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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

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B&O Play TV coming this quarter

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Chris Townsend
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A nice positive review. Should get the word round, regards of our likes and dislikes. Notice how the V1 is always called the B&O V1 and only in passing is the "play" branding mentionedEmbarrassed.

Hope it sells anyway.

Beosound Stage, Beovision 8-40, Beolit 20, Beosound Explore.

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markiedee replied on Sun, May 6 2012 12:16 PM




What is this??? bang&olufsen designs definitely going from bad to worse??!! ,who ever sanctioned this tv to go ahead should be sacked!!Angry

Thats what i've been saying throughout this thread it just doesn't look b&0 to me it's a hideous looking design i reckon david lewis god rest his soul would have designed it alot better than what it looks like period... i have had alot to say because for the money it costs to much compared to the competition and in design terms it just doesn't warrant the price especially for the size too 40" for £2500.

they could have included all the features and technology that  this tv has to offer and put it into a more sleek and comtempary looking design. I read a comment yesterday where somebody went to selfridges to check it out and he said it's one of the ugliest tvs his seen and really went into one about the stand.

I for one thought that it would have loked similar to an apple imac with a minimalistic metal swivel table top stand which would have looked entry level for a b&0 tv but highend in comparison to the samsungs and sonys it just doesn't deliver in my view regardless of who wants to disagree with me.

I think the reason for me ranting so much is because i really wanted this tv so badly and the expectation was so high for it. It would have been my first b&0 tv and the bubbles burst for me.



In some respects I can see where you're coming from.  

However, like you, this (if I buy one) will be my first B&O TV, and my first real dip into the world of B&O.  I've been standing on the sidelines, watching, for a long time, to see how things would pan out with the company, and it's new direction under the new CEO, and meantime lusting for an even longer period after a pair of Beolab 5's.

Apart from pricing, I've no hesitation getting into B&O with respect to their speakers whatsoever; the TV's have been another kettle of fish though, because of the high pricing, and short life spans of TV's these days given the ever changing technology.

So the choice there becomes either source and buy second hand one of the top B&O TV's, such as a Beovision 9, 7-40 or 10-46, OR, bite the bullet and buy new with considerable expense and the likelihood of the technology and picture performance being surpassed in short order by cheap and cheerful korean sets.  OR, buy a V1 with it's cutting edge tech and connectivity, and trade up to a higher end B&O when the technology settles down/matures - especially as regards OLED waiting in the wings.

To be sure the new V1 doesn't look elegant and refined in the manner of B&O's mainstream TVs; but then it doesn't cost anywhere near as much either.

Does it look as elegant as say a Sony Bravia with the aluminium 'foot', or a Panasonic GT50 in glossy black plastic?  Judging from the photos, I'd say no, it doesn't, but by the same token it does look fresh, striking and innovative, and dare I say it 'arty' and I would feel from the photos right on target for it's market - the 20 or 30 something young professional.  Certainly it doesn't look 'grandfatherly' in the way an aforementioned Sony/Panasonic can - they are elegant yes, but also everywhere, and there's something terribly suburban and conservative about the design of those sets, where the V1 is out there - fresh, vibrant and attention getting.

And importantly, unless you fancy having two separate systems in a home - one for music and one for AV/movies, then a TV in lieu of a projector becomes the centrepiece in an combined music/AV system.  Here, the V1 with it's inbuilt surround sound processor, and active speaker system able to double as a centre channel speaker in an AV role, provides a very clear technical advantage over the aforementioned Sony and Panasonic sets, and indeed anything on offer from the Koreans.

Overall, as a total package, I find the V1 highly appealing, and I also feel that whilst it might polarise opinion as to it's looks as Paul mentions, some of the criticism it is attracting is a little short sighted for the above mentioned reasons.  Personally, I will reseve judgement until I have seen one, which will not be until around mid June here in Australia I believe, but from the photos so far, I confess to quite liking it, - certainly as much as a Sony/Pana/Samsung/LG whatever plastic fantastic box; if not as much as a mainstream B&O.

