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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

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B&O Play TV coming this quarter

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Does anyone know if there is any time shifting or USB recording function?

No, there isn't.

Beoworld app with direct photo upload and emoticons.

Paul W
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Paul W replied on Fri, May 4 2012 12:57 PM

Hi Michael!

Good to hear from you!  I think the design of a white V1 near to your BS8 will look fantastic as both are quite strong design statements!  Have you got the orange grilles for the BS8 yet? I saw a BS8 with the orange grilles and it looked incredible!

You will definitely enjoy the V1 when it reaches AUS!

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elephant replied on Fri, May 4 2012 12:58 PM

Chris Townsend:

Oh I like the wall mount ... and imagine the small white 32" mounted on the wall ... just right for our breakfast nook !

And I also liked the small white stand ! hope our white BV8-32" can fit on that Smile

BeoNut since '75

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Pestria replied on Fri, May 4 2012 1:05 PM

Sounds like these TVs are great value.  Ideal as an entry level product or as a link-room TV (I know they are not ML compatible).

Anyone got any bright ideas how you might be able to pick up a STB/DVD etc attached to a main room TV on one of these ...

I suppose you could lintronic and send the signal over normal aerial co-axial cable or maybe use one of those wireless video senders - but am I missing something more elegant/higher quality?


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TerryM replied on Fri, May 4 2012 2:07 PM


Can't wait for the review from these guysSmile

I wonder why they have changed the picture temperture color to 6500K.

B&O always had there own settings.

6500K is the standard reference temperature,and produces a warmer,redder picture.

Bang & Olufsen's higher temperature setting of upto approximately 9000K produces a colder,more bluish picture.

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vlohjr1 replied on Fri, May 4 2012 5:19 PM
I heard that the beoplay will be smart tv at end of year is this correct?
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I love this new direction B&O is going.

The new A8 is now definitely on my list of things to get. No matter how much how I hate going into a B&O store, I will check out both the A8 and V1 the moment they become available. 

The V1 looks really good. It's great to see B&O realize that they need to move on from their 30 year old legacy on all levels.
It might not be perfect (yet) or the most spectacular design (I certainly don't hate it)  but shows that they're working towards what is now the new reality in the A/V world and how we manage and consume our audio and video content.

If they had a 46 or 52" , I would be more than just very interested. 
Just have a hard time convincing myself to step back to 40" after living with 50" screens for the last 4 yrs...

Paul W
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Paul W replied on Fri, May 4 2012 7:18 PM

Oh my Gosh COOLDUDE    And i thought the 40" model is too large!!!

I agree with you, a very cool direction for B&O      Saw a very cool young dude in Harrods buying a white BS8 in white the other week. He had a white iPhone & a pair of white BEATS Solo HDs around his neck. His age was around 21 so the message is getting out there...

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Paul W:

Oh my Gosh COOLDUDE    And i thought the 40" model is too large!!!


That's what I first thought too at first !!
It took me exactly 1 week to adapt and fully appreciate the size.  Not going back to anything smaller now !
We're sitting about 8 or 9 feet away from the screen and it's absolutely perfect. Movies look amazing and much more immersive. 

I do admit my tv is 'hidden' behind sliding doors in a wall unit which we off course close when not watching tv. 

Now I recommend the 50" to everyone I know.... and  when I watch a friends 40" lcd screen it feels ever so small..

Paul W:
I agree with you, a very cool direction for B&O      Saw a very cool young dude in Harrods buying a white BS8 in white the other week. He had a white iPhone & a pair of white BEATS Solo HDs around his neck. His age was around 21 so the message is getting out there...

Indeed and I think B&O should asap produce a totally new top end pair of headphones. B&O has the people to do it right..... 
Would be a great entry point  to the brand for a lot of new people. 
Can't believe they're still flogging form2's !!




Paul W
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Paul W replied on Fri, May 4 2012 7:56 PM

totally agree CoolDude but also the BEATS have a real cult following and it is good to see that these trend setters are adapting to the BS8 / A8 now to go alongside the iPhone and their BEATS - I can certainly see all 3 brands working well together in their own way!  I must admit to being a real keen fan of the BEATS as im a dance & RnB listener and they have plenty of bass and treble on them.

