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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BL6000 + BL11 or..

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Kj_Beo Posted: Sat, Aug 24 2013 10:24 AM

While i'm redoing my living room its also time to change the audio setup a bit.
Currently i have a set of lab 6000 playing in my 40 M2 living room.
I do like the sound of the 6000 but i do like a little bit more bass and dynamics.
Now i think i have two options: keep the 6000's (which will be placed on wall brackets) and ad a BL11.
Or change the lab's to a set of Beolab 1's. Both options would cost me about the same (second hand).
What combination do you think sound's (and looks) nicer? I listen to everything from trance to classical at mostly medium levels.
This how the setup looks now..

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elephant replied on Sat, Aug 24 2013 10:37 AM

Purely on looks given how great your current set up looks I would vote for the BL11.

BeoNut since '75

Chris Townsend
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I sold my 11 and barely noticed it was gone.

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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olvisab replied on Sat, Aug 24 2013 11:17 AM

wrong message sorry

4 beolab 5,  beolab 9, beolab 10, beolab 5000, beolab 8000 mk2, beolab 6002, beolab 3500, beovision 7 55 mk2,  2 beovision 11 46 mk4, beotime, beosound ouverture, beosound essence, beoplay A8, beomaster 900 RG de luxe and the collection continues...

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moxxey replied on Sat, Aug 24 2013 1:07 PM

Chris Townsend:
I sold my 11 and barely noticed it was gone.

Chris, you were only telling us about the poor bass from your BV11 when pushed hard? Surely the two are related :)

I still have my BL11 and I would definitely say it improves the bass on the BV11. Was watching Oblivion the other night and was impressed with the bass from the TV. Same with Django Unchained last night - I ended up having to turn the volume down on a couple of occasions, particularly when there were explosions.

The BL11 isn't anywhere near the level of a BL2, but it's definitely better than just having 6000s or a centre channel on a BV11.

Chris Townsend
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I only ever used the Beolab 11 with my old Beovision 10, so that was my only comparison.

With regards the Beovision 11 and its bass, as you personally know it is a much more capable TV than the 10. But there are times when it as a flat screen can only do so much, my little boys Beovision 3 is somewhat better.

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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Kj_Beo replied on Sat, Aug 24 2013 2:54 PM

Can anyone tell me what and how big the difference in sound between the 2 options is?

How is the low-end when you compare the LAB1 to The BL11 and 6000?

From what i read the lab1 may be to bright, especially in smaller-medium rooms with lots of hard surfaces like i have. The problem is because i think i probably will be buying the speakers second hand its difficult to compare the sound..

Purely based on looks i think the BL6000/BL11 combination is a slightly better option, my wife on the other hand likes the BL1 more.


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valve1 replied on Sun, Aug 25 2013 8:00 AM

Hi, your current set up looks good and putting the 6000s on the wall is  nice touch.

I tried a bl11 with 8000's and it was a non event.

I have lab1s in a hard surfaced room (with a bl2) and really like them. The detail you can hear compared to my 8000s is amazing.

If you were to put lab1s into the existing set up, is there enough room both sides of your unit to avoid them looking wedged into the corners ?

Have you considered the base enhanced 8000s wall mounted ?

Lets know how it works out for you.

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koning replied on Sun, Aug 25 2013 8:25 AM

If you listen only to music the beolab 6000 is really bad.

You get tired.

The beolab 1 is a nice speaker but the tweeter sound very hard,so in a hard surfaced room i think that's not a good idea.


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moxxey replied on Sun, Aug 25 2013 8:38 AM

Chris Townsend:

With regards the Beovision 11 and its bass, as you personally know it is a much more capable TV than the 10. But there are times when it as a flat screen can only do so much, my little boys Beovision 3 is somewhat better.

Definitely, I agree. However, the BL11 does add a bit of oomph, mostly where there are explosions in a film - I got caught out watching Django Unchained on Friday, a couple of times, where the sound was high, windows open They heard the explosions in the neighbouring garden :)

Hopefully this new subwoofer is even better. It's supposed to be a replacement for the BL2. Was always impressed with the BL2 when connected to a TV.

Chris Townsend
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Yes I've heard about it, but why can't we just buy the Beolab 14 sub?

The Beovision 11 and Beolab 2 combo was not an impressive one, although to be fair it might have been my installation. The TV gave it everything, seemed to give up momentarily whilst the Beolab 2 burst into life and took over the bass, and before you knew it the Beovision 11 was at it all again.

Very agricultural in its distribution of bass, and not a patch on the Beovision 7/Beolab 2 combo I had! Makes me wander how adept it will be at integrating older speakers.

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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moxxey replied on Sun, Aug 25 2013 12:24 PM

Chris Townsend:
Yes I've heard about it, but why can't we just buy the Beolab 14 sub?

Actually, that was on the list for me to ask my dealer yesterday, but forgot to pose the question! I also wondered if it was possible to use the Beolab 14 sub. You wouldn't see it in my room as the BL11 is hidden behind the BV11.

Sadly by the time I'd told the dealer about my Playmaker issues, BV11/Apple TV issues (HDCP keeps blanking the screen) and so on, I forgot to ask about the BL14 sub. I did find out that the BL12s are coming out in that topaz grey colour.

And, yes, I've never tested a BL2 with the BV11. I only ever had it connected to the BV7 (in the early days, I had a 7.2+BL2, which I switched to 7.4+BL9s, which was a superb combination).

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Kj_Beo replied on Sun, Aug 25 2013 8:44 PM

I made my choice, tonight i have bought an nice white demo BL11 and a set of wallbrackets for the 6000's and have collected them from the seller.

Tomorrow i will hook everthing up for testing. I hope the sound is what i want it to be.

One thing is for sure, the BL11 and the wall brackets look beautful..

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elephant replied on Mon, Aug 26 2013 8:13 AM

I made my choice, tonight i have bought an nice white demo BL11 and a set of wallbrackets for the 6000's and have collected them from the seller.

Tomorrow i will hook everthing up for testing. I hope the sound is what i want it to be.

One thing is for sure, the BL11 and the wall brackets look beautful..

Yes - thumbs up

BeoNut since '75

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