Importantly, for B&O to be around to provide the kit that we all aspire to, it needs to make money and be a profitable business; if the BeoPlay range helps them in that goal, I can only applaud - I am after all a very tiny B&O owner thus far (3 telephones, 1 answering machine and a set of headphones) but I hugely admire their products, intend buying in to B&O, and want them to be around for the long haul.

Best Regards

John.. Cool


High john i see where your coming from i suppose but i was just a little disheartened with the look of the v1 but i will have to get over it. As for the gt50 being plastic i own one and it's actually glass and metal used on the gt and vt models. The stand is made with plastic and metal with the rest of the tv being metal... wasn't the bv8 made with any plastic? i know the picture quality will be without equal as to this day i haven't seen an lcd tv produce the kind of motion and sharpness quality like a B&O and of course the sound quality will be outstanding although i also use an av receiver and speakers currently.

What age demographic is this tv aimed at again because i'm only 30 and still had mixed opinions about the design of this tv once i saw the photos. I'm yet to see the v1 in the flesh and maybe my views will change if i saw it in person but i will have to get myself down to a dealer to check it out.


Beoplay A2

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elephant replied on Sun, May 6 2012 12:34 PM

John, I like your posts, they are most thoughtful and considered.  In particular ...

And importantly, unless you fancy having two separate systems in a home - one for music and one for AV/movies, then a TV in lieu of a projector becomes the centrepiece in an combined music/AV system.  Here, the V1 with it's inbuilt surround sound processor, and active speaker system able to double as a centre channel speaker in an AV role, provides a very clear technical advantage over the aforementioned Sony and Panasonic sets, and indeed anything on offer from the Koreans.

... yesterday I had my two BV8s with [P-MUTE] linked to their ATVs that were wirelessed to the MacMini being controlled by the iPad's Remote app.

I know it sounds a kluge, but my point is that I was using the BeoVisions as AV centres, and they were achieving Link Room behaviours.  To me these BV8s were operating exactly how you would assembled a collection of B&O V1s - linked together wirelessly via ATVs housed in their specially designed slots in the back of the TV :-)

BeoNut since '75

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John replied on Sun, May 6 2012 1:56 PM





What is this??? bang&olufsen designs definitely going from bad to worse??!! ,who ever sanctioned this tv to go ahead should be sacked!!Angry

Thats what i've been saying throughout this thread it just doesn't look b&0 to me it's a hideous looking design i reckon david lewis god rest his soul would have designed it alot better than what it looks like period... i have had alot to say because for the money it costs to much compared to the competition and in design terms it just doesn't warrant the price especially for the size too 40" for £2500.

they could have included all the features and technology that  this tv has to offer and put it into a more sleek and comtempary looking design. I read a comment yesterday where somebody went to selfridges to check it out and he said it's one of the ugliest tvs his seen and really went into one about the stand.

I for one thought that it would have loked similar to an apple imac with a minimalistic metal swivel table top stand which would have looked entry level for a b&0 tv but highend in comparison to the samsungs and sonys it just doesn't deliver in my view regardless of who wants to disagree with me.

I think the reason for me ranting so much is because i really wanted this tv so badly and the expectation was so high for it. It would have been my first b&0 tv and the bubbles burst for me.



In some respects I can see where you're coming from.  

However, like you, this (if I buy one) will be my first B&O TV, and my first real dip into the world of B&O.  I've been standing on the sidelines, watching, for a long time, to see how things would pan out with the company, and it's new direction under the new CEO, and meantime lusting for an even longer period after a pair of Beolab 5's.

Apart from pricing, I've no hesitation getting into B&O with respect to their speakers whatsoever; the TV's have been another kettle of fish though, because of the high pricing, and short life spans of TV's these days given the ever changing technology.

So the choice there becomes either source and buy second hand one of the top B&O TV's, such as a Beovision 9, 7-40 or 10-46, OR, bite the bullet and buy new with considerable expense and the likelihood of the technology and picture performance being surpassed in short order by cheap and cheerful korean sets.  OR, buy a V1 with it's cutting edge tech and connectivity, and trade up to a higher end B&O when the technology settles down/matures - especially as regards OLED waiting in the wings.