I guess it's all personal opinion and taste and I appreciate that the B&O say a8 earphones are very pleasant with classical and jazz music and easy listening :)

Aussie Michael
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There is a video on YouTube of a white V1 that has a brief close up of the back showing the connections.

Thank you.  I saw that, but albeit brief.  I'd like to see a diagram of where everything is (like the reverse side of the panel which normally shows them or the actual thing in a bit more detail.

Paul, yes i have the orange frets and I also bought the yellow ones too.  Yellow is too bright for me, it's not as cool as the orange or the green.  But i bet the yellow will look great under the V1

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moxxey replied on Fri, May 4 2012 10:47 PM


Paul, yes i have the orange frets and I also bought the yellow ones too.  Yellow is too bright for me, it's not as cool as the orange or the green. 

Green? There aren't any green BS8 frets, are there? Green is exactly what I want for me BS8. I agree on the yellow though. It's an odd yellow. Never keep those frets on for very long.

At the moment I have the orange fret(s) on both the BV10-46 and BS8. The orange frets get noticed (positively) than any others.

Aussie Michael
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Green? There aren't any green BS8 frets, are there? Green is exactly what I want for me BS8. I agree on the yellow though. It's an odd yellow. Never keep those frets on for very long.

Yes there are green.  They actually look 'duck egg blue' if you know that colour.  Let me know if you want me to email you a photo of the green.  It's not like the green in the new TV (ie more a grassy green).  But the green makes the BS8 classy whereas the orange makes it look vibrant. 

I have also washed them with soap and water and that works a treat to keep them looking good.  Can't wait for the new TV colours. 

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John replied on Sat, May 5 2012 7:00 AM



...before being outmoded by forthcoming developments such as OLED. 

I'm seriously surprised people are worrying about OLED in May 2012. Mass-market OLED TVs are some way off yet. Until they become mass market, B&O won't implement the panels. A B&O OLED TV is years away and certainly will be a **lot** more expensive than a V1. If you're considering a V1, and are debating the cost-effectiveness of a V1, OLED TVs won't be for you.

Technical advances are always going to happen, OLED or not. However, plasma aside, LCD picture quality isn't improving as rapidly as it did a few years ago. There's not a great deal of difference between the picture quality on my BV10-46 compared to the much cheaper V1-40, for example. If you're going to buy now, you'll still be happily using your TV in 2-3 years. Plus you can always trade it in. Trying doing that with a top-of-the-range Samsung in a couple of years. You'll be lucky to get £200 for it.

Oh, I agree with all your points - perhaps I didn't explain my thoughts very well.

To my mind, (given that I'm still using a top end Sony Trinitron CRT TV that has to be at least 15 yrs old now - and still giving an excellent picture), back in the days of CRT one could buy say an Avant, and have a wonderful TV that would more than hold it's own from a technical, style and performance POV over many years.

As Sony discovered, modern (LCD) technology left them without an technical (Trinitron tube) edge, and they have lost market share ever since with their TV's.  The technology changes rapidly, cheaper Korean makes are catching up with style etc - a number of friends who used to own top of the line Sony TV's are all now using cheap Samsungs, waiting for the technology to settle down, re rapid changes, before spending large amounts of money on a TV.

Personally I love the style of the 10-40 & 10-46, but would worry that over the medium term let alone longer term re it's useful life, that it would be likely eclipsed in terms of picture performance by mainstream korean sets boasting the latest technology - I see/have read that both LG and Samsung intend to field large screen OLED sets for sale later this year for example.

This is where the V1 comes in for me; sensible pricing, modern and different, and yet very appealing styling, and importantly, from the technical papers I've read on it, incorporating a state of the art surround sound processor (who else is offering such in a TV, let alone with the facility to offer different speaker groups with individualised distance and level settings for different seating distances/areas for instance) AND an by all accounts excellent ACTIVE speaker system doubling as the centre channel in an AV setup.  

In other words, for someone like me, who also wants to buy into a complete B&O system, and as a new customer to B&O, it's almost the perfect entry level product to form the centrepiece of an B&O AV system.  As I say, I'm very excited by it, and I think at last I've found the B&O product to get me to dip my toe into the B&O audio/visual world.

