ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
does anyone has problem with beosound 3 especially on the keypad / key panel
Ari - jakarta
It's a very well known issue and it should be taken under warranty (even if expired).
It has been discussed here several times and almost all BS3 had or will have this problem.
Mine has been changed twice.
Unfortunately, this is a well known problem. Most early models eventually have this problem. There is a fix. Talk to a dealer.
Yes, I can concur my unit had problems, in fact its been returned five times each time was meant to be the last?!
Apparently there was a design issue with handling humid conditions ( it gets humid in Sydney summer).
I cant say you'll get it fixed for free - B&O Sydney made me pay for labour, the hardware was luckily approved by B&O under fair use warranty claim.
BTW I find keeping it dust free does help delay another round of problems
Hi everyone,
I also have had problems with some or all of the touch functions on my Beosound 3 not working or very seldom.
I went to a B&O repairshop, and they charged me 250 euro for that. It have lasted a Little more than two years, and then the problem came Again.
So, I don't know if I had the later model touch pad installed, when I paid the B&O repairshop.
In any case, the problem returned.
Now, I DON'T want to pay B&O Again, and searching the web, did not give any soloutions to neither taking the Beosound apart, or rectifying the problem.
So today I gop angry, and took a Torx screwdriver size 10 and took the 4 screws in the bottom off, and took the battery out.
Then I lifted one side of the toppanel with my fingers only, and saw a large metal spring inside, retaining the touch panel on the top.
I inserted the Torx 10 screwdriver, and pressed slightly on one leg of the big spring/clamp, and it came off, and this also loosened the other side, and I could now take the touch panel off, after releasing a very short flat cable tthat comes out of the top panel, and into a socket on a small print board below in the cabinet. Real easy..
The panel is laminated and cannot be serviced, so I placed it on a piece of paper, and sprayed it liberally with Electric contact cleaner for Electronics.
I did that a few times, and turned it around, so the cleaner could soak into the laminated panel, cleaning condensated Water from the air, and eventually a bit of dirt.
Theres a few Places not along the edge, that you also have to spray, and I let it stay for 1 hour. Then sprayed it Again, turned it around and with a piece of kitchen roll paper, I carefully cleaned the edges and the Black plastic underside of the top panel a bit.
Then I held the panel in left hand, lowering the edge of the panel opposite the radio antenna hole, Down, so the very short and thin flec flat cable fron the top panel could be carefully inserted into the socket on the small printboard that sits inside the top of the cabinet itself.
Then I clicked the toppanel back on (the spring can only sit in one way, and holds itself, not being in the way), and clicked it back onto the cabinet.
Then I connected the powercable at the bottom, and secured the 4 torx 10 screws.
Then I connected the mains powersupply, and waited 2 minutes to let it discover power Again. Then I turned it on first time, volume first time, antenna fist time up and Down, and power off!
So, despite everyones experience and costly reairs from B&O, this can be fixed and Work nicely.
The problem is that the laminated top panel is not secures corectly against moisture and condensated Water from normal air, and this is cleaned off with the Electric spray.
No, NeXT time, if this appears Again, I'll disconnect the battery and just spray from above, not taking the top panel off. Not needed really, unless wanting to clean the middle part, which can only be done from the underside of the top panel, in which case, the top panel must be released, but not the short cable.
Voila, I hope this can be a help for all of you Guys and Dolls out there, enjoying your beautifull Beosound 3!
Kind regards,
Jacques Keller, Denmark.
Se below, where I describe s soloution to this problem. It worked perfectly on mine.
Anyway, I'd better repeat my reply with a soloution:
Repairing Beosound 3
Useful info. thanks
Yor're wellcome.
One can take apart the foil from the lid by heating it in a kitchen oven at 80 degrees celsius. The glue becomes 'loose' and the foil can carefully be separated. Then the contacts show, which can be easily cleaned using some alcohol or contact spray. For reconnecting the parts, heat both up in the oven again, and fix the aluminium pad to the foil using the reheated 'loose' glue left-overs. Don't forget to clean the black circle used for adjusting volume!!
thanks Red Fox. this helped. Once the bottom plate is removed, the front GRILL panel actually Slides DOWN and the grill comes off (it is hooked in). Just pull it from the bottom with a pair of nose-pliers.
This enables you to attach the 4-wire ribbon back into that hard-to-reach spot, once you put the top control panel back on, and then slide the front grill back into position.
good morning Jacques
Just now I read your very nice report
Of course I suffer the same problem
Before trying to repair or destroy my lovely (not working) Sound3 I want to ask if you have some photos that can should the top panel parts you remove
Thank you very much for your help in advance and have a lovely day
All the best
Ciao Marco
Here is my back side of top panel. The left side of photo is the panel front side. Center of steel spring crips to main body.
X: Left side of photo
o: Right side of photo
Beovision 7 40 mk 5 ,beovision 6x3, beosound 3000, beogram 3300 , 2 x lc2, 2 x beocom 1401, beocom 6000 x 2, 5 x beo4,
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i am having beosound 3 touch panel issues - do you have any pictures to show how you managed to repair the touch panel.
many thanks
Good Morning,
Yes of course. Please follow this thread. Good luck!
Great . Many thanks.