ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Check this 70 euro and this 23 euro incl. shipping
Brengen & Ophalen
Leslie: Check this 70 euro and this 23 euro incl. shipping
Why is a B&O BEO4 holder a 'plastic piece of crap'?
I have several of these around the house to keep them out of the hands of a raucus 4 yr old and they look smarter on the wall than the remote just being left on a tabletop.
Yes, there is a price difference - shipping being a major factor and is out of the hands of the sellers.
Admittedly, £39 is too expensive for one of these but Darren has to try to make a living out of selling B&O, it's his business.
Buyers will decide if it's too much or not and if they shop around, they will find them cheaper. 1 has been sold so someone thought it worthwhile.
It is also interesting to note that the German seller gives no payment options - certainly no security of Paypal like TimelessA V. I assume bank transfer but then you pay fees and can be prey to a scam if he decides to not send it or 'it gets lost' in the post..
The same can be said about many products, B&O or otherwise. Vintage B&O is an example. Why pay 1500€ for a bakelite 'piece of crap' that may shatter in transit, doesn't work etc - but then again, people do for a Beolit 39 or 40. One mans crap is anothers gold mine.
As a seller of B&O, I'd be interested in the prices you charge for some of your 'refurbished' products and see if they hold up against other available prices?
Isn't this still available from dealers at roughly 25 EUR?
My B&O products: Beosound 9000, Beosound 2300, Beosound Century, Beolab 8000, Beolab 6000, Beolab 4000 x2, Beolab 3500, Beolab 2000, Beolab 10, Beolink Active x2, Beotime, Beo5 x2, Beo4, A9 keyring x2, LC2 dimmer x6 and growing....
Rivenflush: Isn't this still available from dealers at roughly 25 EUR?
Quite possibly. It was discussed a while ago and someone found one at a dealer. How do you put a value on something? It's difficult and will always give rise to differences of opinion.
As I say, we love ours - we have 3 or four around the house and at least we always know where to find the remote!
A few years ago, I was buying these in bulk for around £10 a time from a seller in Germany.
I sold them on ebay, on auction, some made around £25 but a few made as much as £54!
It is called the market economy and profit is not a dirty word.
Regards Graham
joeyboygolf: A few years ago, I was buying these in bulk for around £10 a time from a seller in Germany. I sold them on ebay, on auction, some made around £25 but a few made as much as £54! It is called the market economy and profit is not a dirty word.
100% with you Graham. Mind you, who in their right mind would spend that much (£54) on something you can buy for a tenner? More money than sense some people - fortunately for you! I know I once sold a Beovox Cona to a guy in the US for over £200 when the going rate at that time was for half that. If people want something and aren't prepared to wait for one at the right/normal price, money is no object.
Embarrassing thread.
tamtapir: Embarrassing thread. /***
In what way?
If you thought that, why 'contribute' and what is your point?
We, that choose to are having a discussion, which is what this forum is for, on the merits and cost of items. All of the posts in this thread are valid points to discuss, from the original statement from Leslie and the responses so far. If you have anything constructive to say, then say it.
Dave Farr: tamtapir: Embarrassing thread. /*** In what way? If you thought that, why 'contribute' and what is your point? We, that choose to are having a discussion, which is what this forum is for, on the merits and cost of items. All of the posts in this thread are valid points to discuss, from the original statement from Leslie and the responses so far. If you have anything constructive to say, then say it. Dave.
So I did, Dave. So I did. This forum is known as a "friendly forum" and this threadstart is anything than friendly and a sample of bad language.
If there was a way to ignore Another user here, I would use it.
The thread title is a little unfortunate and I did use the offensive to some c**p word to paraphrase the original post in my reply . If this has caused any offence, I apologise.
On the whole, this is a freiendly forum and open to all opinions and we do try to adhere to the site rules. All members views should be respected, tolerated etc. I think sometimes we just need to be a bit more careful in the way we express them.
Let's have a peaceful Sunday. The sun is shining outside (here at least), I'm laying a laminate floor in the kitchen before the furniture arrives tomorrow so I've got bigger (but not better) things to worry about than B&O and the forum.
Maybe the wrong word used but crap for me is what I use when people try to sell something that cost extensively more then buying at the dealer.
Beo4 wallbracket for me is still a piece of plastic "crap".
@tampta something, don't like my thread then don't read it okay...
Btw, try to search on this forum for the word crap, you'll be surprised.
