ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Just wanted to say thanks for the advice posted on this forum about beogram products. I now have purchased two Beogram TX2s one with an original MMC3 cartridge and one with an original MMC4 cartridge. Even though both sound great without applying more pressure to the needle I still purchased two SMMC3 cartridges from SoundSmith. The reason being since both are gifts to people why chance it with an older cartridge. I will just be giving them the old original cartridge when I give them the decks so they at least have an emergency spare if something goes wrong. I think my father gets the better deal as he has been the recipient of: Beocenter 9000, Beovox CX100, BeoLab Penta 1, and now a Beogram TX2 with SMMC3 cartridge. Anyways I want to thank the people of the forum for providing my a wealth of information even if I have a lurker just reading and not contributing.
My home systems:
BeoCenter 9000, Beovox CX100, Beolab Penta II.
BeoCenter 9500, Beovox CX100, Beolab Penta III, Beolab 6000