To be sure the new V1 doesn't look elegant and refined in the manner of B&O's mainstream TVs; but then it doesn't cost anywhere near as much either.

Does it look as elegant as say a Sony Bravia with the aluminium 'foot', or a Panasonic GT50 in glossy black plastic?  Judging from the photos, I'd say no, it doesn't, but by the same token it does look fresh, striking and innovative, and dare I say it 'arty' and I would feel from the photos right on target for it's market - the 20 or 30 something young professional.  Certainly it doesn't look 'grandfatherly' in the way an aforementioned Sony/Panasonic can - they are elegant yes, but also everywhere, and there's something terribly suburban and conservative about the design of those sets, where the V1 is out there - fresh, vibrant and attention getting.

And importantly, unless you fancy having two separate systems in a home - one for music and one for AV/movies, then a TV in lieu of a projector becomes the centrepiece in an combined music/AV system.  Here, the V1 with it's inbuilt surround sound processor, and active speaker system able to double as a centre channel speaker in an AV role, provides a very clear technical advantage over the aforementioned Sony and Panasonic sets, and indeed anything on offer from the Koreans.

Overall, as a total package, I find the V1 highly appealing, and I also feel that whilst it might polarise opinion as to it's looks as Paul mentions, some of the criticism it is attracting is a little short sighted for the above mentioned reasons.  Personally, I will reseve judgement until I have seen one, which will not be until around mid June here in Australia I believe, but from the photos so far, I confess to quite liking it, - certainly as much as a Sony/Pana/Samsung/LG whatever plastic fantastic box; if not as much as a mainstream B&O.

Importantly, for B&O to be around to provide the kit that we all aspire to, it needs to make money and be a profitable business; if the BeoPlay range helps them in that goal, I can only applaud - I am after all a very tiny B&O owner thus far (3 telephones, 1 answering machine and a set of headphones) but I hugely admire their products, intend buying in to B&O, and want them to be around for the long haul.

Best Regards

John.. Cool


High john i see where your coming from i suppose but i was just a little disheartened with the look of the v1 but i will have to get over it. As for the gt50 being plastic i own one and it's actually glass and metal used on the gt and vt models. The stand is made with plastic and metal with the rest of the tv being metal... wasn't the bv8 made with any plastic? i know the picture quality will be without equal as to this day i haven't seen an lcd tv produce the kind of motion and sharpness quality like a B&O and of course the sound quality will be outstanding although i also use an av receiver and speakers currently.

What age demographic is this tv aimed at again because i'm only 30 and still had mixed opinions about the design of this tv once i saw the photos. I'm yet to see the v1 in the flesh and maybe my views will change if i saw it in person but i will have to get myself down to a dealer to check it out.


Hi Mark(?) - thanks for correcting me on the construction of the Panasonic.  I confess I was doing a bit of generic generalising as regards the plastic fantastic comment - I know the Sony has a metal surround, glass front and plastic back, and just assumed in the case of the panasonic that gloss black was plastic - apologies.  The 8-40 as I understand it was mostly made of a rubberised plastic as far as the exterior was concerned.  Conversely, the new V1 is made of all metal (I assume steel) and from what I have read, made of two stamped pressings fitted together, so everything, including the back, that is external to the eye and touch, is painted steel.  Very modern, and very different.

I"ve not seen a finer LCD picture than a B&O either, albeit your panasonic may have an overall picture quality edge by utilising as it does Plasma technology, particularly in a darkened room with the THX mode - flatpanelsHD gives the VT50 a superb review/measured assessment.

Coming back to aesthetics, I find the 'hinge' effect at the top and bottom of the screen where the stand goes through, a little off putting on one hand if one is looking for subtle elegance, and yet on the other it is modern, arty, funky and certainly distinctive.  Of course aesthetic taste is very personal and some will not like it.  Certainly like you, i'd describe my thoughts as mixed, and very much want to see one hopefully sometime next month to see how I feel about it in the flesh/metal.

