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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

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Beomaster 8000 still not perfectly working

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Top 500 Contributor
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Jacquesboo Posted: Sat, Sep 21 2013 5:30 PM

This morning should have been a great morning because my tech finally finish the job on my Beomaster 8000. 

This is the list of what he did (plus some adjustments), sorry, it is in french (I tried to traduce some but my english is so poor, sorry for that ...) :

  • repairing left power supply : Réparation module de puissance voie droite (Tr puissance + drivers + stab)
  • speakers switch replacement : Démontage commutateurs groupes de sorties HP et remplacement par modèles pro contacts Ag / 3A min
  • change all caps with problem (Dillen kit) : Remplacement condensateurs en défaut sur cartes préampli + modules ampli + FM
  • offse output t verification : Vérification offset de sortie ( << 20mV) et équilibrage BIAS 
  • cleaning all switches : Nettoyage et lubrification tous commutateurs de fonctions et tous potentiomètres ajustables
  • Changement transistor régul de commande (stabilité fréquence oscillateur local)
  • Réparation entrainement roue codeuse tête HF-FM
  • Réalignement complet haute fréquence : sensibilité tête HF FM, étages FI intermédiaires, limiteur
  • Réglage final discriminateur / détecteur de rapport : zéro de tension, excursion sur +/- 75KHz,
  • Ajustement optimal décodeur stéréo : verrouillage sous-porteuse 19KHz et doublage 38 KHz
  • seuil de détection stéréo (30-50μV), séparation des canaux G/D
  • Ajustement suppression 19KHz en sortie et équilibrage G/D
  • cracked soldier joint : Reprise finale soudures sèches ou à risque sur cartes
  • Inspection visuelle tous circuits

When we heard the amp, the sound is still not clear in my view. There is a little noise on very high trebles (some piano, voices,...). My GF and the tech only hear it when we hear organ but I hear it on all songs (I have a very sensitive ear, this is not a gift :().... First thing, the problem does not come from speakers (that are perfect (see my other post))

One of my favorite song is child in time (deep purple) and I can't hear it with this (even small) noise on treble. 

So he decide to try to modify the "gain" (I don't know if it is the right word in English), I will bring it back next week, I hope it will work... He will do that for free...

In your view, the sound of this machine should be crystal clear, no ? Or considering the age and its complexity should I accept some imperfections ? 

In any cases,the amp is unlistenable for me like that.... I really hope he will find a solution....

I would take the oportunity of this post to thanks all forum members that help me to overcome my frustrationt and help me to keep the faith in B&O !!!!!!, especially Leslie (that sold me incredible S-60 stands and show me an AMAZING collection/museum/cave of ali baba), Martin/Dillen (for the kit but also for all precious advises), Chartz (never directly discuss, but I read most of your posts),and  all others who love these incredible machines.

Thank you all !




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Copenhagen / Denmark
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Dillen replied on Sat, Sep 21 2013 8:10 PM

Is the "unclear" treble response present on all signal sources ?


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Jeff replied on Sat, Sep 21 2013 8:28 PM

And what signal source are you hearing it on? LP? CD? MP3?


I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus. Sad

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Jacquesboo replied on Sat, Sep 21 2013 10:29 PM

I have the same problem with all sources (even the tuner and the CD player that my tech use for his tests)... And always on left side with all kind of speakers (but more with very accurate speakers like s45, less with very large speakers). The noise is more present at low volume... (Very difficult to describe a noise...).

I will say you if overcloacking the amp a little bit (that is what I understand my tech will do) improve the situation. for him, the problem could be the age (and maybe bad treatment on cards... But all measures are perfects)...

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Jacquesboo replied on Sat, Sep 21 2013 10:30 PM

do you think it could be a connector issue  (speaker plug ?)

Top 25 Contributor
Texas, United States
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sonavor replied on Sun, Sep 22 2013 2:28 AM

Run your listening tests with headphones and see if it is there as well. If it is, then the source of the problem is in the Beomaster (since you say all music sources produce the problem). 

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hamacbleu replied on Sun, Sep 22 2013 2:21 PM

i had somewhat a similar problem last year. It was also on the left channel. And it was really evident when listening to piano music. Like as if the high frequencies were distorted. Sometimes it would disappear when cranking up the volume and put it back immediately to a desire level... I had so much other problems with tha Beomaster that i ended up changing ALL single transistors on that output board. It was probably not required, but one thing for sure, the first problem has been ruled out.

