ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I know this has been covered before but my BG4004 which I just bought has some speed issues, i.e it's not regular, I have replaced the belt but this seems to make it worst, also when turning the platter it doesn't go round freely like my BG1500. So I wondered if anyone had some top tips to check in order that is reasonably safe for an amateur and where to look? Failing that I am more than happy to send it for a service but not sure where it should go. The deck itself may not have been used for some time so I am just trying to run in it to see fi that helps free up?
Just had a look through the forum and tried "exercising" the trimmers and this did the trick - recalibrate with a strobe disk and it now sounds great, would still like to get it serviced though as it is connected to a 2400-2, but pressing P on the beomaster does not start the turntable, pressing another source stops it though! any ideas? I read that if some of the lights are out on the beomaster then this can cause eratic behaviour - could this be why - reluctant to mess around any more now that it is working!
Congratulations on getting the speed correct by exercising the trimmers.
Where are you located?
Thanks, well I thought it was fixed but still giving me problems, I sprayed the trimmers with switch cleaner, but think they probably need replacing as still gives the odd slow down.
I am located in London.
ajames: I am located in London.
I can't recommend a tech for you then. Ultimately, my 4002 needed new trimmers, new capacitors on that board, and a new motor. It did not need work on the relay. Good luck.