However, unless I'm totally put off by the look, the technical features as mentioned, plus the value for money of it as a total package is thus far stacking up very well in my estimation.

Best Regards

John... Smile


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John replied on Sun, May 6 2012 2:03 PM


John, I like your posts, they are most thoughtful and considered.  In particular ...

And importantly, unless you fancy having two separate systems in a home - one for music and one for AV/movies, then a TV in lieu of a projector becomes the centrepiece in an combined music/AV system.  Here, the V1 with it's inbuilt surround sound processor, and active speaker system able to double as a centre channel speaker in an AV role, provides a very clear technical advantage over the aforementioned Sony and Panasonic sets, and indeed anything on offer from the Koreans.

... yesterday I had my two BV8s with [P-MUTE] linked to their ATVs that were wirelessed to the MacMini being controlled by the iPad's Remote app.

I know it sounds a kluge, but my point is that I was using the BeoVisions as AV centres, and they were achieving Link Room behaviours.  To me these BV8s were operating exactly how you would assembled a collection of B&O V1s - linked together wirelessly via ATVs housed in their specially designed slots in the back of the TV :-)

Thank you for your most kind remarks *blushes* Smile

Interesting setup that you describe - I'm guessing that if you 'push' content to the ATV's/Beovision 8's, say from iTunes, both ATV's would be playing the same tunes.  On the other hand if you were to use the ATV's to browse your iTunes library and 'pull' content from it, could you have different tunes playing on each connected ATV/Beovision8?

Best Regards

John... Cool

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TerryM replied on Sun, May 6 2012 3:52 PM

To place the picture quality of the V1 in context,one should read the latest reviews on

Three LED TVs priced between £1700 to £2100 with marked picture problems.

So much for picture quality being source dependent.

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moxxey replied on Sun, May 6 2012 4:51 PM


So much for picture quality being source dependent.

Yeah, because on LCDs, standard definition is great and Blu-rays are terrible. A 1080p picture is ropey whilst an upscaled SD source is better.

Who on earth can argue against the source not dictating the quality of the picture on an LCD? Of course a quality source dictates the image on an LCD screen. No point buying a top-of-the-range LCD TV and then matching it with a poor SD signal, whatever the TV, whoever it is from.

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Interesting setup that you describe - I'm guessing that if you 'push' content to the ATV's/Beovision 8's, say from iTunes, both ATV's would be playing the same tunes.

Spot on, that is what I did, at first I had selected "Multiple speakers" on the bottom iTunes bar (right hand side, the ^ symbol) and then ticking the two ATVs in turn, but later I discovered I could do the same thing from the iPad Remote App, just click on its Airplay symbol (^) and again I was presented with a list of speakers (iPad, ATV 1, ATV 2).

On the other hand if you were to use the ATV's to browse your iTunes library and 'pull' content from it, could you have different tunes playing on each connected ATV/Beovision8?

I am sure that would be the case, I am not sure if I have exercised that option, I may have done so on the first weekend when I was going through shakedown tests.  It would probably be annoying if you used this technique to select the same tune, since the two rooms would be out of sync and create an illusion of an echo - where as different tunes is no more annoying that having two radio stations playing in the house Big Smile


Interestingly both ATVs were on the wireless network even though the ATV does have a port for a LAN cable, so I am sure that at as I add ATVs (with either technique, or a combination of both) I will encounter wireless congestion or MacMini slowdown, but for one source and two destinations I did not.

Perhaps if I had tried video streaming I might have Smile

BeoNut since '75

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TerryM replied on Sun, May 6 2012 5:49 PM



So much for picture quality being source dependent.

Yeah, because on LCDs, standard definition is great and Blu-rays are terrible. A 1080p picture is ropey whilst an upscaled SD source is better.

Who on earth can argue against the source not dictating the quality of the picture on an LCD? Of course a quality source dictates the image on an LCD screen. No point buying a top-of-the-range LCD TV and then matching it with a poor SD signal, whatever the TV, whoever it is from.

I can only assume that you did not read the reviews.

