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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beomaster 900K tape connection has low volume

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Thor1024 Posted: Mon, Mar 31 2014 8:28 AM

Hi Everyone,

I got hold of my first B&O product: A fine Beomaster 900K. The FM receiver works fine, and the sound is good.

I would now like to expand my option by connection my iPod to the "tape" connection. Bought a 5-Din to minijack cable and gave it a go.

No sound, or so it seemed. Cracked up the volume to max, and could now hear the music played by my iPod (faint). From what I have googled, this setup should be working fine. I should only need a RIAA preamp on the gramophone connection.

Tested some more and found the following:
If I switch back to the FM Radio (turning the volume down first:), I can hear both the music played from the iPod and the radio. This time the iPod level is on par with the radio to my big surprise.   

What could be wrong with the "tape" module of the system? Could the issue be caused by some worn-out capacitors?

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Wouter replied on Mon, Mar 31 2014 9:07 AM

Welcome to beoworld!

My first suggestion would be to change the ipod to tape cable. If you use an output cable you'll get this kind of behaviour. Good luck!



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Thor1024 replied on Mon, Mar 31 2014 10:23 AM

So the cable I got is for the wrong direction? Source: 5-Din -> Output: mini-jack.
I did read a post about this on the forum, but since I do get sound through at max volume, I did believe that the cable was ok. 

What I Should get:
Source: mini-jack -> Output: 5-Din

Tanks Wouter - I will try it out.

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Wouter replied on Mon, Mar 31 2014 2:09 PM

You're welcome! I hope it worksYes - thumbs up


Or you could open up the plug (if possible) and check to which pins the wires are connected. 

Wikipedia has all the answers!


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