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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beomaster 6500/7000 cabinet - alu top plate replacement

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js Posted: Tue, Apr 21 2015 9:35 AM

I wish to replace the top aluminium plate of the cabinet of a black/alu Beomaster 6500/7000. For whatever reason my initial thread was moderated and deleted, so I am attempting again.

I understand that I cannot use the complete top part of the cabinet of a spare Beocord or Beogram CD as it is not interchangeable with the Beomaster. Now I am left with two questions:

1. Are the top cabinets of the Beomaster 6500 and 7000 interchangeable? I believe these are basically the same machines.

2. As I just need to replace the top aluminium plate (not the complete top part of the cabinet), is there a way to unglue the top aluminium plate of a spare Beocord and reglue it on the Beomaster cabinet without damaging everything?

Or do you have any other suggestion on how to replace the top aluminium plate to make an otherwise mint Beomaster shine again?

Many thanks!  Smile

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