Shortcomings such as:

Poor black levels,and contrast.

Array banding.

Dirty screen effect.

Motion judder.

2:2 film cadence not being properly dealt with.

all have an effect on picture quality,and are independent of source.


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My little dream (beoplay v1) and the bang & olufsen paradise. Probably here there are some billionaires... I hope it for you! :)

Today I went to a super house full of b&o stuff,,, from the beovision 4 105" to several eight Beolab 5 & 9 and a lot of others... What I can say... For sure it was a sort of paradise but I prefer my little beosound 2300 with Beolab 8000 and the beovision 1... Because the guys that I met had lost the sense of B&O... The feeling... The quality... It was just a multi billionaire with the right stuff... So... This is the reason because I love the beo play v1... Because there is the feeling of something special... You don't need to be rich to have a "different" style. this is the lesson for B&O, there are a lot of people that can spend the savings to buy something with style.
Paul W
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Paul W replied on Sun, May 6 2012 8:53 PM

Nicely said Scognamiglio!!!   I saved for 1 full year to buy my little B&O Century in 1999!!!  I was 20 and earning just £14k at the time and I was so proud when I finally bought t - shame it had to be exchanged 2 days later though as the electric door kept on sticking hehehe!

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Puncher replied on Sun, May 6 2012 9:03 PM




So much for picture quality being source dependent.

Yeah, because on LCDs, standard definition is great and Blu-rays are terrible. A 1080p picture is ropey whilst an upscaled SD source is better.

Who on earth can argue against the source not dictating the quality of the picture on an LCD? Of course a quality source dictates the image on an LCD screen. No point buying a top-of-the-range LCD TV and then matching it with a poor SD signal, whatever the TV, whoever it is from.


I can only assume that you did not read the reviews.

Shortcomings such as:

Poor black levels,and contrast.

Array banding.

Dirty screen effect.

Motion judder.

2:2 film cadence not being properly dealt with.

all have an effect on picture quality,and are independent of source.


I seem to remember BV7's &10's being reported with LCD clouding issues. It may seem OK to justify the premium if these panel issues are filtered out from the end user but it wasn't the case - some folk got poor panels for 3X the prices you mention.

Ban boring signatures!

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Razlaw replied on Mon, May 7 2012 3:33 AM

Thank you. I saw that, but albeit brief. I'd like to see a diagram of where everything is (like the reverse side of the panel which normally shows them or the actual thing in a bit more detail.

Paul, yes i have the orange frets and I also bought the yellow ones too. Yellow is too bright for me, it's not as cool as the orange or the green. But i bet the yellow will look great under the V1

The user guide is available on the B and O page. Maybe it has the info you want? Has the usual guide diagram of connections.

Beolab 28s Beolab 9s Beolab 12-3s Beolab 1s Beolab 6000s 2 pairs Beolab 4000s Beovision 7-55 Beovision 10-40 Beoplay V1 32 inch Beovision Avant 32 inch Beosound 1 (CD player) Beosound 3000 Beosound 5 Core Essence MKII Beoplay M5

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Razlaw replied on Mon, May 7 2012 3:42 AM
Among the user guides available for the V1 is a technical sound guide. It has charts, graphs, much more information on sound than I have seen before in B and O guides.

Beolab 28s Beolab 9s Beolab 12-3s Beolab 1s Beolab 6000s 2 pairs Beolab 4000s Beovision 7-55 Beovision 10-40 Beoplay V1 32 inch Beovision Avant 32 inch Beosound 1 (CD player) Beosound 3000 Beosound 5 Core Essence MKII Beoplay M5

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benjnz replied on Mon, May 7 2012 4:40 AM

Hey John look on the bright side the UK pricing of 2500 GBP that would mean it's only $3180 in new money (with the VAT of 20% removed). So ok we have to add in shipping and any GST import, but you can bet that'll be a hell of a lot cheaper than you can get it here! (as ever)


Apart from pricing, I've no hesitation getting into B&O with respect to their speakers whatsoever; the TV's have been another kettle of fish though, because of the high pricing, and short life spans of TV's these days given the ever changing technology.

