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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Blgw Question

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This post has 3 Replies | 1 Follower

Top 100 Contributor
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mjmedlo Posted: Sun, Feb 8 2015 9:42 PM
Why is there no line in available as a beo4 command?

IE. I have a beolab 2000 and I'd like it to access the line in from my NL converter to Pla music through the essence.

The line in for beoremote one is the only line in available so my question is ... How do I play the line in source from the NL converter through the masterlink side?


Top 50 Contributor
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It'd be useful if they had a proper user guide for the ML/NL converter...

The Beoremote One has a huge list of sources:

TV, Radio, Tunein, DVB, Radio, Av In, Line In, A.Aux, Bluetooth, Homemedia, Dlna-Dmr, Recordings, Camera, Usb, Usb 2, A.Mem, Cd, Net, Radio, Music, Dlna-Dmr, Airplay, Spotify, Deezer, Qplay,
Join (Toggle) Webmedia, Youtube, Home App, Hdmi 1 Hdmi 2 Hdmi 3 Hdmi 4 Hdmi 5 Hdmi 6 Hdmi 7 Hdmi 8 Matrix 1 Matrix 2 Matrix 3 Matrix 4 Matrix 5 Matrix 6 Matrix 7 Matrix 8 Matrix 9 Matrix 10 Matrix 11 Matrix 12 Matrix 13 Matrix 14 Matrix 15 Matrix 16 Personal 1 Personal 2 Personal 3 Personal 4 Personal 5 Personal 6 Personal 7 Personal 8 Tv On Music On Patternplay 

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mjmedlo replied on Sun, Feb 8 2015 10:15 PM
Yes. I see all of those commands.

The issue is whether or not the beoremote one source would transfer to a legacy Ml product, ie the beolab 2000.

I even named my essence line in as dvd2 and can't get any sound.

For some reason I can't get the essence over to the ML system.
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I have no experience with NL products... but I found this: 

On the Moment, Line In is equivalent to A.AUX, so maybe you can try that...

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