down/left/right/OK, quick, return and exit.


Thanks in advance



Keith Saunders
Top 25 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Posts 5,495

I do not have a ready built XML file for your model of Toshiba TV, but nearly all Toshiba products use NEC IR protocol and if you can find some Pronto HEX codes posted on-line then an XML file could be built from them.

Also, if you have the means of capturing the IR codes from your exist original remote, that clear would be the best way forward because you will be certain that they would work.

Regards Keith....

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Aleksei replied on Wed, Jul 31 2013 10:43 AM

Thank you for replay Keith .

I will try to capture IR codes with UIRT2B device, which was built a long time ago . Only need to find right software. Do you know, is Girger or WinLIRC config files can be used to get codes?


Keith Saunders
Top 25 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Posts 5,495

There is a Girger plugin available HERE

Basically, all we need is a text file of each of your commands giving the pulse and pause times, then we can work out everything else.

Regards Keith....

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Aleksei replied on Thu, Aug 1 2013 10:47 AM
I forgot to specify remote model: CT-90326

I use RS232 version of UIRT 2

In this version plugin I can capture data in two different view:
"Force RAW Mode" and "IR Debug mode". 

Here is example for "MENU" button

Force RAW Mode learning>


IR Debug mode>
09 4C B5 58 0D 0A 0E 0A 0E 09 0E 0A 0E 09 0E 09 0E 20 0E 0A 0E 20 0E 20 0E 20 0E 20 0E 20 0E 20 0E 09 0E 20 0E 20 0E 20 0E 0A 0E 20 0E 20 0E 0A 0E 20 0E 0A 0E 0A 0E 0A 0E 20 0E 0A 0E 0A 0E 20 0E 0A 0E 20 0E FF 
03 0F B5 2B 0E FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0E FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0E FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0E FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0E FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0E FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0E FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0E FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0E FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0E FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0E FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0E FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0E FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0E FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0E FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0D FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0D FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0D FF 
07 7D B5 2B 0D FF 

I hope some of them is a right format and can be used.


Keith Saunders
Top 25 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Posts 5,495

I have used your RAW data to convert this MENU command and the pulse, pause pairs define the number of 50 micro-second pulses or pauses.

I have manually translated your RAW data into a form which we can understand better as below:-

Pulse, Pause in micro-seconds
09050,04500 = 13450
00700,00450 = 1150
00700,00450 = 1150
00700,00450 = 1150
00700,00450 = 1150
00700,00450 = 1150
00700,00500 = 1200
00700,01600 = 2300
00750,00450 = 1150
00700,01600 = 2300
00700,01600 = 2300
00700,01600 = 2300
00700,01600 = 2300
00700,01600 = 2300
00700,01600 = 2300
00700,00450 = 1150
00700,01600 = 2300
00700,01600 = 2300
00750,01550 = 2300
00700,00450 = 1150
00700,01600 = 2300
00700,01600 = 2300
00700,00450 = 1150
00700,01600 = 2300
00700,00450 = 1150
00700,00450 = 1150
00700,00450 = 1150
00750,01550 = 2300
00700,00450 = 1150
00700,00450 = 1150
00700,01600 = 2300
00700,00450 = 1150
00700,01600 = 2300
00700,64000 = 64700

This translates to a 32 bit NEC protocol with an address of 40BF and a command code of 5BA4

From this I have created an XML file with just this menu command in it for you to test. Extract the ZIP file to C:\ and it will be put into the correct directory of the configuration Tool

Regards Keith....

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Aleksei replied on Thu, Aug 1 2013 6:38 PM

Great success! Menu button that you created is works well. Now I need to capture all another codes to create complete XML.

I try it tonight, because at the moment I get many errors while truing to capture IR signals. While capturing, the learn progress bar is jumping forward and backward.  (mayby is too sunny and this affect to ir receiver. ) Only what I can capture at the moment  codes in UIRT format (form "MENU" buttot it looks follow 430A454145F0). Can UIRT format data can be used? 


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Finaly captured all buttons of remote. If you could please create new XML file.


Keith Saunders
Top 25 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Posts 5,495

Clearly, I was not going to convert each of your captured codes manually as I had done with your MENU test, so I have written a small Windows based programme which takes each of your captured entries and converts them to Pulse Pause format which I can then make into an XML file.

The attached XML file has the digits and hard keys pre-assigned.

Please let me know how you get on with the testing..

Regards Keith....

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Aleksei replied on Fri, Aug 2 2013 6:55 PM

Wow thanks for qick reaction Yes - thumbs up

Unfortunately last XML file codes not working. I think the problem is in captured data. I still can't get stable remote codes. Something is wrong with hardware.

I will go to holiday tomorow, and have not acess in to my equipment until end of August.  I can capture new codes after my return.


Keith Saunders
Top 25 Contributor
Hampshire, United Kingdom
Posts 5,495

I am not so certain that your code captures are incorrect because you previously tested the MENU test XML and it worked and included within your latest file was also the MENU, so I loaded both XML files and compared the MENU output and they were exactly the same meaning at least the Menu command in the new full XML file should work.

When you come back from holiday, perhaps you could re-test the XML file before going to the extent of re-capturing the IR codes

Regards Keith....

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You was right. I was tryed  newly downloaded attached file and uploaded it in to remote control. The new file is mostly working but some buttons not.


Not working SW buttons: "TEXT", "LANGUAGE", "ATV/DTV", "POWER", "8", "STAND BY"

Not working HW buttons: "LEFT", "BACK" ("RETURN")


I found some Pronto codes for non working buttons. I tryed to configure my harmony 555 remote to these remote and buttons was worked for me.

Only, what I'm not found is navigation left button and BACK button. I need to build a new Ir capture HW, to capture this button Smile 

Could you please convert these codes and replase in exist xml file.



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Yes! Finaly I was corrected binary codes, all buttons works fine.

I will thank you, Keith, for your help in creation codes from my data!

The mistake was in data codes bit values. The inverted values did not match with data codes. After corrections now all buttons I need, works well.


The complete XML file is attached for download.


Kind regards,


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