Aussie Michael
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Among the user guides available for the V1 is a technical sound guide. It has charts, graphs, much more information on sound than I have seen before in B and O guides.

Thanks.  I finally found it!  Whenever I clicked > Collection - Video > BeoPlay V1 - it would automatically link me to B&O Play website.  So i went on to a BV7 and then user guides then selected a different TV from there.  The issue was I couldn't get to the "user guides" under the > BeoPlayV1. 

But ingenuity prevails! haha.  Thanks..  Just what i was looking for.



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moxxey replied on Mon, May 7 2012 8:48 AM


all have an effect on picture quality,and are independent of source.

Terry, there's a big difference between the quality of the engine interpreting the incoming source and the source itself.

The quality of the source makes a massive difference to the picture you see on an LCD, whatever the brand. Most LCDs struggle to handle an average SD signal. If I watch Sky Sports in HD and switch to SD, the picture is awful - pixelated. If I switch to watching a Blu-ray, the picture improves further (beyond terrestrial HD).

That's the point. The engine just interprets the signal, but it's the quality of the signal that makes a difference. You can't polish a t*rd and SD is, frankly, not going to result in a quality picture.

That doesn't require Einstein to come to that conclusion, is basic fact.

A very good example is the BS3-powered BV7. When the first BS3-powered BV7-40 MKIII was released, the picture was still very ropey, very dark. This was a combination of two problems: a lack of HD signal and the panel. In 2012, where panels are universally good (whilst some are superb - like the BV7-55) and many of us now have HD, these problems have been *mostly* eradicated. The BS3/engine hasn't changed. It's still the same as it was 5 years ago. The difference primarily is the improvements in panel and signal. Like I say, most of use use HD and panels have got to the point of being brilliant (if, like B&O, you pick the best panels).

However, switch back to an average SD signal and the quality drop is significant. I barely can watch non-HD football on my 46" LCD (BV10-46), for example, as I said above. I guarantee you that a HD picture on a Samsung is better than an SD picture on my BV10-46. I'm prepared to show you a side-by-side comparison if you like :)

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benoit replied on Mon, May 7 2012 6:38 PM

Will the V1 be available through the BeoPlay online store or only in the dealer network?

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moxxey replied on Mon, May 7 2012 6:53 PM


Will the V1 be available through the BeoPlay online store or only in the dealer network?

Only from the B&O showrooms. According to my dealer, that was an agreement between B&O and the dealer network.

Which means that the intended audience - those under 35 - are unlikely to buy it as most of these people won't step in to a regular B&O store, from my experience.

B&O really need to revamp the stores. I remember my local dealer showing me plans for a brand new "lifestyle" store, expanding in to the basement. This was a venture in conjunction with B&O UK. That was two years ago. What's happened since? The dealer got his paint brush out and made some small touchups, and that's it. No big plans, changes, nothing!

I still believe B&O would be better reorganising some of the stores so that the new B&O Play objects are near to the front of the store, using the new design theme you see on the B&O Play website. My guess is that the dealer network are less convinced.....knowing that the B&O Play products are available from the Play website and Apple stores, meaning that they are less interested in committing to a store re-design, unless they get exclusivity over the Play products. Catch-22.

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Dude1 replied on Mon, May 7 2012 8:55 PM

Store revamp is coming for Play as it establishes itself.

The V1 is a great TV, distinctive, raw, Bauhaus, fresh and appealing. Not to everyones taste, but still a significant move for BangPLay. It's showing it's a concept to revitalise the brand. It will always be an edgy part of the brand, experimental, fun and quality.

The picture is great. Very, very good. Watch something decent on the TV, play it hard and it works well. Not long ago BV7-40 was an astronomical price, now everyone can have a good sized TV with great sound and decent connectivity that is affordable - not so out-of-reach.

Or, you could buy a Samsung, some very good looking TVs there too. But, for me, I prefer to Play the field. Go see for yourself why...

