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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BC6-26 slow puc response ATV

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Top 500 Contributor
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lonfred Posted: Sun, Mar 30 2014 10:48 AM

I have an Beocenter 6-26 type 9280 and use it together with an Apple TV2. Compared with my BV10-46 with the same option the Apple remote puc is really slow on the BC6-26. Do I use the wrong puc software or is all BC6-26 like this when settopbox is connected? The response is really slow, I can count to three between each push on the remote...

Perhaps someone has an answer?
Top 500 Contributor
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lonfred replied on Sat, Sep 27 2014 8:56 AM
Hi, does anyone know what version of Apple remote puc I need to use in this BC6-26. Or i the BC6-26 slow to handle puc comands? I have an BV7-32, BV 6-22, BV8-32, BV10-32 and a BV10-32 and it is only the BC6-26 that is really slow on this...
Top 100 Contributor
Frinton, UK
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Andrew replied on Mon, Sep 29 2014 4:06 PM

Hi, I tried to control an apple TV with a lintronic box, but it doesnt do the smooth scrolling etc. I also found the 8-32 STB-C not quite right either. What I did in the end was on the Apple TV, use the learn remote option and set the STB to something else - cant remember which one I used, but basically you learn a different set of commands to the Apple TV and it works fine - you also get to choose which buttons you assign - although up down left right and go are pretty standard but I used yellow for exit as it is next to the others.

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lonfred replied on Mon, Sep 29 2014 7:26 PM
Hi, but you are not able to learn an Apple TV the ir signal from a Beo4 because it has an different frequence and I hate my Beo6... Is the puc managing slower in general on a BC6-26 than the other Beovisions?
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lonfred replied on Tue, Oct 14 2014 6:30 PM
I bought a converter from oneremote in Denmark and connected it to the scart used for VMEM and suddenly I was able to controll the Apple TV with good speed. The converter pic up the BO video ir codes from the scart outlet and convert them to ATV ir codes and it work like a charm! But it also means that the PUC program for ATV in my beocenter 6-26 is faulty because it is so slow...
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elephant replied on Tue, Oct 14 2014 8:32 PM

I have had issues some times.

Once I simply needed to make sure the PUC's was correctly positioned over the Apple TV's "eye"

The other time I was rearrange wiring etc, and I believe I damaged something in the PUC's cabling - so I had to swap that PUC out and use one from another BV.

So intermittent failures (e.g. missing a key stroke, some slowness (not quite 3 seconds per stroke !)) all addressed better placement or replacement.

I use PUCs on ATV2 and ATV3 boxes, and I have BV8-32 and BV8-40.

BeoNut since '75

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