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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beo6 Not Working

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This post has 2 Replies | 3 Followers

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Durham, England
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Mike Posted: Wed, Dec 16 2015 11:48 AM

Hi everyone,

When I went to use my Beo6 last night it wouldn't power up - I checked the power cable thinking that the battery must be flat, but it was working properly.

I've noticed that I have the red IR light on on the back of the remote but no amount of button pressing will bring it to life no matter how much I try!

I've left it over night charging but it is still the same today.

Can anyone offer me any advice as to what to do with it?


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Weebyx replied on Wed, Dec 16 2015 8:48 PM

During some of my many tests when creating the Beo5/6 Configurator iPad app, I also had this issue(although from wrong XML file).

If it didn't reset itself after a few hours, I had to unplug the battery for a few minutes. This requires that you remove the bottom part with the chargerbase, it is held in by 3 small screws, then you can remove the keyboard and also unplug the battery..


You could just let it sit a day or so, to see if it discharges itself enough. It needs a hard reset to work again.

Some of the units with older firmware could also have this issue, and I am not sure if the battery reset will work for those, but I would give it a try(unless you are under waranty offcourse)


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riverstyx replied on Wed, Dec 16 2015 10:01 PM

This page might help if you want to try disconnecting the battery:

You don't need to go as far as removing the battery from the units, just follow the first few instructions to open the unit and unplug the battery from the PCB for a few minutes.

If this does not resolve the issue then it is likely the battery has been completely discharged and the firmware issue that Weebyx mentioned is preventing the unit from recharging - if this is the case it is usually necessary to remove the battery and charge it externally to the beo6 before reinstalling it. This can be achieved quite easily using a pair of AA alkaline batteries and a couple of bits of wire - but lets see if disconnecting and reconnecting the battery works before we complicate matters.

Kind Regards,


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