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Steffen replied on Mon, May 7 2012 11:24 PM


The quality of the source makes a massive difference to the picture you see on an LCD, whatever the brand. Most LCDs struggle to handle an average SD signal. If I watch Sky Sports in HD and switch to SD, the picture is awful - pixelated. If I switch to watching a Blu-ray, the picture improves further (beyond terrestrial HD).

That's the point. The engine just interprets the signal, but it's the quality of the signal that makes a difference. You can't polish a t*rd and SD is, frankly, not going to result in a quality picture.

That doesn't require Einstein to come to that conclusion, is basic fact.

-and You don't think the same thing goes for audio..? Erm..

I'm just referring to other threads, where You over and over again says, that there's no difference between streaming music and lossless files...

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expoman replied on Tue, May 8 2012 12:08 AM

In the US it is listed for sale at most Apple stores on the B&O play find a store near me link.  Has anyone seen it at an Apple store?  Could be Apple's way of testing if customers will buy TV's in their stores.

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moxxey replied on Tue, May 8 2012 7:23 AM


-and You don't think the same thing goes for audio..? Erm..

I'm just referring to other threads, where You over and over again says, that there's no difference between streaming music and lossless files...

I'd suggest you read through replies more carefully....including earlier in this thread.

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Among the user guides available for the V1 is a technical sound guide. It has charts, graphs, much more information on sound than I have seen before in B and O guides.

Can't find the link to the manual... Can you post it here?

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Among the user guides available for the V1 is a technical sound guide. It has charts, graphs, much more information on sound than I have seen before in B and O guides.

Can't find the link to the manual... Can you post it here?


The Advanced Sound manual is impressive!


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Michael replied on Tue, May 8 2012 2:18 PM

I saw the V1 on its introduction day here in Sweden and was fairly impressed. I guess it is what it is and it is not trying to be more than it is. 

They had the 32" black and the white 40" on display and I actually think the black model was more grey/brownish than black.

Do anyone know if they will release it in other colours? I would like it in blue, with a white speaker fret. For example..

I have read alot but I can't see anyone talking about the display panel. I am worried it might be a TN-display and not a quality IPS display or something in that range. If it is TN that would probably be OK from a perfect viewing position but if you look at the tv from different angles that would not be OK.

Planning to buy it for my bedroom and I like the roof-mount solution but havent seen it jet. Would have hoped for a wall mount that was possible to tilt forward. The design of the tv certainly makes a stand like that easy to produce. Perhaps something for STB Brackets?

Anyway, prefer the white tv to the black. Whether to buy the 32 or 40? hard to say but I am looking more to the 40" since the difference in cost is so small relative to the investment in total. But perhaps it is unneccessary - but also, if the sound is better in the 40" I think I would prefer it. Watching movies in the bedroom after a long day is fantastic and all the sound I can get I will want :P


Beolab 50, Beolab 8000 x 2, Beolab 4000 x 2, 
BeoSound Core, BeoSound 9000, BeoSound Century, 
BeoLit 15, BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay P2, BeoPlay H9 3rd Gen, BeoPlay H6, EarSet 3i, 
BeoVision Eclipse Gen 2 55", BeoPlay V1-40, 
BeoCom 6000 and so much else :)  

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moxxey replied on Tue, May 8 2012 3:38 PM


I have read alot but I can't see anyone talking about the display panel. 

There's plenty of feedback in this 9 page discussion on the quality of the V1 picture/panel.

Personally, I prefer the white with the interchangeable coloured speaker frets.

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Razlaw replied on Tue, May 8 2012 6:04 PM


The Advanced Sound manual is impressive!

Glad you found it, and as you say, it is impressive.

Beolab 28s Beolab 9s Beolab 12-3s Beolab 1s Beolab 6000s 2 pairs Beolab 4000s Beovision 7-55 Beovision 10-40 Beoplay V1 32 inch Beovision Avant 32 inch Beosound 1 (CD player) Beosound 3000 Beosound 5 Core Essence MKII Beoplay M5

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The Advanced Sound manual is impressive!

Glad you found it, and as you say, it is impressive.

Are you talking about the PDF called "Technical_Sound_Guide" ?

