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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


B&O Play TV coming this quarter

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koning replied on Fri, May 11 2012 9:56 PM



Are you working for b&o?

2800 euro i would buy a looks like s...t

And how are you going to connect your speakers? Right.. You don't...



I suspect we will go for 32" for use as a TV and as a monitor ... and in that situation, white of course 

You Apple-boy.. Big Smile


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moxxey replied on Fri, May 11 2012 10:07 PM

Dear oh dear.

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Synergy replied on Fri, May 11 2012 10:57 PM

"Teak or Rosewood Sir?"

Brings back memories of 1980s B&O sales training in Gloucester!


Paul W
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Paul W replied on Fri, May 11 2012 11:41 PM

I see the V1 is being advertised on the Mr Porter .com designer clothes website!  Very excellent idea and the right target market!

Must admit, when I went into B&O of Leeds last Monday to introduce my best friend to the BeoLit 12, the first thing he said was "Oh damn, it's that thing that's always getting advertised on YouTube" so it's obviously getting noticed ;)

I actually really liked the BeoLit 12!  Im liking this B&O range very much

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elephant replied on Sat, May 12 2012 2:15 AM




Are you working for b&o?

2800 euro i would buy a looks like s...t

And how are you going to connect your speakers? Right.. You don't...


I suspect we will go for 32" for use as a TV and as a monitor ... and in that situation, white of course 

You Apple-boy.. Big Smile

System 3

Yes, before I loved Apple shiny things I loved Big Blue Boxes Laughing

BeoNut since '75

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DoubleU replied on Sat, May 12 2012 5:58 AM




Are you working for b&o?

2800 euro i would buy a looks like s...t

And how are you going to connect your speakers? Right.. You don't...

System 3

Something is wrong in this picture.. Confused

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tournedos replied on Sat, May 12 2012 8:48 AM



System 3

Yes, before I loved Apple shiny things I loved Big Blue Boxes Laughing


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Thepuma replied on Sat, May 12 2012 6:49 PM

I went into a store today and really liked the look of the 32" in white.  I also really thought it looked really funky on the ceiling wires in the mini brochure.  I assume that the wires do not provide any power to the set.  If so and you need to have a power wire coming out of the wall horizontally, I think the effect will be ruined.  Can anyone confirm that this is he case and, if so, does anyone have any thoughts as to how best to get power to the set in he most aesthetically pleasing way?



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As often with visible wires and pipes, etc... when they cannot be hidden, it is better to make a feature out of them...

You'll need at least a power cable, an areal cable, possibly an HDMI cable, and an IR baster... so place them all in a metallic mesh tube and connect that tube to either the wall or the ceiling, and give it a nice curve.

Beoworld app with direct photo upload and emoticons.

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Puncher replied on Sat, May 12 2012 7:28 PM


As often with visible wires and pipes, etc... when they cannot be hidden, it is better to make a feature out of them...

You'll need at least a power cable, an areal cable, possibly an HDMI cable, and an IR baster... so place them all in a metallic mesh tube and connect that tube to either the wall or the ceiling, and give it a nice curve.

........................... I was in the process of typing the same thing!!!

You could use a curly mains cable hanging from the ceiling which then contains the other cables within its coils. With a bit of shopping around you can probably selected from a range of colours and coil diameter for the outer coiled cable..

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Yendys replied on Sat, May 12 2012 9:41 PM
PlilLondon & Puncher both very creative ideas! Particularly like the coiled power cord hiding other cables
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elephant replied on Sun, May 13 2012 12:53 AM

PlilLondon & Puncher both very creative ideas! Particularly like the coiled power cord hiding other cables

remember the RL speaker cables ?

they made a nice design feature Smile

BeoNut since '75

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Peter replied on Sun, May 13 2012 11:00 AM

Hi All!

It seems this new Beoplay TV has as many positive comments as negative ones. Unusually many negative ones I think?

I mean..just like me, all of you are mostly hardcore B&O fans that just open our arms to the new products just because we love the brand and have done so for many many years.. We know the concept well, we love it, we are prepared to spend huge amounts of money for the quality and feel of the brand. And we hope B&O will find a way to survive into the future in this incredibly competitive market..

I went down to the dealer the other day, thinking a 40'' V1 for 26K SEK would be reasonable since its time for a new TV set for me..

I really, really wanted to like this TV, even pay twice as much for it as the competitors, just to support the brand..

After decades of filling my home with Beo stuff, I just felt lost when I saw this TV. Ok, I could connect my Beloabs 8000/6000 and get a surround sound, but not my beocenter and beogram…hmm… Ok, I understand I can't get everything since this is the "Play" range, the entry series…fine..
So what about the built in functions?..I thought at least something like a modern Smart TV function? Nope…I can attach my Apple TV on the back! wow..

I was really really trying to find a way to find anything that would make me buy this TV..and asked the salesman ( who knows I have a BV3, AV9000, and AV5 today which all had a "wow-effect" back in the days..) I asked him, WHY, should I spend 26 K on this TV, what makes it better than it 's competitors, what makes it a real B&O? Why should I buy it at all? He couldn't present me any sales pitch to convince me..

I left the store quite sad actually...

