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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

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B&O Play TV coming this quarter

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Flappo replied on Fri, Apr 20 2012 3:24 PM

It's cheaper. It certainly looks it anyway. What a total let down Crying

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CasperI replied on Fri, Apr 20 2012 3:42 PM

What is it that people expect from a B&O entry level TV? .. For it to be cheap, you have to cut som corners. Either you go for the looks and materials or the electronics.

Agreed, the V1 isn't a "looker" like BV7 and BV10, but at least it isn't made of cheap piano-look-a-like plastic.
I think that for the money you get a lot of B&O TV. It will still stand out and have a sound that is far superior to the majority of the flatscreens on the market. You also get features like WiFi and USB port for plugging in external drives. This isn't even available for the more expensive BeoVisions.  

For what i've heard the picture quality should also be excellent thanks to the new video engine.

I know i'm looking forward to the release and to experience the TV in real life Smile

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koning replied on Fri, Apr 20 2012 3:43 PM

Can't wait eitherSmile

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Beofan2 replied on Fri, Apr 20 2012 3:53 PM

What is it that people expect from a B&O entry level TV?

I agree! This is B&O Play a total different concept compared to BV from the main brand. Yes BV10 and BV12 are both stunning but also very expensive. From dealers I know that V1 gives a very good impression in flesh in terms of appearence, sound, picture and features.

But it´s not a surprice to me that new products are judged negative by first pics. It happens every time and shortly after so many praise these products like the mentioned BV10....

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koning replied on Fri, Apr 20 2012 3:57 PM


Did wasn't the best picture you knowCool

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markiedee replied on Fri, Apr 20 2012 4:33 PM

I don't agree just because it's entry level doesn't mean that it has to look cheap and especially for the price i would think that the design would look better.

I for one liked the bv10 as soon as i saw it they could have designed the v1 better than how it looks period, everyone has an opinion and mine is it just doesn't look b&0 to me.

At the end of the day most owners on here who have b&0 tvs like the visual appeal right down to the design aspect and  i'm sure you could have easily brought a samsung or lg... the v1 doesn't have that wow factor.  A tv to me a has to look nice in the enviroment in which it will be placed and the saying it's an entry level b&0 tv what do people expect doesn't sit with me i expect more probably because it's coming from b&0.


Beoplay A2

Chris Townsend
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I haven't seen this in the flesh either, but i am sure it will be better in the end. The photo being banded around does say concept. I also don't know where this obsession has arisen in the last ten years that B&O tv's must be £10,000 stunners. If you go back to the late 90's there was possibly only the Avant that was so much more expensive than other brands.

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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elephant replied on Fri, Apr 20 2012 5:52 PM

I was going to try to do a combined response post .... but what the deck, this was I can try to keep up my posting rate :-)

Chris Townsend:
the late 90's and there was possibly only the Avant that was much more expensive than other brands.

good point ... although some of those entry levels were beautiful ... I had an LX that was an eBay D.O.A. but I could never bear to bin it simple because it was had such beauty

BeoNut since '75

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elephant replied on Fri, Apr 20 2012 5:59 PM

the design would look better

given what a modern TV is, I think it is very hard to create studding design statements - and presumably they needed to create a separation of design space from the BV10.  The real "cheapness" of the look and feel will be discernible when we see it in the flesh (I wonder if it is a cousin of our beloved Prize Botty or more like Bender?)

A tv to me a has to look nice in the enviroment in which it will be placed and the saying it's an entry level b&0 tv what do people expect doesn't sit with me

but perhaps most of us here are not the target demographics ?

perhaps we should wait to hear from our younger contributors like Alex, Scott and Evan?


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elephant replied on Fri, Apr 20 2012 6:12 PM

For it to be cheap, you have to cut som corners. Either you go for the looks and materials or the electronics.

And perhaps for their target market it was clear that feature-rich was more important than being a design statement?

At what point do most people mature their sense of personal style ? and begin to accumulate the accruements of such a style?

If I am a young technorati perhaps my "style" is already some miss-mash of consumer electronics that is more based of capabilities than look & feel!

have a sound that is far superior to the majority

I am sure that the audio is a discernible buying criteria for the target market - probable why it comes with surround sound capabilities as a standard, to say nothing for a plethora of HDMIs for all of one's incompatible games machines :-)

features like WiFi and USB port for plugging in external drives. This isn't even available for the more expensive BeoVisions.  

