ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
My Beogram 4002 fluctuates at 33 rpm
It starts out perfect but after approx 5 minutes speed starts to fluctuate (goes down in speed)
Everything else works fine on the 4002, I have changed the drive-belt a year ago due to other issues, but it didnt remove the fluctuation at 33 rpm
Looking at circuit resistor for setting 33rpm, can not see part number and pre-set resistor 1R15 should be looked at first, then relay 1RL1 contacts. The resistors mentioned above will need a small amount of switch cleaner and move the adjustment to clean the contacts, If that is not a cure clean contacts on 1RL1 . If you are unlucky 1R15 will need replacing. Others may know of more obscure fault. I have never seen one of these players.
PS Might be worth cleaning 1R14 (45rpm) pre-set and 45rpm pot adjuster while you are there.
Hi there. Welcome
First things first, replace the speed trimmers.
chartz: Hi there. Welcome First things first, replace the speed trimmers.
Yes.Then the speed switching relay.And finally, clean and lubricate the motor bearings.