Probably I will be looking for a used BV7 or something..

I am definitly a promotor of B&O trying to reach new markets with the B&O Play brand at lower price point…but this is definitely not the way..I'm worried for B&Os future..

We need the WOW-effect!! B&O needs to take the lead again with design, function and performance….so far the Play series hasn't show any of that..sadly..






Beovision 7-40 Mk VI, Beovision 3-32, Beovision AV9000, Beovision AV5, Beolab 8000, 6000, 5000, 3000, 2000,  Beocenter 2300, 9000, Beocenter 2, DVD1, DVD2, Beogram 3300, LC2, Beolit 12, 3 x AppleTV



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ouverture replied on Sun, May 13 2012 12:21 PM
I had the same experience lately with a visit to our local B&O shop with my family in tow, the Beoplay V1 TV nothing special and 3x the price of other top quality products in that space, my two daughters tried all three headphones in the new Play range and said the V-Jays they have from Sweden are better sq, the Beolit 12 did not really inspire us (but it did sound good), the Beoplay A8 iPod dock needs to be half the price to compete in that busy end of the market, but the only thing I was nearly going to buy was the Beoplay A3 for £449 pounds, my iPad was in the car so I dashed back to get it, and sure enough I could attach it to the A3 and have what I thought would be a nice portable media centre with 5 hours playing time !

it really does look like a good amount of co-operation between Apple and B&O must have taken place to get this product working, it sounded damm good too, and would make a good alarm clock, but then my wife said it looked like some retro seventies design, and that got me thinking that B&O could have done much more to make this a must have accessory for iPad owners around the world, and they have failed miserably IMHO, probably why Apple are buying Loewe and giving B&O a wide berth.

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John replied on Sun, May 13 2012 1:47 PM

I'm surprised and disappointed at how much virulent flack the V1 is getting from longer term B&O owners here, and the negativity expressed towards B&O's product portfolio generally.

Personally, as a potential B&O owner, I find it worries me, as it makes me feel more concerned than I should probably be, as to the likelihood of B&O's continued success and as to whether they'll be around in a few years time.  Hence, am I about to buy into a dead duck basket case about to be taken over by Apple et al, or simply a company about to wither away into obscurity, leaving me high and dry with an obsolete and worthless product.  Tag McClaren anyone?

Perhaps as a change of thread tone, we could have a show of hands as to who actually LIKES the V1 or appreciates what B&O are attempting to do with the play brand and their overall product strategy.  Where's Trip English when you need him... :-)

I'm a great believer in constructive criticism, but I get the impression that some on this forum are simply here to cane B&O at every opportunity.

Best Regards

John... :-)

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Razlaw replied on Sun, May 13 2012 2:36 PM
I agree with you. I will say I think the V1 looks wonderful. I, have however, spent much less time on this forum than in the past and post much less frequently. I go to forums for relaxation and enjoyment, and to share thoughts from and with people of similar interests. That is what this forum was in the past. Sadly it has turned into not much more than criticizing B and O, complaining about the products, and predicting the end of the company. It is obviously fine for people to have those views. The negativity here however has driven me away and may be why others who have positive things to say do not post. Perhaps someday, if those who think B and O will soon be gone are wrong, there will be a forum for people who actually like the products and want to interact with others who like the products.

Beolab 28s Beolab 9s Beolab 12-3s Beolab 1s Beolab 6000s 2 pairs Beolab 4000s Beovision 7-55 Beovision 10-40 Beoplay V1 32 inch Beovision Avant 32 inch Beosound 1 (CD player) Beosound 3000 Beosound 5 Core Essence MKII Beoplay M5

Paul W
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Paul W replied on Sun, May 13 2012 2:46 PM

Hi John,

I agree with you and I LOVE THE V1 - Why because, they've listened to us with what we'd actually like in a television AND it's even assembled in Denmark!!!

I really feel that B&O has listened to you guys on BeoWorld and taken on board your comments and being honest, i'm really impressed by that.

I think for the price, it really does offer a lot of real quality! For me it's a bit like a cheaper range Paul Smith suit.  Same price (or a tiny bit dearer) than a high street branded say Reiss, but the Paul Smith suit has much of the beautiful quality of his Italian expensive range!  And yes, I love Paul Smith suits :)    Shame he can't collaborate with B&O as he does with Apple AND NOW Leica!!!!!!!!

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moxxey replied on Sun, May 13 2012 2:55 PM

That is what this forum was in the past. Sadly it has turned into not much more than criticizing B and O, complaining about the products, and predicting the end of the company. It is obviously fine for people to have those views. The negativity here however has driven me away..

Every single board I manage on behalf of the many things we do for various publishing companies, there is one thing in common: lots of opinions, lots of negativity, plenty of arguments. Not one board I know do people play as if they are sitting in a dinner party around someone's house. The problem with forums, email and other digital formats is that it encourages people to be more vocal than they would be in real-life. Plus, it's very easy to misconstrue people's opinions as "negative". Passionate opinions aren't always negative.

Firstly, we're all B&O users. If we were so negative, why on earth are we buying the products? I've bought Beocom 5's, a BV10-46 and BS 8 recently. That doesn't mean I want the brand to fail, does it?