Certainly no young technorati requires MasterLink :-)

But hopefully some of the newer features will find themselves (and the new video engine) onto the Beovision lines - and (although I am currently guilty of this) I would hate to see externally usb drive(s) clustered around my TV, so roll on AirPlay to the laptop !

BeoNut since '75

Chris Townsend
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Where is Paul Wynn these days when you need an alternative view?

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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Beofan2 replied on Fri, Apr 20 2012 6:39 PM

Of course every one has their own opnion! Agree, entry level doesn´t mean cheap look. My point is that BeoWorlders tend to judge from a single picture sometimes even no picture at all. I also noticed that members of this forum have the same expectations to BeoPlay as to the main brand. The idea of BeoPlay is a subbrand with more affordable products and another design appearence, 

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Flappo replied on Fri, Apr 20 2012 7:02 PM

I think Paul Winn got banned for some reason ?

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elephant replied on Fri, Apr 20 2012 7:09 PM


I think Paul Winn got banned for some reason ?

I enjoyed Paul's enthusiasm for life 

Perhaps if the V1 comes with an orange fret we will see Paul return ?

I certainly hope so

BeoNut since '75

Paul W
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Paul W replied on Fri, Apr 20 2012 7:17 PM

Hehehe Hi Guys!!! Hi Elephant & Flappo.

Yeah i still catch up on the site occasionally but being honest, I guess being a huge Apple fan, I total fell out of love with B&O over the past few years. I realised they didn't really fit my lifestyle or requirements so much HOWEVER GUYS... I gotta say, that I really like this V1 idea and if i'm ever in the market for a television, once i've checked out the Apple TV (whenever that launches) I will be comparing it with this new lil V1.

Anyway, hope everyone is keeping well and here's to life... ;)


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elephant replied on Fri, Apr 20 2012 7:23 PM

Paul W:
once i've checked out the Apple TV (whenever that launches) I will be comparing it with this new lil V1

welcome back you "old" lurker you Laughing

did you see the posts this week about IKEA one ? 

BeoNut since '75

Paul W
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Paul W replied on Fri, Apr 20 2012 7:31 PM

Hi Elephant,

Thank you!  Yes I did see the IKEA post and I think it's a great idea, I remember a few years ago in my early 20s going through the IKEA phase - nice concept!

I did smile about the price drop of the BS8 though - c'mon, what had i always argued over that damn price ;)

But yes, this V1 looks interesting and I really wish B&O the best of luck with it - it will be interesting to see if it has a remote as nice as the Beo4 or maybe we will all be controlling it from an iPhone app?????

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Most of the information has already been mentioned here but here's also the official invite sent out to the event. The article also mentions a few details and the picture:

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elephant replied on Fri, Apr 20 2012 11:45 PM


Most of the information has already been mentioned here but here's also the official invite sent out to the event. The article also mentions a few details and the picture:


FlatpanelsHD has tried to get a comment from Bang & Olufsen.

"B&O does not comment on rumors," says Tina Banzhaf, PR Manager for B&O

They send out an invitation, and when queried about details around the invitation reply "B&O does not comment on rumours,"

 Laughing hysterically Laughing


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Steffen replied on Sat, Apr 21 2012 1:59 AM

Paul W:
Thank you!  Yes I did see the IKEA post and I think it's a great idea, I remember a few years ago in my early 20s going through the IKEA phase


And maybe one day You'll even get over the Apple phase...Stick out tongue Whistle

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Bieele replied on Sat, Apr 21 2012 7:52 AM

I am curious how it looks in the flesh! Sure this is a different type of TV; but it better be, otherwise we would have the criticism that other beovisions are overpriced.

I actually like the Beo Play concept; makes sense to me to use this to steer the company in a somewhat different direction without loosing the current costumers. 


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kokomo replied on Sat, Apr 21 2012 8:18 AM

Most comments have focused upon the design, either for or against. My concern is the choice of screen sizes. Surely they are just too small?

Redefining the rules for flat screen televisions is one hell of a claim!

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moxxey replied on Sat, Apr 21 2012 8:30 AM

Chris Townsend:

I haven't seen this in the flesh either, but i am sure it will be better in the end.

There were some better more closeup photos in an external Spanish thread the other day, but were sadly quickly removed.

