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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beocenter 8000 no radio

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Top 500 Contributor
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Maurice Posted: Wed, Apr 11 2012 8:20 PM

Hi Guys

Hoping you may be able to help out with this problem. Recently I purchased said item with known fault that tape didnt work and door jammed in open position and the inevitable rebonding of glass panels these are now resolved after a total strip and I mean a total strip and clean internally all PCB's removed/refitted.  Any way to the point of this plea, I have working CD, working Tape "albeit a bit slow and fluttery"  all functions appear normal on control and display panels with relevent lights lighting for each function. However no radio on FM or AM,  just no signal hissing and its even louder if the ariel lead is plugged in, when i "SEARCH" on control it dosent locate any stns throughout the frequency ranges AM/FM

Any Pointers would be much apprechiated

Regards Maurice

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tournedos replied on Wed, Apr 11 2012 8:29 PM

Did the radio work before you took it apart?

I suspect you just broke some connector. The multiwire connectors in these units won't take much use & abuse before the wires break loose from the connectors. They have only a single strand of copper, and the connectors pinch them in a fork of sorts. The wires get a weak spot there and break easily.

It's easy in principle to take the connector apart, cut a couple of mm from the wires, reinstall them and recrimp the connector in a vise or something, but you have to be very careful as the wires are all separate and might not even be in the same order in the connector at the other end of the loom.

Alternatively, bad solder somewhere that got disturbed.


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Maurice replied on Wed, Apr 11 2012 8:38 PM


Thanks for the comprehensive reply, looks like its time for a lot of comm checks dosent it. In my ignorance I didnt check functionality of radio Before stripping it, however I contacted the buyer and he assured me it was working. Anyway once again thanks for your help.

Regards Maurice


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Ricardo replied on Wed, Apr 18 2012 1:24 AM

it could also be a bad contact at one of the plug in connectors or maybe you missed reconnecting something. It has happened to me before.

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