ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Brengen & Ophalen
Well over £1000 I reckon.
Got a lot of nice kit there.
A lot of nice kit poorly listed - £700 tops is my guess purely on the strength of the turntable which is the only part mentioned in the description.
Problem here is not only the listing but also the pick up only from Plymouth. The Beogram could easily get £700 alone is able to be sent and the S60s with stands are wonderful speakers. Lucky chap who gets this system.
Sold! 870 GBP or 1091 euro
Blimey! I thought about £3-400. One of these Beogram 3000's went on ebay for £250 last year with some other bits too.
I was very tempted, only I was in rural Norrmandy during the last 24 hours of the auction with no internet access! I could have collected the equipment on the way home too, as I was using the Roscoff/Plymouth ferry link.
I'm not into older B&O so don't know if this is any good but someone out there might like it.
Beogram 1000
(It's not mine by the way,)
Stoobietoo: I'm not into older B&O so don't know if this is any good but someone out there might like it. Beogram 1000 (It's not mine by the way,) Stoobie
Nice classic system.My guess: The Beogram will probably have a motor seized up in dried lubricants (so it won't do a thing) andthe Beomaster will have burned dial lamps, the only thing revealing power is on.The owner not opening the nice users booklet (worth the asking price alone!), wouldn't know howto activate the speaker switches so it will also remain silent.