BeoNut since '75

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Razlaw replied on Tue, May 8 2012 6:38 PM

Are you talking about the PDF called "Technical_Sound_Guide" ?

Beo-Ed :-)

The Technical Sound Guide for the V1, from the B and O page.

Beolab 28s Beolab 9s Beolab 12-3s Beolab 1s Beolab 6000s 2 pairs Beolab 4000s Beovision 7-55 Beovision 10-40 Beoplay V1 32 inch Beovision Avant 32 inch Beosound 1 (CD player) Beosound 3000 Beosound 5 Core Essence MKII Beoplay M5

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Good, this new platform is great. I hope they're gonna bring it to the Beovision 10 soon.

Beoworld app with direct photo upload and emoticons.

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Steph replied on Tue, May 8 2012 7:10 PM

Hey, Karel !

Will you go for the V1 now or the BV10 with red fret to replace your red BV3 ? Wink

I think it's time to go... Yes - thumbs up

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Michael replied on Tue, May 8 2012 7:36 PM



I have read alot but I can't see anyone talking about the display panel. 

There's plenty of feedback in this 9 page discussion on the quality of the V1 picture/panel.

Personally, I prefer the white with the interchangeable coloured speaker frets.


I can't see anything regarding what kind of panel it is? Do you know if it is an IPS panel? I think the picture looks good in the store but always hard to say. I want to know if it is an IPS panel since the color accuracy for one thing is much better, as is the viewing angles.


Also prefer the white one :) I Hope the frets won't cost too much so one could buy a few and change from time to time.

Beolab 50, Beolab 8000 x 2, Beolab 4000 x 2, 
BeoSound Core, BeoSound 9000, BeoSound Century, 
BeoLit 15, BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay P2, BeoPlay H9 3rd Gen, BeoPlay H6, EarSet 3i, 
BeoVision Eclipse Gen 2 55", BeoPlay V1-40, 
BeoCom 6000 and so much else :)  

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DoubleU replied on Tue, May 8 2012 7:38 PM


Do anyone know if they will release it in other colours? I would like it in blue, with a white speaker fret. For example..


The cover is made of steel, not anodized aluminum. So if it’s easy to strip the cover, and I think it is, you could bring it to a paintshop. Idea


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moxxey replied on Tue, May 8 2012 8:25 PM




The Advanced Sound manual is impressive!

Glad you found it, and as you say, it is impressive.

Are you talking about the PDF called "Technical_Sound_Guide" ?

For other people to read:

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Hey, Karel !

Will you go for the V1 now or the BV10 with red fret to replace your red BV3 ? Wink

I think it's time to go... Yes - thumbs up

I see the V1 in my bedroom... Still drooling over a black BV10 with red fret.. But had to invest in a new camera and some lenses first (price higher then  BV10)

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Michael replied on Tue, May 8 2012 9:09 PM

You beat me too it :P I thought about that today also :) I am going for the white 40" for my bedroom. I think. Mostly because the better sound in the 40" model. I want a complete "mini-cinema" so I think that is the best bang for the buck :P

Beolab 50, Beolab 8000 x 2, Beolab 4000 x 2, 
BeoSound Core, BeoSound 9000, BeoSound Century, 
BeoLit 15, BeoPlay A1, BeoPlay P2, BeoPlay H9 3rd Gen, BeoPlay H6, EarSet 3i, 
BeoVision Eclipse Gen 2 55", BeoPlay V1-40, 
BeoCom 6000 and so much else :)  

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moxxey replied on Tue, May 8 2012 10:52 PM

Here's some more V1 coverage from IDG US:

"I attended a demo at the Bang & Olufsen store in San Francisco’s Union Square, and was impressed with a lot of what the company did with this TV."

Paul W
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Paul W replied on Tue, May 8 2012 11:40 PM

I still say a big well done to B&O for this lil V1 - a lot of thought has gone into it!

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moxxey replied on Wed, May 9 2012 2:45 PM

Interesting. My dealer confirmed today that the V1 is.....made in Denmark!

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