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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beosound 1 laserunit

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This post has 4 Replies | 1 Follower

Top 500 Contributor
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Kronzilla Posted: Tue, Apr 24 2012 1:49 AM

Ik heb een probleempje, nl na het demonteren heb ik de rubberen dopjes die voor de vering uit de cdpro getrokken,en hoe krijg ik die daar opnieuw in?

Weet iemand welke serienummers van de BS1 bij welk productiejaar horen?

Graag had ik eens geweten wat de volgende onderdelen zouden kosten:

een nieuwe cdpro module (VAU1255/01)

een nieuwe plastic achterwand,en een nieuwe front bovenaan (met de bedieningsknopjes achteraan, dus NIET de metalen front cover)



Top 500 Contributor
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Paul replied on Fri, Apr 27 2012 8:58 PM
De gehele unit is 250 euro nieuw
Chris Harrison
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Peak District
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I dont speak Dutch. I have problems with my laserunit too.

Beosound 8, Beotime, Beocom 4, Beo 5, Lutron Rania, MacBook 15" (Mid 2015), iPad Pro, iPhone 6S, B&O Play H3, Beolit 12, Form 2, A8 Headphones, B&O Play A1, B&O Essence

Terry Browne
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via Google translate:

I have a problem, namely after disassembling I pulled the rubber caps for the suspension out of the cdpro, and how do I get them back in there?

Does anyone know which serial numbers of the BS1 belong to which production year?

I would have liked to know what the following parts would cost:

a new cdpro module (VAU1255 / 01)

a new plastic back, and a new front at the top (with the control buttons at the back, NOT the metal front cover)




The entire unit is 250 euros new

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Kronzilla replied on Wed, Dec 2 2020 12:22 PM

 Couple years ago i replaced the back cd clamper front and new laserunit and it did cost me then almoat 500€ so the covers are expensive. Maybe cheaper to buy a used one for about 300-400€?

The cdpro units are not being made anymore but the laser itself cost abput 60€ i think

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