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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Issue with Beo 5/6 and Lutron

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halid Posted: Tue, Apr 17 2012 5:33 PM

Hi all, I really hope someone can help me.

I have got my new Beo 6 remote and started programming yesterday. Everything works fine, but I have a really strange problem when I want to control my Lutron Home Automation devices.

If I for example add Lutron Advanced Codes as a product I can find, and use, different Scenes; Scene 1 to 16 for example. But I would like to change names on the scenes such as Off, Day, Movie, Drapes 50% and so on.

As soon as I make the slightest change like changing the name, adjusting the strenght of the IR-signal the command doesn´t work? I have tried all ways around like saving the button, copying the button, adding a new button and I just can´t get it working.

Has someone encountered the same problem and can help? I had a Beo 5 earlier and as I can remember I could change names for the Lutron commands?

Best regards

Hans, Sweden

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MartinW replied on Tue, Apr 17 2012 7:59 PM

I have this same problem with any third party ir codes found in the config tool such as Lutron.  (i.e. not Beo4 command based buttons and templates).  Changing anything about the button such as the name deletes the entire ir code from the button.


I did have some success changing lutron buttons by opening them up in notepad(i think) and changing every reference to the button name - i.e. if you want Scene1 to be called Cosy, you have to edit all the references to Scene1 to Cosy.  I seem to remember i had to make sure the text spacing was exactly the same too - but it did work when i got the hang of it!

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hfat replied on Wed, Apr 18 2012 6:19 AM


Unfortunately the version 5.12 doesn't handle correctly entering an 3rd-Party IR code. Therfore you will have to do it within the XML itself. I would suggest you copy the Lutron xml in the folder \ThirdParties\Home Automation to a new version, change the name of the product and modify the display name and settings of the buttons to your needs. Then you add this modified product to your config. It is much simpler to edit this little product XML than the large configuraiton xml. This way your modifications will be preserved when you modify your configuration.


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halid replied on Thu, Apr 19 2012 5:16 AM

Many thanks to both of you, especially to to you hfat. Did as you suggested and it worked fine!

Did encounter a new problem at the end of my programming though, after changing names. Did some more adjustments and now the config program breaks down when I try to transfer to the Beo 6. I also tried to use some of the older versions of settings, but nothing seems to work right now. I guess I have changed something that the program doesn't like, which causes it to break. Is there some sort of log in the config program? Would really like to know what causes the problem.

Thanks again hfat!

Best regards


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Vienna, Austria
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hfat replied on Thu, Apr 19 2012 6:10 AM


The version 5.11 is very sensible to errors in xml format. Check your xml for unclosed brackts, double named attribut names, missing blanks etc.

You could try to open the XML with Internet Explorer. IE usually indicates precisely XML errors. You can test your xml before transfering to the Beo6 by pressing the "validate" buttin in the edit-screen.

You could PM me your XML and I'll have a look if I can find the problem.


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halid replied on Thu, Apr 19 2012 10:06 AM

Thanks again, where do I find my own XML?

Best regards 


Top 150 Contributor
Vienna, Austria
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hfat replied on Thu, Apr 19 2012 10:44 AM

where do I find my own XML?

I did mean the " Lutron xml in the folder \ThirdParties\Home Automation you copied to a new version"

The configuration xml you can find in the subfolder with your configuration number within the folder "clients" of the configuration tool.


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halid replied on Thu, Apr 19 2012 12:43 PM

HI, OK. Somehow I think that my own XML-file for Lutron is in order, when I did those changes the transfer worked fine.

After the work I did on that XML-file I changed some other things directly in the Beo Config-tool, and it´s from that point I think the problem started.

But if it's alright with you I will send over the XML-file just to make sure it´s correct.


Thanks again


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