To me, it looked like a TV version of the Beolit 12 - same kind of fret. As it says on Flat Panels, the stand can be changed, the fret colours are interchangeable and the close up photos looked fairly decent. One was of the TV on the wall and it looked far better without that metal stand.

One thing I've learned with B&O is not to judge from the first photo. When I saw the Beosound 8 for the first time, my criticism was quite vocal. Now I own a BS8 and am happy with the design and the device. Love the way you can simply swap out the frets. Hope we can do the same with the V1.

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Flappo replied on Sat, Apr 21 2012 9:11 AM

I love how they're copying apple with the invitation stuff. the air of hystery..


Funnily enough the old kit din't need all that PR BS to help it along

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Flappo replied on Sat, Apr 21 2012 9:12 AM

I love how they're copying apple with the invitation stuff. the air of Mystery..


Funnily enough the old kit din't need all that PR BS to help it along

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Flappo replied on Sat, Apr 21 2012 9:13 AM

I will say the spec is impressive tho'.

5 hdmi's and a slot for the apple tv.. interesting

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Puncher replied on Sat, Apr 21 2012 12:58 PM

If that picture is correct but the TV is better looking "in the flesh" then whoever selects the pictures for publicity releases needs sacking - if the TV genuinely looks like that and is no better in the flesh then either the designer (if in house) or the guy who signed off the design as worthy of the name needs sacking ..................... it looks truly awful!

The debate always was "yeah they look gorgeous but they're way too expensive compared to the competition" - now it would seem to be "yeah, it's not that much more expensive than the competition but it looks crap"!

I hope I'm wrong!Unsure

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My thoughts here are basically that B&O simply can't win in some peoples view.

A "budget" TV - relative to the brand range-  is, by definition, not mainly aimed at the existing owners/demographic.  perhaps for a bedroom/kitchen TV, but not at replacing the main Living room TV - if they did that, they would kill the main Beovision lines overnight.

So, no ML, no glass screen, no seperate B&O speaker .....but then, its a new "Beoplay" line, so if it had all the "trad" features of a Bvis 7 then how would it be different /cheaper ??

It will be supplied with a Beo4, as I understand it.  Great remote....100x the quality of any other mass market TV.

It should be seen as an upgrade to the top end of the high street, not a downgrade of the B&O range - which, as many people have pointed out many times, is a factor of 5 or more above high street prices.

So anyone thinking of a Sony/Pana/Loewe etc etc may decide the V1 is worth the small premium for the better sound, the better picture, the option to add a pair of Beolab XXXX with ease.

Seriously guys, what do people expect from a TV retailing at 40 or 50% less than a BV10 ???




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ps - you should see the concept for wall / ceiling mounting !!!!!






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moxxey replied on Sat, Apr 21 2012 3:47 PM


If that picture is correct but the TV is better looking "in the flesh" then whoever selects the pictures for publicity releases....

I do wonder if anyone reads my posts :)

If you read what I say, there were/are various publicity shots, including the V1 on a wall. Looked way better in the other photos I saw, before they were taken down. Indeed, the V1 on a wall looked like a small, more square, BV12.

We're too quick to judge on here and too quick to write a reply without reading the other posts. One unofficial photo shouldn't generate so much negativity - wait until you see the other photos. One of the ones I saw, which was a close up of the front of the TV/grill, was impressive.

Chris Townsend
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See it as a Beovision 1 or MX replacement, and I guess nobody will be disappointed however it looks.

These are the sets I'm guessing we all initially coveted, and found affordable. The 7's and 12's etc simply followed later. Hopefully these sets will cement future sales and brand awareness, and maybe more Beoworlders!

Then I'll have even less of a chance of winning the prize draw :-/

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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tournedos replied on Sat, Apr 21 2012 3:59 PM

We're too quick to judge on here and too quick to write a reply without reading the other posts.

In all honesty, it is quite hard to keep track, when there are at least half a dozen people starting a new thread whenever a "new" "secret" pic or tidbit surfaces somewhere...


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rednik replied on Sat, Apr 21 2012 8:44 PM




If that picture is correct but the TV is better looking "in the flesh" then whoever selects the pictures for publicity releases....

I do wonder if anyone reads my posts :)

If you read what I say, there were/are various publicity shots, including the V1 on a wall. Looked way better in the other photos I saw, before they were taken down. Indeed, the V1 on a wall looked like a small, more square, BV12.