However, the brand isn't as strong, isn't as valid as it used to be, so we're passionate about getting it right. None of us wants them to make bad/wrong decisions or, of course, for the brand to fail.

If you want sweetness and light and for us all to say only positive things all the time, frankly, I wouldn't visit a discussion forum...

I honestly don't know how some people became so successful in life where they could go out and buy top-dollar B&O products, yet they get so stressed/angry over a few views on a forum :)

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moxxey replied on Sun, May 13 2012 3:01 PM

I'm a great believer in constructive criticism, but I get the impression that some on this forum are simply here to cane B&O at every opportunity.

.....coming from someone who admits he still has an ancient Sony Bravia CRT, whilst the people you say are 'negative' support, own and proudly use the latest B&O TVs? :)

Seriously John, some of us need to get a bit of a reality check here. Here to cane B&O? So, we're going out buying the products and caning them at the same time? They are very much mutually exclusive.

One thing I've learned over the years is this: discussion forums and the opinions on them come and go. Never take anything too seriously or personally.

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Razlaw replied on Sun, May 13 2012 3:15 PM


That is what this forum was in the past. Sadly it has turned into not much more than criticizing B and O, complaining about the products, and predicting the end of the company. It is obviously fine for people to have those views. The negativity here however has driven me away..

Every single board I manage on behalf of the many things we do for various publishing companies, there is one thing in common: lots of opinions, lots of negativity, plenty of arguments. Not one board I know do people play as if they are sitting in a dinner party around someone's house. The problem with forums, email and other digital formats is that it encourages people to be more vocal than they would be in real-life. Plus, it's very easy to misconstrue people's opinions as "negative". Passionate opinions aren't always negative.

Firstly, we're all B&O users. If we were so negative, why on earth are we buying the products? I've bought Beocom 5's, a BV10-46 and BS 8 recently. That doesn't mean I want the brand to fail, does it?

However, the brand isn't as strong, isn't as valid as it used to be, so we're passionate about getting it right. None of us wants them to make bad/wrong decisions or, of course, for the brand to fail.

If you want sweetness and light and for us all to say only positive things all the time, frankly, I wouldn't visit a discussion forum...

I honestly don't know how some people became so successful in life where they could go out and buy top-dollar B&O products, yet they get so stressed/angry over a few views on a forum :)

As a rhetorical question, do you ever read an entire post and comprehend it in its entirety or do you merely look for individual lines that you can respond to in a negative fashion?



Beolab 28s Beolab 9s Beolab 12-3s Beolab 1s Beolab 6000s 2 pairs Beolab 4000s Beovision 7-55 Beovision 10-40 Beoplay V1 32 inch Beovision Avant 32 inch Beosound 1 (CD player) Beosound 3000 Beosound 5 Core Essence MKII Beoplay M5

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John replied on Sun, May 13 2012 3:54 PM


I'm a great believer in constructive criticism, but I get the impression that some on this forum are simply here to cane B&O at every opportunity.

.....coming from someone who admits he still has an ancient Sony Bravia CRT, whilst the people you say are 'negative' support, own and proudly use the latest B&O TVs? :)

Seriously John, some of us need to get a bit of a reality check here. Here to cane B&O? So, we're going out buying the products and caning them at the same time? They are very much mutually exclusive.

One thing I've learned over the years is this: discussion forums and the opinions on them come and go. Never take anything too seriously or personally.

Put it another way, I agree that it is silly to take anything on forums to seriously or personally.  However if some members were more positive in their comments about B&O generally, and the TV's & V1 in particular, I for one may well have purchased one before now.  When one is trying to sum up, qualify and justify a purchase, and is contemplating swapping out thousands of dollars worth of gear to do so, such negativity about ones possible choice of products is hardly helpful.  Remember, this is not just a forum for the 'old' B&O guard, but for newcomers to B&O as well, and whilst I would say constructive criticism is healthy, that on the other hand, whinging and moaning, which is what seems to come across a lot of the time rightly or wrongly, is very counter productive to anyones impressions of B&O and the potential purchase of their products.

Indeed, where I an B&O owner, and so disgruntled with the product as some here seem to be, I would've sold it and bought something that's truly excellent, but otherwise simply lacks B&O's take on style, such as Sony.  I once owned a full fat Naim audio system, and sold it out because of dissatisfaction with it, and because I found the ES Sony to be superior in almost every way.  No-one need 'admit' to owning ES Sony - I'm very proud of it, as are many other satisfied owners around the world, and in it's day the Trinitron tube technology in particular was the envy of every other maker - doubtless including B&O who in those days were using Phillips Shadow Mask tubes - a technically inferior device.

But of course, like everyone else's comments, this is merely my opinon mixed with some facts, and shouldn't be taken too seriously or personally, and certainly no offence is given or implied.