If it's coming from the receiver,, the tech could trace the signal on the output board and see where it gets distorted?

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Thank you hamacbleu. I don't know how much it will cost to change all transistors, but looking for them could be a solution (not sure my tech will be happy with that because he think the cost will become too high considering the reliability of the machine). I don't know if I must believe him or continue searching what happend... This is frustrating... Maybe I am very close to the end... (maybe at the begining ;))

Sonavor : When I hear with headphones, there is no problem (maybe because the signal is not the same or maybe because my headphone is not accurate enough (koss portapro))...

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Just a stupid question, how many transistors are on the output board (maby it will not cost too much to change them ?) ?

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Québec, Canada
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hamacbleu replied on Sun, Sep 22 2013 5:07 PM

There's about 15 transistors on each output boards, including 6 big output transistors which are time consuming to change because they are fixed to the heatsinks BUT I would advise you to find where exactly the signal gets distorted before doing anything... 

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Thank you, so I will accept my tech proposition to "overcloack" the amp (I don't know what does it mean but he will try to improve a little bit the signal) ! This will be our last operation... So please cross your fingers with me ;)

And sorry to insist but as all measures my tech did seems to be OK, having a look to these 2 pins speakers sockets is a good idea or no ? (finally it is the extrem end of the system, if the contect is not perfect, it could maybe be the source of my disagreaments)... no ?

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Jacquesboo replied on Mon, Sep 23 2013 10:00 AM

My tech gave me more explaination this morning (not very good news...). (sorry for the poor traduction but even in french, I don't understand what all this means). For him, the "crossover distortion" (that's how he name my problem) , is due to the bad manufacture of the amp and asymetric ageing of components... Reliability is not assure for the long term...

He will try to modify a little bit resistors value to improve the signal. That's our last chance...(connector are perfect..)

I will have news next week....

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Halmstad, Sweden
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BO replied on Mon, Sep 23 2013 11:48 AM

is due to the bad manufacture of the amp

To me it sounds like your "technichian" is on thin ice!


A long list...

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Jacquesboo replied on Mon, Sep 23 2013 12:12 PM

That's also what I think but as he start the job... And has a very good reputation (but not on b&o...).

if course, if his solution does not resolve the problem, I will try to have a second opinion before throwing the amp ;)

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Québec, Canada
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hamacbleu replied on Mon, Sep 23 2013 12:22 PM

You could try playing a little bit with the speakers switches as sometimes, distortion does occur when the contact is bad However, your tech seems to have replaced them, so the problem is probably not there. If you want to clear out the speakers socket issue, your tech (if he think that's the problem) could just connect a speaker directly on the output and ground pins of the output amplifier, that would clear out if there's really an issue after that in the circuit. Tracing the signal would led him there anyway.

If you trust your tech, don't touch anything and let him do what he think is the best thing to do. In the case you don't trust him or in doubt, stop everything and find someone that has a good experience with that receiver (And wants to work on it). I know it might be hard to find (I haven't found one here that has both requirements), but at least, you're on the good side of the ocean to find one…

I clearly understand the frustration you can have since you seem to have already spent a lot of money on it and I really hope you will find the solution to your problem. It's true that it's getting old and can be unreliable, but there is a solution. I've been told here that taking pauses helps finding them and it's true. the solution will come up in time. And it's probably simplier than you think.

Bonne chance !


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Jacquesboo replied on Mon, Sep 23 2013 12:50 PM

Thanks a lot for your very kind support (et merci à toi Guillaume). I trust my tech on all electronic parts but not on his B&O jugment... So I will let him try his solution and see after. I know that there is a solution and that I can find very good tech not so far from my place (netherlands is only 4h30 and I like to drive) but for the moment, I don't know if I am ready to spend more money in that system (that has currently no real value if it doesn't perfectly work...).

A little pause could be a good idea but, you know, considering the size of the whole system in my living room, it is difficult to forget it ;) !

So I will wait (i'm a very patient guy) and see next week what could I do.Hopefully, I have my S45 that sound perfect and my old amp that still works (as it always do).

I would like to thank all forum members, you help me keeping the faith (I know I am not alone in this case) !

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Newcastle upon Tyne UK
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Lee replied on Sun, Oct 25 2015 5:39 PM

Did you ever get your BM8000 problems sorted Jacques?

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