Kind Regards

John... Smile

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moxxey replied on Sat, May 5 2012 8:13 AM


Yes there are green.  They actually look 'duck egg blue' if you know that colour.  

They aren't green, IMHO. I want a green (grassy green!) in the same style of the red or orange. ie. vibrant green. I'm not a fan of the original frets though. Only the newest yellow, orange, red.

Looking forward to seeing the coloured speaker frets for the V1. Back on topic: has anyone seen a V1 with a changeable coloured fret? Looking forward to seeing the white V1 with a green or orange fret behind the speaker. Dealer says he doesn't know when they are coming in though.

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moxxey replied on Sat, May 5 2012 8:19 AM

Personally I love the style of the 10-40 & 10-46, but would worry that over the medium term let alone longer term re it's useful life

I agree. But then I swap out my TVs more often since moving to LCD. Partly as you say, technology improves (although, as I mentioned, picture quality has reached a peak even with cheap LCD screens), and partly as it's easy to trade in a BV7 or BV10. For instance, I traded in my BV7-40 against this BV10-46 and only had to pay just over £2500. If someone had said 3 years ago that you could rent a BV7, trade it in (in 3 years) and only have to pay £2500 for the privilege, I would have. Let's be honest here, if you could rent a BV7, it would cost more than £2500 across 3 years! £200/month, perhaps?

That's now how I view my B&O TVs. I don't keep them for more than about 3 years. 3 years seems to be the optimum for trading in a B&O TV and getting a good deal of a new one. And dealers make this easy. They simply bring the new TV, take the old, get it connected up. What do we have to do?

I don't see the point of worrying. If I worried about things like keeping TVs long term, I'd never buy a thing as technology will always improve. For instance, Ultra HD, OLED and the next big thing. You'd be constantly waiting!

That's why I love the brand (apart from the usual reasons). It's made really easy to upgrade, for a fairly nominal amount of money. You couldn't do that for any other TV brand - Loewe included!

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koning replied on Sat, May 5 2012 2:36 PM

I saw it today.

The picture quality is not the same has the beovision 10!!!!

No beoplay for me.


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ed7 replied on Sat, May 5 2012 2:48 PM

What is this??? bang&olufsen designs definitely going from bad to worse??!! ,who ever sanctioned this tv to go ahead should be sacked!!Angry

Paul W
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Paul W replied on Sat, May 5 2012 4:02 PM

Great design and art creates HUGE debate!

I do believe that Picasso's work was generally hated until he died :'(

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What is this??? bang&olufsen designs definitely going from bad to worse??!! ,who ever sanctioned this tv to go ahead should be sacked!!Angry

Thats what i've been saying throughout this thread it just doesn't look b&0 to me it's a hideous looking design i reckon david lewis god rest his soul would have designed it alot better than what it looks like period... i have had alot to say because for the money it costs to much compared to the competition and in design terms it just doesn't warrant the price especially for the size too 40" for £2500.

they could have included all the features and technology that  this tv has to offer and put it into a more sleek and comtempary looking design. I read a comment yesterday where somebody went to selfridges to check it out and he said it's one of the ugliest tvs his seen and really went into one about the stand.

I for one thought that it would have looked similar to an apple imac with a minimalistic metal swivel table top stand which would have looked entry level for a b&0 tv but highend in comparison to the samsungs and sonys it just doesn't deliver in my view regardless of who wants to disagree with me.

I think the reason for me ranting so much is because i really wanted this tv so badly and the expectation was so high for it. It would have been my first b&0 tv and the bubbles burst for me.



Beoplay A2

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One dealer that showed it to me said the design was "polarising", which is a word he used to say you'd either love it or hate it. He is right!

Dealers I have spoken to are happy about this TV and think it will sell well.

When the BEOPLAY range was created they said the designs will be more "casual" and more "distinctive". It seems to be the case.


Beoworld app with direct photo upload and emoticons.

Chris Townsend
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I struggle to believe that most B&O fans would have supported this tv's design, if they thought it was of another brand. It does have a good picture, good sound and has great connectivity. But so does an IMac, and that's a damn site smarter, looks brilliant and is £1,000 cheaper.

My 10-46 arrived yesterday so I'm still on a bit of a technophile high, but the V1's picture is not of the same quality and i did not expect it to be. I hope it sells for everyone's sake, as I do with the Beolit 12 and the IPad thingy but it worries me that with David Lewis sad demise, B&O has now passed its zenith.