Kind regards

John... Cool




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Razlaw replied on Sun, May 13 2012 4:35 PM





Put it another way, I agree that it is silly to take anything on forums to seriously or personally.  However if some members were more positive in their comments about B&O generally, and the TV's & V1 in particular, I for one may well have purchased one before now.  When one is trying to sum up, qualify and justify a purchase, and is contemplating swapping out thousands of dollars worth of gear to do so, such negativity about ones possible choice of products is hardly helpful.  Remember, this is not just a forum for the 'old' B&O guard, but for newcomers to B&O as well, and whilst I would say constructive criticism is healthy, that on the other hand, whinging and moaning, which is what seems to come across a lot of the time rightly or wrongly, is very counter productive to anyones impressions of B&O and the potential purchase of their products.

Indeed, where I an B&O owner, and so disgruntled with the product as some here seem to be, I would've sold it and bought something that's truly excellent, but otherwise simply lacks B&O's take on style, such as Sony.  I once owned a full fat Naim audio system, and sold it out because of dissatisfaction with it, and because I found the ES Sony to be superior in almost every way.  No-one need 'admit' to owning ES Sony - I'm very proud of it, as are many other satisfied owners around the world, and in it's day the Trinitron tube technology in particular was the envy of every other maker - doubtless including B&O who in those days were using Phillips Shadow Mask tubes - a technically inferior device.

But of course, like everyone else's comments, this is merely my opinon mixed with some facts, and shouldn't be taken too seriously or personally, and certainly no offence is given or implied.

Kind regards

John... Cool




Well said.

Beolab 28s Beolab 9s Beolab 12-3s Beolab 1s Beolab 6000s 2 pairs Beolab 4000s Beovision 7-55 Beovision 10-40 Beoplay V1 32 inch Beovision Avant 32 inch Beosound 1 (CD player) Beosound 3000 Beosound 5 Core Essence MKII Beoplay M5

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Puncher replied on Sun, May 13 2012 6:02 PM

...............if some members were more positive in their comments about B&O generally, and the TV's & V1 in particular, I for one may well have purchased one before now.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion, you don't have to agree with them and they don't have to agree with you - that's what makes discussions interesting. Other peoples opinions certainly shouldn't have any bearing on whether or not you purchase a TV that you like and want!! Huh?

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Peter replied on Sun, May 13 2012 7:03 PM


I agree:  Well said.. But I do think it is important with some reality check, especially if B&O checks what is written in these forums by very loyal customers and fans, We need some honest discussions even if we are very much in love with the B&O products. Especially since the company is facing a lot of competition that just wasn't there 10, 15, 25 years ago. I think when it comes to speakers, you can justify a very high price since the products lasts longer on the market, and I think B&O makes amazing speakers that stands out in a class of it own. I had my BL8000 for 15 years, I will never get rid of them..ever! :-)

I don't want to sound negative, but I think it is only fair to discuss and have opinions about  the TV's of today. The TV market is changing so rapidly today and the products gets obsolete in no time, which of course makes it hard to justify a purchase of fx. a BV 12. I absolutely love the design and the performance of that TV. Also the BV 5 or BV 9 at least to me really stood out in a class of its own, despite an extreme price tag. on the second hand market today, they have lost a lot of value though because to the new technology that changes all the time.

My first B&O TV was an LX 5500 which costed 30-40% more than any top-of-the-line TV and it was an easy decision to make the purchase. The functions such as Beolink, the superior design, picture quality, the great, heavy beolink 1000 made this an easy choice and I was happy with it for 10 years! Same with the AV9000, AV5 and BV 3 I have had after that. Even though the price level had increased to 200% more than its competitors, they still had a "wow-factor" that was fantastic for 10 years. In todays market no TV will feel that up-to-date, and ahead of time after 10 years.

I guess that is the struggle for B&O today, to remain top class, but also deliver value for money, fulfill expectations from all us happy owners and also reach new markets….its a tough job. In my humble opinion, I don't think the BV8, BV10 or the new BV Play really delivers the astonishing finish, state of the art technology or any ground breaking new things to the market that we expect even from the TV sets in the lower end of the range. I think thats why a lot of us are disappointed. It takes more than making a TV set like the Beoplay that ( according to me ) is uglier and have less functions and then put a B&O tag on it and still price it 100-200 % more expensive than the competitors. Its like back in the days, you could motivate the purchase of a Mercedes because of its quality and feel, not only the prestige. It is harder today when the plastic in the entry models feels cheaper than in a Kia. But the Kia has 7 year warranty..
It's not the same experience, feel and prestige, but it sure makes it harder to motivate the purchase.. 

My biggest fear is that B&O only turns into a company that tries to live on a myth of exclusivity and prestige just because to the price tag..

All of us that knows B&O knows how many fantastic products that has been made over the years, we really want to see some more "balls" :-)
There is so much to do when it comes to change the whole TV product as such when it comes to usability for example.
It is like the whole market right now is waiting for Apple to come and change the whole market like they did with the iPhone.

Why didn't Ericsson win in the mobile phone race? They made phones for a 100 years…they should know how to do it!..Then Apple came and changed the game..

B&O have made fantastic TV's since the TV was invented. They should know how to take the lead!…not wait for Apple to set the new rules that everybody seems to be waiting for.. It is simply not enough to make a beautiful aluminum finish today. B&O need to change the game with usability, connectivity, functionality etc.

I don't want to be negative, I think the new management are testing the ground with new products, new markets and I hope they will break the code..

