ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Greetings all,
Before you get mad about the topic line, I explain:
I won't dwell on the cosmetics, so start with what works first.
Pushing '33' the motor spins fine - the record cleaning function works.
Pushing 'on' the table powers on, strobe light comes on, motor spins but
Detector-arm light does not come on, carriage does not move at all, carriage motor
Starts spinning for a fraction of a second - that's it !!
I checked the globe of the detector arm - its fine !
The carriage motor works but does not get the voltage required to function/spin.
I have tried to read some sense out of the fault-finding flow charts - bet there is sense - but
Seriously struggled.
Who would be so kind and help me with some 'sign-posts' ???
I have done a complete lubrication service before I even connected it to power - and yes,
The fuses are ok too
Thank you so much for trying to help :-):-):-)
Do you have a record on the platter
Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.
Hi jacques,
Good to hear from you:-)
The bulb looks exactly like the ones on my other BG4000 tables.
I tested the bulb for open circuit, meaning damaged filament but it measured 11.3 ohm.
The light on the detector arm does not come at all - hardly a surprise when there is no voltage present !
But why and where could the problem be ??
Cheers, ALF
Hi søren,
It doesn't matter in my case as the carriage does not even move towards the platter.
But 'no', the is no platter present at the moment - the carriage should move accross with or without a pkatter/record :-)
Then check with your voltmeter where exactly the voltage break happens. Thus you should be able to say whether the electronics are fine or not.
The power routing for the tonearm is different from the platter motor and strobe. Start tracing from the transformer in to the power supply board and from there to the tonearm motor. There are a number of places where a fault can occur including the reed relay on the power supply board. There is also an inline fuse on that board too. -sonavor
Ok, what happened:
I checked the fuses in the fuse box - both ok but not the in-line fuse !
In-line fuse replaced and carriage motor moved carriage:-):-)
Still no light on the detector arm despite bulb tested ok - why ?
Pulled off the detector arm and noticed a plastic cover of the wire terminal has come off
And one of the bulbs contact springs came out of position causing a 'no-contact'
With the bulb assembly when docked-on.
I reassembled everything the way it should be and - halleluja - light on the detector arm,
Carriage moved in position and tone arm could be lowered and lifted as it should.
So, these were the dramas so far and so so severe afterall.
Big thank-you for pointing out the in-line fuse again !!!!
Next step is to restore the wooden plinth-part and what had been purchased for a $80 incl shipping as a 'for parts only wreck' may soon see the light of day again - so nice.
Congrats Alf, good find to a good price, how is the cartridge ?
Yes, number 4 in my BG4000 collection and actually only bought for parts !
The cartridge is a SP15 but has a broken cantilever - I am not worried about that as
I have a number of spare cartridges to choose from.
Only thing I need is the small decking plate and was hoping somebody could offer one :-)