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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram 4000 MMC20CL - Amp Speaker Suggestions

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ruskiantonov Posted: Wed, Feb 26 2014 4:40 PM

Hey guys, so I have a flawless Beogram 4000 unit on the way with a MMC20CL cartridge. I am so excited to have this legendary turntable in my possession.

My current set up is an RX2 with a MMC4 cartridge from soundsmith, hooked up to a McIntosh MA230 pre/amp that is connected to Dynaco ScanSpeak a25's. I really like this system but now that I am diving into some truely classic equipment, ie Beogram 4000, I am thinking whether or not I should opt out for other B&O equipment from that era. Specifically I was thinking of getting a Beomaster 3000 and Beovox 5000 speakers to match the new Beogram.

Aesthetically, I think this set up would look incredible, but I dont think I'd be willing to compromise any significant loss in sound quality. How will the Beomaster 3000 compare to the MA230...? The 230 has a solid state preamp and a tube amp; where as the 3000 is solid (though I'm sure everyone here knows that :)

What about the speakers? I've been told/read that the Dynascan  speakers are legends in the audio world, and pair exceptionally well with B&O stuff. Furthermore these are a special model that were sold to me off of AudioKarma that have ScanSpeak tweeters in them, which apparently make the speaker substantially better then other a25's, supposedly a very rare model. 

My general thought is that, I wouldnt be surprised if the B&O made their equipment to perform best when paired with other B&O products, a la Apple. Am I wrong in assuming that? Will the McIntosh amp be better then the 3000, as generally McIntosh stuff is regarded in a different league then the B&O amps. 

Let me know what you guys think. Any and all input is much appreciated. Thanks!


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Burgundy, France
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chartz replied on Wed, Feb 26 2014 6:44 PM

Well, I'd advise a Beolab 5000 integrated.

I am currently getting to know my new Beovox M70's and I can't recommend them enough. They are great speakers I precisely use with the same deck and cartridge combination!

And you are right: B&O elements are best used with their contemporary products of the same range.


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Peter replied on Wed, Feb 26 2014 6:47 PM

Speakers are a very subjective choice. It also very much depends on the size of your room. I have what I would regard as the ultimate B&O system based on the BG4000 - a Beomaster 4401 and Beovox M100 speakers. This will out perform the 3000 - more power and direct coupled. The Beovox 5000 was designed for the Beolab 5000 amplifier - the M100s are an advance. However the BG4000 will work perfectly well with your present system and if you like what you have, why change? I use non B&O speakers with my Beolab 5000 system because I prefer their sound.


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Burgundy, France
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chartz replied on Wed, Feb 26 2014 6:48 PM

Yes and Dynaco A25's are excellent small speakers too.

I tried a Revox A78 on Arcam One speakers and that works too!


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