Until then, I will stick with my old B&O stuff…that still makes me smile every day! :-)





Beovision 7-40 Mk VI, Beovision 3-32, Beovision AV9000, Beovision AV5, Beolab 8000, 6000, 5000, 3000, 2000,  Beocenter 2300, 9000, Beocenter 2, DVD1, DVD2, Beogram 3300, LC2, Beolit 12, 3 x AppleTV



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Michael replied on Mon, May 14 2012 12:20 AM

I have to say it is quite stupid not to let v1 have masterlink compatibility. It is one of  the things that gives b&o that extra thing we want from our products. Just pushing radio and seeing my avant reakting with a red blink and turning on my beosound that gives a nice glow makes me so calm and happy.

With v1 i think that magic is lost. And why dismiss that possibility? I wanted the v1 in by bedroom and my dealer said it has built in radio but from what i understand it is not fm-radio just dvb-radio which is not in use in Sweden. So thats not an option for me and I would like to be able to play my adele cd  and switch cd - hearing the cd switch discs and playing it in the v1.


If the v1 truly is targeted to young professionals, then why dont give it masterlink to give the real b&o magic? I think it is really sad they keep it out to either make us buy more expensive equipment or to make us feel dumb/poor for buying a tv that is so crippled from the b&o-style. As said above a less expensive suit is a good suit if its from paul smith, they wouldnt remove the zipper and say thats for our more expensive suits. 


Truly hopes b&o listens and understands to keep its values and possiibilities with their customers. Buting a v1 now would then be a step into the b&o world, perhaps with a b&o stereo to connect to it. But I guess they rather see us spending the money on iPads and Apple tvs instead? (by the way I already got those).


No, give it masterlink so we can connect it. The bv8 had it so why not? I really dont give a crap about beoplay - stand alone thing. How stupid is that? The tv has built in wireless, the beolit also, they are not stand alone at all, they just connect to everything else than B&O. So stupid and mostly sad.

I really do want the v1, but I also want my music to come not only from Airplay but also from my so very beloved cd-collection. And I want to send music around. 


I tought beoplay was here to save the company, not to make the buyers feel like they are not welcome in to the "real" b&o territorium. Please B&O make it masterlink compatible, there must be a solution, please please please. I know there is space for a satellite-card in it. Please say ot can also fit a masterlink-module. If not? Just make it happen now! 

Beolab 50, Beolab 8000 x 2, Beolab 4000 x 2, 
BeoSound Core, BeoSound 9000, BeoSound Century, 
BeoLit 15, BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay P2, BeoPlay H9 3rd Gen, BeoPlay H6, EarSet 3i, 
BeoVision Eclipse Gen 2 55", BeoPlay V1-40, 
BeoCom 6000 and so much else :)  

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John replied on Mon, May 14 2012 3:15 AM


I have to say it is quite stupid not to let v1 have masterlink compatibility. It is one of  the things that gives b&o that extra thing we want from our products. Just pushing radio and seeing my avant reakting with a red blink and turning on my beosound that gives a nice glow makes me so calm and happy.

With v1 i think that magic is lost. And why dismiss that possibility? I wanted the v1 in by bedroom and my dealer said it has built in radio but from what i understand it is not fm-radio just dvb-radio which is not in use in Sweden. So thats not an option for me and I would like to be able to play my adele cd  and switch cd - hearing the cd switch discs and playing it in the v1.


If the v1 truly is targeted to young professionals, then why dont give it masterlink to give the real b&o magic? I think it is really sad they keep it out to either make us buy more expensive equipment or to make us feel dumb/poor for buying a tv that is so crippled from the b&o-style. As said above a less expensive suit is a good suit if its from paul smith, they wouldnt remove the zipper and say thats for our more expensive suits. 


Truly hopes b&o listens and understands to keep its values and possiibilities with their customers. Buting a v1 now would then be a step into the b&o world, perhaps with a b&o stereo to connect to it. But I guess they rather see us spending the money on iPads and Apple tvs instead? (by the way I already got those).


No, give it masterlink so we can connect it. The bv8 had it so why not? I really dont give a crap about beoplay - stand alone thing. How stupid is that? The tv has built in wireless, the beolit also, they are not stand alone at all, they just connect to everything else than B&O. So stupid and mostly sad.

I really do want the v1, but I also want my music to come not only from Airplay but also from my so very beloved cd-collection. And I want to send music around. 


I tought beoplay was here to save the company, not to make the buyers feel like they are not welcome in to the "real" b&o territorium. Please B&O make it masterlink compatible, there must be a solution, please please please. I know there is space for a satellite-card in it. Please say ot can also fit a masterlink-module. If not? Just make it happen now! 

I can understand if you have some other B&O kit and you can't get the masterlink to play with those bits and pieces, vis a vis the V1 not having masterlink, this will be very frustrating and I understand your constructive criticism and sense of disappointment.

Forgive me though, as I am still learning about the B&O way of connecting things; as I understand it, Master link is an analogue (and therefore arguably outdated) technology that allows one to connect CD players to say, TV's etc, to allow them to play music in say the bedroom, from the 'master' music system in the lounge?

