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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Advice needed for nice (dock-like) passive stereo speakers

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wiwiwwii Posted: Mon, Feb 3 2014 8:10 PM

Hey Beo!

My recently renovated Beogram 5500 & Beomaster 5000 are working great. I absolutely love the system. I want to buy new speakers for it. I now have medium range JBL speakers for them.

What I want is the following: I love the multiple-speakers-in-one stuff. For example: the Bowers & Wilkinsons a7. I like the idea of having expert sound without having two speaker boxes next to each other. You mostly see this setup for iphone docks or wifi / airplay speakers. But, they are all active speakers.

Are there speakers that are passive, look great and are similar to something like the a7? I really don't know how to search for them.

Thanks for all your advice! Cheers from the Netherlands

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why not a pair of beovox CX 100 ? If you put them together, they are very compact; good looking and will sound far better than any ipod dock with your beomaster 5000. 

I saw some CX 50 and CX 100 at my friend Leslie's place (he's living the Netherlands like you and have a bunch of them), I can say that the CX 100 (if well refurb) could really please you (even if some do not like them) ;). From my amateur point of view (but I am not an expert), it is the best choice for compacity ! Even the CX 50 are not so bad (but not as good as the CX 100). 

I hope this could help you, good luck ;)



Christian Christensen
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¨Tons of alternatives, lots of good speakers out there. Europe hold so many good manufactorers.

Danmark, Sweden, Finland, England, Germany France, Italy, Fanastic culture of speakers.

But , as an enthusiast, I fall in line with above speakers, why not try speakers of same brand ? 

The CX are a classic , sound so smooth and look so nice.

My re-capped M75 are my precious diamonds.

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Thanks for the reply! Do you have experience with the Beovox? I always thought that vintage speakers are less superior then new ones. Could you PM me for info about your dutch friends? Maybe we can work something out :)

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Thanks for the reply! What speakers are you referring to? If you point me in the right direction I think I can google for something that fits my needs. Thanks so much!

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In general, Beovox means passive B&O speakers (and Beolab active speakers) but there are exceptions.

The one we are talking about are some of the more compact B&O built : Beovox CX 100 (you can google "beovox CX 100").

If you prefer woodcase, speakers will be larger but there is a large consensus here to say that Beovox S45 (and S45-2) are a good bargain.

After, there are more modern looking speakers (a matter of taste) : Beovox RL series

I am not an encyclopedia so I forgot a lot, sorry but here are the main families ;)


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