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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


my BM8000 a never ending story (with a happy end ?)

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Top 500 Contributor
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Jacquesboo Posted: Sun, Nov 17 2013 10:40 PM

Dear all,

First, thanks to all member of beoworld who help me since the begining ;)

As some of you might know, I bought a whole beosystem 8000 in May and since that, try to repair it (with the help of my tech). I like my tech, even if he hate B&O ;).

My aim was to have a fully working system before the end of the year but after 6 month, we didn't finish to fix all the problems with the amp !  Last week, as everithing seemed to be finish, we were having a brunch with friends and my amp literraly burned :(. It didn't really burned but smoked a lot... After some tests with my tech, nothing impossible to repair... So, one more time, I have the furniture with an empty space (during the last six month, I saw more often the furniture without the amp that with the amp :()... and probably hear max 10 hours of music with it. 

To be honnest, I think this amp is really crazy, the sound it produce (when it works) is incredible, even my tech (who hate B&O) is admirative !!!! That'swhy he accept to do a last reparation for free (I bring it to him seven time since the begining !!!!). But, this amp is really to complicated for me (and for my tech) and I do not have the courage to continue with the BG 8000 when the amp willbe finish (I hope it willhappend one day) ;) !

So, as I know I will not keep it and as I needed a new amp and do not want to stopwith B&O, I decided tobuya BC9500 ! My luck was to meet Leslie on beoworld ! He really help me, show me a lot of its stuffs (the whole B&O collection I think ;)) ! I also bought a beolink 7000 (crazy remote ;) totally useless so indispensable)

I am happy with the BC 9500, the sound is really not as good as the BM8000, no comparisionispossible between both amps. But the sound is good, the amp is morereliable andthe  design is really astonish (even if the whaou effect is not as important as with the 8000)...

So my conclusion is I prefer having a goodlooking and perfectly working BC95000 that an amp with to much problem... For me, the 8000s  should only be bought by people that really perfectly know how to service B&O stuffs  or with tech that perfectly know B&O. The problem is not really the complexity of the electronic but the difficulties to dismantle all the plastics things and cards... and heating control !!!!

I hope I will bring my 8000 back (fully working) to do an honnest comparision between both systems ;) since them, I will buy some penta (to improve the sound of the 9500) and a BG 95000 !

So very soon on beoworld, I propose you a comparision between : BM8000 + S45 + S60 vs BC 9500 + penta II + S45 !!!!! 

Which amp will win ? For me the BC 9500.... as I am pissed ofthe 8000 (only because it costs me too much money ;)) !

First game : pictures (sorry for the poor quality... not as good as your pictures Leslie;)) :

Beomaster 8000 :



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and now ! The 9500 !! (again, sorry for the poor quality of the picture) !

Which one  you prefer ?

Anders Jørgensen
Top 200 Contributor
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Which one I would prefer?

I can't say. I got some of that problem too though it is white BM8000, Beosystem 6000 in white and Beosystem 6500 also white. I had the 9500 briefly but it got no longer than Dillen.

My BM8000 needs some display and radio serviced. Other than bringing it to Dillen it is not a problem and last time I was using it did work otherwise the 2 problems mentioned. I do have the BC9000 fully serviced and matching + a SC80-2 stand on hand. The problem is currently the living conditions so it is not being used. The 6000 system is in one room and 6500 in the other and I love it all but for different reasons which makes it very hard to decide on just one.

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Leslie replied on Tue, Nov 19 2013 9:09 PM

A while ago I helped a US member in Houston reclothing his RL140's. The sound of these RL's on his BM8000 was amazing! Now let's wait for your Penta's to connect on your 9500. :-)

Brengen & Ophalen

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