I am also under the impression that Master link is being phased out in favour of this new connection facility I've come across here re various comments, called Beonet - as I understand it, it's essentially Masterlink in digital form, and utliising Cat 7 cable/RJ145 connectors rather than the old style leads.

Can anyone expand upon this please?  Trip, where are you?

Going digital as regards interconnects makes an awful lot of sense, as does the implementation of Wifi, and in this regard I see the V1 as being much more up to date than previous Beovisions re connectivity, especially with the integration of wireless and a media browser, and as I understand it, the second of the 'new wave' of B&O products to move towards Beonet compatibility, the first being the Besound 5 Encore.

Could someone more familiar with the B&O connectivity world, and especially the transition from Masterlink to Beonet, and where the likes of the V1 fits into this scheme kindly comment?  Perhaps Steve at Sounds Heavenly, or Trip - where are you.. :-)

Kind Regards

John... Cool

Aussie Michael
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I am also under the impression that Master link is being phased out in favour of this new connection facility I've come across here re various comments, called Beonet - as I understand it, it's essentially Masterlink in digital form, and utliising Cat 7 cable/RJ145 connectors rather than the old style leads.


Hi.  I love the V1 and for me it suits me that it doesn't have master link.  Just a quick query in relation to the RJ45s .  I noticed on the V1 manual that if you want to connect additional speakers, the connections on the V1 are RJ45s (or ethernet).  My question is, at the other end to connect to the speaker, what's the connection? RJ45 to PL? or is it just an ethernet cable?

Thanks in advance


Geoff Martin
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Struer, Denmark
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Forgive me though, as I am still learning about the B&O way of connecting things; as I understand it, Master link is an analogue (and therefore arguably outdated) technology that allows one to connect CD players to say, TV's etc, to allow them to play music in say the bedroom, from the 'master' music system in the lounge?


There are two new options in the V1 that may be of interest for this application. The first is a new Speaker Type called "Line". This tells the TV to use a PowerLink channel as a fixed-level Line output instead of the usual volume-regulated signal. The second is the addition of two new Speaker Roles called "Mix Left" and "Mix Right". These will do a down mix of the incoming signals to a two-channel output.

The idea behind both of these additions to the software is that you can take a PowerLink output from the TV and send it to the bedroom where you have an independent volume regulation.

It's not MasterLink, so there's no remote control signal coming back to the television, but you can use it to re-distribute sound to a second room if you wish to do so.




Geoff Martin
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Struer, Denmark
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Hi.  I love the V1 and for me it suits me that it doesn't have master link.  Just a quick query in relation to the RJ45s .  I noticed on the V1 manual that if you want to connect additional speakers, the connections on the V1 are RJ45s (or ethernet).  My question is, at the other end to connect to the speaker, what's the connection? RJ45 to PL? or is it just an ethernet cable?


RJ45 is the connector for all new PowerLink cables. However, it's not Ethernet - it's still a 2-channel analogue audio signal. If you are connecting your V1 to an older PowerLink loudspeaker, you will need an RJ45-to-DIN PowerLink adapter cable. If you have a newer PowerLink loudspeaker (i.e. BeoLab 12-3) then you will need an RJ45-to-RJ45 PowerLink cable.



Aussie Michael
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Melbourne, AU
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Thanks Geoff,

You're my new hero!  I liked the videos from the B&O site with you in them. 

Hope things are good in Danmark.

From Aussieland,


Aussie Michael
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Melbourne, AU
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Thanks Geoff,

You're my new hero!  I liked the videos from the B&O site with you in them. 

Hope things are good in Danmark.

From Aussieland,


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moxxey replied on Mon, May 14 2012 10:06 AM


As a rhetorical question, do you ever read an entire post and comprehend it in its entirety or do you merely look for individual lines that you can respond to in a negative fashion?

Good to see you back :)

(and, unlike others, I do not believe in quoting an entire message in a reply, it's bad forum etiquette, FYI)

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moxxey replied on Mon, May 14 2012 10:09 AM


Everyone is entitled to an opinion, you don't have to agree with them and they don't have to agree with you - that's what makes discussions interesting. Other peoples opinions certainly shouldn't have any bearing on whether or not you purchase a TV that you like and want!! Huh?

Exactly. That's what makes up a discussion. Like I say, unfortunately computer-based forums come across as much colder than you would in real-life.

My point was this: I'm sure B&O are happier with some of these "negative" B&O-owning people who are pro-actively buying kit. Positive words on a discussion forum do not a future business make. If you know what I mean. There's little point going around saying "I love it, I love it! Do you love it? As I really love it!" when you're not buying kit.

I just find it somewhat ironic that some of the people accused of being negative/disruptive to the brand, are those buying the most kit. As I said, I'm sure B&O would rather take these users over a few glowing comments on a computer-based forum.

If you want *real* B&O negativity, look at most of the comments under the majority of the V1 press announcements across media sites a few weeks ago. Just about everyone - at least 70% - say B&O is a waste of money, is for idiots with more money than sense etc. Far far more negative and disruptive than anything posted here. Some of the comments are, frankly, shocking.

It's these users who need educating. Not us. We're pro-active purchasers.