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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Raeuber replied on Sat, May 5 2012 4:26 PM
B&O has NOT passed its zenith, because V1 is Beoplay and NOT B&O!
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B&O has NOT passed its zenith, because V1 is Beoplay and NOT B&O!

Regardless of it being beoplay it's still made by bang-olufsen!!! which makes it B&O.


Beoplay A2

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I saw it today.

The picture quality is not the same has the beovision 10!!!!

No beoplay for me.


Why would the picture be like/as good/better than BV10 would just kill that model. 



The contrast screen alone would suggest the BV10 is still a BeoVision, not a BeoPlay.


If Mercedes launched a £15K saloon in their new "DRIVE" sub brand, would anyone expect it to outperform their £30K+ models ???


If any of the mid-market car brands launched an £8K   "budget" salloon that was juster better than a £15K VW/Ford/Renault/Audi etc etc then where would they be ??


BeoPLay is budget B&O .... designed to get business from the top end of the high street and be an aspirational upgrade from Loewwe, Sony, Pana, Samsung etc  ....NOT simply a cheap BeoVision ...different concepts altogether.


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koning replied on Sat, May 5 2012 5:16 PM

Why would the picture be like/as good/better than BV10 would just kill that model. 

Some members said that,not me.

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TerryM replied on Sat, May 5 2012 5:18 PM

I note that the designer of the V1,Anders Hermansen,also designed the Beosound 5.

Presumably his brief was to make the 'Beoplay' look distinctive from the B & O norm.

To see a range of the firm's designs,see

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Raeuber replied on Sat, May 5 2012 5:53 PM

Regardless of it being beoplay it's still made by bang-olufsen!!! which makes it B&O.

Of course I know, but:

B&O = serious products

Beoplay = toys for the kids

Just my opinion.

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moxxey replied on Sat, May 5 2012 5:58 PM


I saw it today.

The picture quality is not the same has the beovision 10!!!!

Who said it was the same? It's close to it for sure! I've had my BV10 for a few months now and saw the V1 with various sources and I can assure you the picture quality is very decent indeed.

Picture quality depends on the source. Watch a top quality source on the V1 and you'lll see a great picture. My dealer showed me Freeview HD and a Blu-ray and both looked very very good. Exceeded my expectations....for a £2499 B&O TV.

And I'll repeat that again, a £2499 B&O TV. Expectations.

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I saw it today.

The picture quality is not the same has the beovision 10!!!!

Who said it was the same? It's close to it for sure! I've had my BV10 for a few months now and saw the V1 with various sources and I can assure you the picture quality is very decent indeed.

Picture quality depends on the source. Watch a top quality source on the V1 and you'lll see a great picture. My dealer showed me Freeview HD and a Blu-ray and both looked very very good. Exceeded my expectations....for a £2499 B&O TV.

And I'll repeat that again, a £2499 B&O TV. Expectations.




I saw it today.

The picture quality is not the same has the beovision 10!!!!

Who said it was the same? It's close to it for sure! I've had my BV10 for a few months now and saw the V1 with various sources and I can assure you the picture quality is very decent indeed.

Picture quality depends on the source. Watch a top quality source on the V1 and you'lll see a great picture. My dealer showed me Freeview HD and a Blu-ray and both looked very very good. Exceeded my expectations....for a £2499 B&O TV.

And I'll repeat that again, a £2499 B&O TV. Expectations.

Is your comment aimed at me moxxey?

Beoplay A2

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Raeuber replied on Sat, May 5 2012 6:53 PM
Nowadays the picture quality of almost every TV is very good, almost of a Samsung for 399 EUR!

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moxxey replied on Sat, May 5 2012 7:36 PM

Nowadays the picture quality of almost every TV is very good, almost of a Samsung for 399 EUR!

Exactly. And match a modern 2012 TV with a decent HD source and you get a very good picture. There's no such thing as "poor" picture quality on modern TVs. You just get very good (most TVs), excellent (BV7-40, BV10) and exceptional (BV7-55, BV12).

The V1 is a very good B&O TV for the low-cost B&O price point. The design may not appeal to everyone, but for the price it's a good step on the B&O ladder for many users.

