ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
My brothers unit He brings it down and the FM frequency wont charge the Station changes just not the digits stuck on 78.4 have seen other threads on the web where freq. is stuck at at same numbers. As you may know this has no string so it is an electronic issue anyone run across this before that can give me some direction Thanks in Advance Tom PS have cleaned all contacts and all controls it will set time and timer.
Welcome to Beoworld !
It's not stuck on 78.4, it's stuck on 74.8 - correct ?
Replace the prescaler IC.It's an obsolete IC but I still have a few original parts in the drawer, if you can't find one locally.
Thanks for your response yes i will take The prescaler ic My name is Tom Ferrell 3301 Stonewood Dr Sandusky Ohio 44870 419-624- 0242 I can use Paypal or just send you the cash. Send me your info Thanks Again Tom