We're too quick to judge on here and too quick to write a reply without reading the other posts. One unofficial photo shouldn't generate so much negativity - wait until you see the other photos. One of the ones I saw, which was a close up of the front of the TV/grill, was impressive.




Other than a press invite to an event that doesn't disclose anything about what is to come, B&O haven't announced, released, or commented on anything.

When the official specs are out, the price, the official photos, and you have seen, heard, touched, and interacted with one in a showroom you are qualified to pass comment if you don't like it.  Until then, negative comment based on one unofficially leaked photo is pretty much a waste of bandwidth.


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elephant replied on Sun, Apr 22 2012 3:34 AM

B&O haven't announced, released, or commented on anything.

Not quite true - I posted in one of the 4 or so English threads running on this topic (yes, there are threads in Scandinavian, French and German as well) the 4 time slots where Tue as CEO (in the audio and presentation of this past quarter's financial results) mentions the Beoplay TV.

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Steffen replied on Sun, Apr 22 2012 4:05 AM


I'm not knocking b&0 but i have to be honest in saying again that the bv8-40 design was and still is much, much better.

Surely, You cannot be serious!!! (I am serious -and don't call me Shirley) (quote: Leslie Nielsen in "The Naked Gun") LaughingWink

IMO the BV 8 was the worst design from B&O in decades...What's the idea of 'bringing depth' to a flatscreen - when everybody else is making the panels thinner and thinner...No - thumbs down


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What's the idea of 'bringing depth' to a flatscreen

I like the "shelf", our cat often strolls along it .... and sometimes so do I :-)

(might be hard to see the Jensen elephant !)


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hotknife replied on Sun, Apr 22 2012 9:06 AM

"What's the idea of 'bringing depth' to a flatscreen - when everybody else is making the panels thinner and thinner...No - thumbs down"

That`s the point. I love unique things. It was the best design from B&O for decades. And you need space for the very good speakers.

LOEWE bild 5.55 OLED + AppleTV; BS4; BL9; BL8000 MKII all black

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DoubleU replied on Sun, Apr 22 2012 9:54 AM


The new B&O Play V1 is ugly as hell and price is far away from reality. You can get 32" sets which look better for 399€ in every supermarket here in germany.

I will definitly stay with my decission to take a 55" Pana VT50 which costs the same as the B&O 32", get a -238 and I'm done.

Fair enough.. 

However, what are your options now, if in the past you invested a lot of money in a pair or 2 pairs of Beolabs, and upgrade to a bigger screen. Is a Pana in combination with a -238 your solution? How are you gonna maintain 5.1 sound??

Off course every user has different sources to use with their setups. But for me, I don’t need any physical sources, like CD, DVD, BluRay. Or a Bm5/Bs5 combo which is way too limited for my needs. The one and only source I use is my NAS. And once in a while, I hire a movie in the iTunes store.

The whole concept of the V1 is just great for my needs. 

  • The integrated DLNA media player is all I need to use with a NAS. 
  • The space to hide an Apple TV is brilliant. (I love to “airplay” music from my iPad) 
  • The ability to connect my Beolabs, without using extra boxes and/or cable adaptors and what not, to connect to a non-B&O telly is not what I want. All Beovisions are just too expensive.
  • The idea that I can buy my future Beolab 9’s, without buying/upgrading another expensive audio/video B&O product in the future, which will be (sort of) disposable anyway in the coming 5 or 6 years.

So what more is in it here for B&O to introduce this concept? Well, if I look at myself, I would say, sell more (profitable) speakers.. What do you think?

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mbee replied on Sun, Apr 22 2012 10:56 AM

What's the idea of 'bringing depth' to a flatscreen - when everybody else is making the panels thinner and thinner...

Good design is exactly that : asking why everybody go stupidly in the same direction, wondering if there can't be a better way... All the screens go thinner, and the picture quality goes down (approximately ALL edge-LED displays have clouding, something which was not the case with CCFL), and the sound is just forgotten. What's the difference in everyday life between a 6cm-thin TV and a 4mm-thin TV? Have you reallised that the latest Samsung TVs are thinner than the paintings you hang on your walls? Cool Flexible panels will change something in design, becoming thinner and thinner is not evolution.

I really like the BV8 idea, it makes sense, it's not just look, it's a very good solution for how to do the best sound+vision in a minimal space. 

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koning replied on Sun, Apr 22 2012 11:01 AM

ALL edge-LED displays have clouding.

is this problem with clouding (BV10) not being solved?

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