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To add another 2 pence worth / opinion.

I went to my local dealer today to have a look at the V1.  I was very impressed with it.  Certainly a good picture and seemed up there with the BV-10's and BV7's of a similar size.  I'm sure if you had them all side by side rather than spread over the room you might well spot differences.  However, I suspect anyone buying a V1 will be very pleased with the picture.  But I think a lot of this can be subjective as we all see things slightly different.  Lets all agree though the picture is worthy of a B&O.

The sound is for me often what sets B&O apart from other TV's and that's before you get into external speakers and again the V1 has this, in fact to my ears I thought that just on the internal speakers it was better on the V1 than the BV-10 today we listened to, very good bass and tone.

The design I like and again IMHO is worthy of the B&O name, although with the stands they currently have and the wall bracket it looks a little bit too industrial I think for my lounge.  The dealer told me STB Brackets are working on some mounts for this TV that fit much closer to the frame than the B&O ones and maybe that might work better for me, we'll have to see.  If I had a loft apartment this would be the TV I'd buy.

I've currently got a BV7-32, the last 32" model with the 2 x HDMI and would like to upgrade to a 40" screen, I'm also an Apple fan with an ATV and have been slowly converting my DVD collection to hard disk, so the V1's connectivity is appealing.   Give me all that on the BV7, then we're talking!

As a slight aside, while there I also heard the Beolit 12 and the sound on that little thing is absolutely amazing.

Chris Townsend
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If STB can design out the tubes etc and frame etc then that changes everything.

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

Aussie Michael
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This is where the V1 comes in for me; sensible pricing, modern and different, and yet very appealing styling, and importantly, from the technical papers I've read on it, incorporating a state of the art surround sound processor (who else is offering such in a TV, let alone with the facility to offer different speaker groups with individualised distance and level settings for different seating distances/areas for instance) AND an by all accounts excellent ACTIVE speaker system doubling as the centre channel in an AV setup.  

In other words, for someone like me, who also wants to buy into a complete B&O system, and as a new customer to B&O, it's almost the perfect entry level product to form the centrepiece of an B&O AV system.  As I say, I'm very excited by it, and I think at last I've found the B&O product to get me to dip my toe into the B&O audio/visual world.

Hi John,

Couldn't agree with you more.  I love the inbuilt sound processor - saves having an extra AV receiver! and a perfect entry level product.  Can't wait to see it.



Aussie Michael
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Paul W:
Great design and art creates HUGE debate!

Love it or hate it - the fact that we are talking about it is probably what was intended.   Many many companies use polarising designs to bring new customers to the brand. 

Let's wait and see how it actually sells before giving its demise! lol

Paul W
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Paul W replied on Sat, May 5 2012 10:54 PM

It's funky! It's cool and it's amazing to see the attention to detail given to this design. From the 5 HDMIs to the thought of the Apple TV box to even including the proper BANG&OLUFSEN electronic curtain just shows that real attention to detail has been given to this TV. I applaud it in every way and my 20 something crowd are really getting into the B&O PLAY brand to sit alongside their Apple products. It's just what is needed for today's young, funky generation!

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moxxey replied on Sat, May 5 2012 11:18 PM

Paul W:

...20 something crowd are really getting into the B&O PLAY brand to sit alongside their Apple products. It's just what is needed for today's young, funky generation!

....who spend about £500 on their TVs. Do you know how little disposable income 20-year-olds have in 2012? :)

I work in a 1000+ employee tech publishing company. Mostly 20 somethings. Average income £22,000. Maybe they'd stretch to a MacBook Air - which would be their most expensive product they own - but there's no way they'd spend £2499 on a TV. And most of them have no idea what B&O is, won't see the TV as it's not sold outside of the B&O showrooms (a fact we've forgotten) and would never go in a B&O showroom.

We live in a distorted reality if we're thinking that, in a double-dip recession, where 1 in 10 <24-year-olds are unemployed, that a stamped of 20 somethings are suddenly going to ditch the chance of buying a £549 Samsung and switch to a V1.

Sadly, this is aimed at 20 somethings.

As much as I'll defend and support the V1, us B&O users certainly have an odd view on the real world.

