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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beovox Penta hiss

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Valve_radio_man Posted: Fri, Feb 27 2015 6:10 PM

I recently purchased a pair of pentas (1's). They were demonstrated as working by the seller, I carefully loaded them and bought them home - a journey of 150 miles.

After setting them up I connected them to a Beogram 9000 - via RCA from pre-amp out as I don't have a Speakerlink cable. One speaker is working perfectly, the other is hissing like a snake. This starts immediately on start up and continues for a number of seconds after switch off. I've switched the wires round = same thing. I have also disconnected altogether and the hiss is exactly the same, suggesting to me that there is a problem is the amp itself. 

I don't really want to tackle a complete recap at present as I really want to get these in place and get a feel for the physicality of them. In the longer run I am happy to tackle a more significant rebuild but a repair would be acceptable for now.

I am looking for any suggestions as to where to start. I have downloaded the manual, and would guess the power circuit to be likely.  Any pointers gratefully received. 

My first post!


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