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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


SC60 /80 Cabinet dimensions

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kb1981 Posted: Sun, Feb 22 2015 5:41 PM


I've searched the forums and the products here and at other sites but can't find the dimensions for the SC 60 and 80 cabinets.

Clearly the width of the beocord + beomaster, but are they exactly that width? 

I need to be sure of the measurements so I can fit everything along one wall and I think it'll be close!

If anyone knows I'd be grateful for the info. Sorry if it's obvious somewhere and I've missed. I tried a lot of googling but couldn't find anything.


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Steffen replied on Sun, Feb 22 2015 11:43 PM

Hi there

I have a SC 60. It is 104,50cm wide. Almost excactly the width of Beomaster +Beocord (+ a few mm).

The SC 80 has closed sides. So I guess you'll just add  2,5 - 3 cm (depending on the thickness of the material) to the width of the BM 8000+ Beocord.
However there was also a SC 80. 2 with open sides like SC60. In that case, it's ofcourse just the width of BM+BC.

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kb1981 replied on Tue, Feb 24 2015 12:07 PM

Hi Steffen,

Many thanks for the confirmation of the SC 60 width. I'm looking at an open sided cabinet as every mm counts!

Best regards,


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