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Michael replied on Mon, May 14 2012 10:37 AM

[quote user="John"]

I can understand if you have some other B&O kit and you can't get the masterlink to play with those bits and pieces, vis a vis the V1 not having masterlink, this will be very frustrating and I understand your constructive criticism and sense of disappointment.

Forgive me though, as I am still learning about the B&O way of connecting things; as I understand it, Master link is an analogue (and therefore arguably outdated) technology that allows one to connect CD players to say, TV's etc, to allow them to play music in say the bedroom, from the 'master' music system in the lounge?

I am also under the impression that Master link is being phased out in favour of this new connection facility I've come across here re various comments, called Beonet - as I understand it, it's essentially Masterlink in digital form, and utliising Cat 7 cable/RJ145 connectors rather than the old style leads.

Can anyone expand upon this please?  Trip, where are you?

Going digital as regards interconnects makes an awful lot of sense, as does the implementation of Wifi, and in this regard I see the V1 as being much more up to date than previous Beovisions re connectivity, especially with the integration of wireless and a media browser, and as I understand it, the second of the 'new wave' of B&O products to move towards Beonet compatibility, the first being the Besound 5 Encore.

Could someone more familiar with the B&O connectivity world, and especially the transition from Masterlink to Beonet, and where the likes of the V1 fits into this scheme kindly comment?  Perhaps Steve at Sounds Heavenly, or Trip - where are you.. :-)

Kind Regards

John... Cool

Sorry, was tired yesterday. Yes Masterlink is transferring sound analogue just as the sound is sent between the tv and speakers. It also transfers display data, remote control data and system data. It works very well. Of course, if beonet was truly an IP-solution that eorked with regular ethernet-cables we would have a very much better bandwith to begin and also much more flexibility. BUT as of today BeoNet is just masterlink over rj45. Meaning that it is easier to connect in new buildings that often has rj45 outlets everywhere.

Perhaps the V1 has the future BeoNet (IP?) just like the old beosound century had dolby that wasnt on the tech specs or on the box. I just feel that for me as a 27 year old guy that 26 000 SEK is much money spent on a bedroom tv and it saddens me to se it impossible to connect to my other b&o gear. 

If a BeoNet IP-solution is on its way I think they could say that it is BeoNet IP-supported for future use? (Perhaps that what the first CTRL-outlet is for?

I suppose a masterlink converter to BeoNet IP could be made and configured via for example a web browser to let the connected utilities be programmed much smarter than in current setups. Utilizing one adapter per masterlink-unit or chains of units. 

What do you guys think? Perhaps B&O thinks it makes it to easy to connect to other IP-systems then (no need to buy the overpriced MLGW?).

It would however make it much easier for everyone from the sales man to the installer to the end customer and also cheaper. How great would that be? 

Beolab 50, Beolab 8000 x 2, Beolab 4000 x 2, 
BeoSound Core, BeoSound 9000, BeoSound Century, 
BeoLit 15, BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay P2, BeoPlay H9 3rd Gen, BeoPlay H6, EarSet 3i, 
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BeoCom 6000 and so much else :)  

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stefan replied on Mon, May 14 2012 11:28 AM

Geoff Martin:

There are two new options in the V1 that may be of interest for this application. The first is a new Speaker Type called "Line". This tells the TV to use a PowerLink channel as a fixed-level Line output instead of the usual volume-regulated signal. The second is the addition of two new Speaker Roles called "Mix Left" and "Mix Right". These will do a down mix of the incoming signals to a two-channel output.

The idea behind both of these additions to the software is that you can take a PowerLink output from the TV and send it to the bedroom where you have an independent volume regulation.

It's not MasterLink, so there's no remote control signal coming back to the television, but you can use it to re-distribute sound to a second room if you wish to do so.




Geoff, thanks for the info.

The Line function is a very interesting feature. You can also connect the V1 to an AUX port of an older audiomaster (BC9500, 9500, BM6500, 7000, 4500, BC2300.....). Set audiomaster to A.OPT2 and selecting a video source should activate the V1 AND your audiomaster opening the AUX input.

Volume control now works via audiomaster. Should also work via a Beolink converter with newer (masterlink) audiomasters.

This can also be distributed via an existing masterlink system to link rooms. Am I right?

If you now connect a Lintronic box to the AUX port, it should even be possible to control the V1 via audiomaster AND from linkrooms.

Now you have created your own ML module.....

Is V.OPT0 possible in V1? Does this feature affect the center speaker. Will it be disconnected/muted? Or will it play just stereo/center including volume control in videomode?

The "downmix feature" will create a stereo signal on all powerlink (RJ45) outputs, no matter what the incoming signal is, did I understand that correctly?

BTW: Geoff, thanks for joining Beoworld and for all your kind explanations. Maybe some of your colleagues in Struer will do the same...?



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John replied on Mon, May 14 2012 12:51 PM



Everyone is entitled to an opinion, you don't have to agree with them and they don't have to agree with you - that's what makes discussions interesting. Other peoples opinions certainly shouldn't have any bearing on whether or not you purchase a TV that you like and want!! Huh?

Exactly. That's what makes up a discussion. Like I say, unfortunately computer-based forums come across as much colder than you would in real-life.