Dave Farr: Leslie: Check this 70 euro and this 23 euro incl. shipping Why is a B&O BEO4 holder a 'plastic piece of crap'? I have several of these around the house to keep them out of the hands of a raucus 4 yr old and they look smarter on the wall than the remote just being left on a tabletop. Why pay 1500€ for a bakelite 'piece of crap' that may shatter in transit, doesn't work etc - but then again, people do for a Beolit 39 or 40. One mans crap is anothers gold mine. As a seller of B&O, I'd be interested in the prices you charge for some of your 'refurbished' products and see if they hold up against other available prices? Dave.
Why pay 1500€ for a bakelite 'piece of crap' that may shatter in transit, doesn't work etc - but then again, people do for a Beolit 39 or 40. One mans crap is anothers gold mine.
Beolit 39 is, and I don't use that word often, a rare product and a real collectors item. Beo4 wall bracket is not and can still be bought at the dealers new in box for less the money this guy is asking. That's a rip off. I bought ten of these brackets for 10 euro and gave some away.
Occasionally I sell something of my refurbished stuff and I don't charge my hours/days because working on B&O for me it's just fun to work at.
Hello everybody,
I'm not sure whether this topic is really worth the argument. The bracket is a useful although from my point of view not spectacular item. In a capitalistic society it's natural that when doing business people are trying to make a good deal - hm, on second thought that's even part of the fun when collecting stuff. Sometimes you get things for less than what they are worth to you and some deals turn out to be a total loss. In the end and over time, usually you pretty much pay for things what they are worth on a free market.
That being said, as I've pointed out in other threads, Leslie is far from suspicious when it comes to ripping people of - more to the contrary. He has done quite a bit of work for me in the past without even charging me. That's one of the aspects that makes B&O and this side great: knowledgeable members willing to share their knowledge and help others who are in need. In that sense: thanks to Leslie and all the others here that have helped me and many others getting closer to a fully working B&O system of their wishes.
If the word crap offends you then don't read the post.
I'm out of here!!!
Talk about that this thread has gone well out of hand
I must admit, that 39 GBP is to much for the wall brackets - but then again they are quite rare and as dealers have closed down many does not have a dealer close by (me included). Also, we are not talking about a customer base that is the most price sensitive in the world...
I like Darren (bought my first B&O product from him to a very fair price) but I understand if some people feels that he is over pricing this. Anyway, it is the market who sets the price and having them on eBay costs nothing so why not set a price and see if someone is willing to pay it.
However, what is most important is that Beoworld remains a place where everyone can speak their mind about anything...
Things are worth whatever people are willing to pay. An item like the wall bracket may not be something you feel is worth that much, but if you really want or need one and that's what it takes you'll cough up the money. I think it's overpriced, but then I have two, which are all I need. If I needed/wanted another one badly, I'd probably hold my nose and cough up the money even if I wasn't happy about the price.
They are very useful for certain applications. I have one mounted near to the wall puck for the MasterLink setup. I don't have to use the puck, it's so closely mounted the Beo4 can be touched on the wall and act like a full function wall puck. Plus you can remove it and carry it around if needed. It is an elegant solution for my link room.
Your mileage of course may vary.
I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus.
Even in most harsh capitalism there is a thing called "fair trade practice".
Overcharging an item is not that, and even with all relativization (supply/demand etc.) it is not giving me confidence in expecting fair treatment from such seller. Is it allowed by law? Sure, but that doesn't make it right.
And I think this is all what thread owner wanted to say.
The official price in DK is 95kr (~13€).
So I think we can all agree that it is a rip off.
Beovision Eclipse gen2 (GX) w/ floorstand, Beolab 14.2, 4 speaker Shape and ATV4/Chromecast.
Beoplay A9mk4 GVA, Beosound 1 GVA, H2, H3, H8, E6, Beoplay EQ
As a designer of products which are often made in plastic I'd say one of the attributes of B&O mouldings is the quality. They rarely have sinkmarks or visible parting lines which are signs of crap products made from plastic. I've seriously considered a wall bracket for the Beo4 on our top landing . Thanks for the reminder that the local dealer may have one instead of the bay .
Beo Century ,Beoplay V1, Beocenter 6, Ex-Beolit 12, Beotime , A8. Beolit 15 , Form 2i , Beolab 2000, Beoplay A3.Beosound 1
Finally someone who understands me.... Well said AnalogPlanet!