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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beocenter 4000 type 1603 - powerup noise help

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Lewis T
Not Ranked
Hampshire, UK
Posts 39
Bronze Member
Lewis T Posted: Mon, Jan 13 2014 9:41 PM

Hi Everyone,


Just wanted to ask if anyone knows what might be happening with my Beocenter 4000 the 70's version. I brought it cheap from the internet, it arrived and was working 100% fine for a few days but over the weekend I plugged it in and switched it on but when you now switch it on from a cold start you just get a buzzing/humming noise from the speakers. If you try to get fm,mw/lw or the fm presets to work they wont. If they do choose to work they sound terrible but if I select phono I get the same buzzing even thou nothing is plugged into that din plug. I have found if I switch it on and select tape and turn the volume down for about 5 mins the beocenter works as it should do and the sound is really nice and the buzzing noise has also gone after 5 - 10 mins of the unit being switched on.  It sounds wonderful really bright and nice the heatsink it running nice and cool it only gets a bit warm after a few hours of light use on classical or spoken word. I have opened the unit up and it looks like its had a service recently as the 2 big capacitors looks quite modern and shiny new and the same goes for a lot of the transistors and resistors and it looks like their is also a lot of new shiny solder. I am just wondering if anyone may be able to help with why its making this buzzing sound because its annoying.  I have the following plugged into the unit if it helps:


1 Pair of Beovox s45 (70's Version)

1 pair of Beovox s30

Beogram CD X 2

Fm & Mw Ariel's 


Many Thanks,



Top 10 Contributor
Copenhagen / Denmark
Posts 13,191
Dillen replied on Mon, Jan 13 2014 10:06 PM

A lot of faults to these lovely units are caused by aging capacitors.
In this case, I suggest you check the ones fitted to the regulator board.
There are four or five, cheap components, replace them if in doubt.


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