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John replied on Sun, May 6 2012 6:36 AM



What is this??? bang&olufsen designs definitely going from bad to worse??!! ,who ever sanctioned this tv to go ahead should be sacked!!Angry

Thats what i've been saying throughout this thread it just doesn't look b&0 to me it's a hideous looking design i reckon david lewis god rest his soul would have designed it alot better than what it looks like period... i have had alot to say because for the money it costs to much compared to the competition and in design terms it just doesn't warrant the price especially for the size too 40" for £2500.

they could have included all the features and technology that  this tv has to offer and put it into a more sleek and comtempary looking design. I read a comment yesterday where somebody went to selfridges to check it out and he said it's one of the ugliest tvs his seen and really went into one about the stand.

I for one thought that it would have loked similar to an apple imac with a minimalistic metal swivel table top stand which would have looked entry level for a b&0 tv but highend in comparison to the samsungs and sonys it just doesn't deliver in my view regardless of who wants to disagree with me.

I think the reason for me ranting so much is because i really wanted this tv so badly and the expectation was so high for it. It would have been my first b&0 tv and the bubbles burst for me.



In some respects I can see where you're coming from.  

However, like you, this (if I buy one) will be my first B&O TV, and my first real dip into the world of B&O.  I've been standing on the sidelines, watching, for a long time, to see how things would pan out with the company, and it's new direction under the new CEO, and meantime lusting for an even longer period after a pair of Beolab 5's.

Apart from pricing, I've no hesitation getting into B&O with respect to their speakers whatsoever; the TV's have been another kettle of fish though, because of the high pricing, and short life spans of TV's these days given the ever changing technology.

So the choice there becomes either source and buy second hand one of the top B&O TV's, such as a Beovision 9, 7-40 or 10-46, OR, bite the bullet and buy new with considerable expense and the likelihood of the technology and picture performance being surpassed in short order by cheap and cheerful korean sets.  OR, buy a V1 with it's cutting edge tech and connectivity, and trade up to a higher end B&O when the technology settles down/matures - especially as regards OLED waiting in the wings.

To be sure the new V1 doesn't look elegant and refined in the manner of B&O's mainstream TVs; but then it doesn't cost anywhere near as much either.

Does it look as elegant as say a Sony Bravia with the aluminium 'foot', or a Panasonic GT50 in glossy black plastic?  Judging from the photos, I'd say no, it doesn't, but by the same token it does look fresh, striking and innovative, and dare I say it 'arty' and I would feel from the photos right on target for it's market - the 20 or 30 something young professional.  Certainly it doesn't look 'grandfatherly' in the way an aforementioned Sony/Panasonic can - they are elegant yes, but also everywhere, and there's something terribly suburban and conservative about the design of those sets, where the V1 is out there - fresh, vibrant and attention getting.

And importantly, unless you fancy having two separate systems in a home - one for music and one for AV/movies, then a TV in lieu of a projector becomes the centrepiece in an combined music/AV system.  Here, the V1 with it's inbuilt surround sound processor, and active speaker system able to double as a centre channel speaker in an AV role, provides a very clear technical advantage over the aforementioned Sony and Panasonic sets, and indeed anything on offer from the Koreans.

Overall, as a total package, I find the V1 highly appealing, and I also feel that whilst it might polarise opinion as to it's looks as Paul mentions, some of the criticism it is attracting is a little short sighted for the above mentioned reasons.  Personally, I will reseve judgement until I have seen one, which will not be until around mid June here in Australia I believe, but from the photos so far, I confess to quite liking it, - certainly as much as a Sony/Pana/Samsung/LG whatever plastic fantastic box; if not as much as a mainstream B&O.

Importantly, for B&O to be around to provide the kit that we all aspire to, it needs to make money and be a profitable business; if the BeoPlay range helps them in that goal, I can only applaud - I am after all a very tiny B&O owner thus far (3 telephones, 1 answering machine and a set of headphones) but I hugely admire their products, intend buying in to B&O, and want them to be around for the long haul.

Best Regards

John.. Cool


Chris Townsend
Top 50 Contributor
Posts 3,531
Bronze Member

A nice positive review. Should get the word round, regards of our likes and dislikes. Notice how the V1 is always called the B&O V1 and only in passing is the "play" branding mentionedEmbarrassed.

Hope it sells anyway.

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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