My point was this: I'm sure B&O are happier with some of these "negative" B&O-owning people who are pro-actively buying kit. Positive words on a discussion forum do not a future business make. If you know what I mean. There's little point going around saying "I love it, I love it! Do you love it? As I really love it!" when you're not buying kit.

I just find it somewhat ironic that some of the people accused of being negative/disruptive to the brand, are those buying the most kit. As I said, I'm sure B&O would rather take these users over a few glowing comments on a computer-based forum.

If you want *real* B&O negativity, look at most of the comments under the majority of the V1 press announcements across media sites a few weeks ago. Just about everyone - at least 70% - say B&O is a waste of money, is for idiots with more money than sense etc. Far far more negative and disruptive than anything posted here. Some of the comments are, frankly, shocking.

It's these users who need educating. Not us. We're pro-active purchasers.

You make some excellent points - particularly about the 'real' B&O Negativity.  In my Naim owning days, I used to hang out on Pink Fish Media - a more bellicose forum you'd struggle to find, with subjectivism holding sway in almost every regard over science logic and reason, and I confess to swallowing the Naim party line at the time that B&O was for the rich and ignorant.

Until I had a good listen to the Lab 5's that is.  

And by that time I'd had my ears and eyes well and truly opened by my Naim to Sony conversion - sort of a road to Damascus experience as to the futility of the audiophool world and buying into the law of seriously diminishing returns in the pursuit of some assumed holy grail of audio perfection.

About once a year the subject of B&O comes up on PFM - there is one member there who owns B&O and also did some Hifi reviewing for HiFi World - indeed his review of the Lab 9's is about on the web, and he basically says a few sensible words and then ducks for cover - the vitriol and abuse hurled at B&O is as you say, shocking.

Kind Regards

John... Cool

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John replied on Mon, May 14 2012 12:58 PM

Geoff Martin:


Forgive me though, as I am still learning about the B&O way of connecting things; as I understand it, Master link is an analogue (and therefore arguably outdated) technology that allows one to connect CD players to say, TV's etc, to allow them to play music in say the bedroom, from the 'master' music system in the lounge?


There are two new options in the V1 that may be of interest for this application. The first is a new Speaker Type called "Line". This tells the TV to use a PowerLink channel as a fixed-level Line output instead of the usual volume-regulated signal. The second is the addition of two new Speaker Roles called "Mix Left" and "Mix Right". These will do a down mix of the incoming signals to a two-channel output.

The idea behind both of these additions to the software is that you can take a PowerLink output from the TV and send it to the bedroom where you have an independent volume regulation.

It's not MasterLink, so there's no remote control signal coming back to the television, but you can use it to re-distribute sound to a second room if you wish to do so.




Hi Geoff

Many thanks for taking the time from your undoubtedly busy schedule to edify and explain some of the finer points of the V1's capabilities.

As someone who has trained and performed in Classical disciplines on Trumpet, Piano and Voice, and whose favourite instrument just happens to be Pipe Organ, it is fantastic to read your posts and your input is hugely appreciated.

Thanking you and hope to see more comment from yourself or others in Struer when you have time.

KInd Regards

John.. Smile

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moxxey replied on Mon, May 14 2012 1:44 PM


You make some excellent points - particularly about the 'real' B&O Negativity.

Thanks John.

That's the "scary" thing and what frustrates me about B&O's PR. They are doing a great job getting the V1 out there in the regular A/V press (including some of our magazines). However, what they can't account for is the opinions from certain users who seem to spout negativity whatever B&O produce. The usual replies - too expensive, people who buy them are clueless etc. In terms of anti-PR, you couldn't do any worse than a lack of positive comments outside your usual target audience. It means it's much harder to widen your userbase as people trust other people's comments over reading through a news piece themselves (frankly, many users are lazy).

I couldn't care less about negative comments on this board. We own the kit. We need to figure what we can do, as a collective, regarding other non-B&O owning users and their comments.

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Luke replied on Mon, May 14 2012 2:09 PM

As mentioned by others, making it stand alone like the Beosound 5 Encore doesn't sit well with me when the company should be promoting integration considering they were once pioneers of it.  They want new customers to buy more products yes?

I'm interested in the V1, but it has a size and integration limitation that make it a bedroom only TV for me.  Now, if only we watched TV in the bedroom!

BL90, BL5 x 2, BL9, BL8000 x 2, Penta III x 2, Penta II, BL2, BL4, BL2500, RL6000 x 3, MS150, MS150.2, A9, A1, A2, P2, Beolit 12/17, S70, CX50, CX100, Beovox 2500, BS9000 x 2, BS3000, BS4, BC2, BS1,  Moment, Essence MkII x 2, BS5 Encore, BG8002, BC8002, BM8002, BG5500, BV7-40 MkIII, BV11-55, BV Avant 85", BC5, H8, E8, Form 2, A8...Serene

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nezza replied on Tue, May 15 2012 8:14 PM

PlilLondon & Puncher both very creative ideas! Particularly like the coiled power cord hiding other cables

There are some more supplementary docs on the website now - the ceiling bracket guide shows cables routed back up to the ceiling in a sock.
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