ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I have recently read that all Dect telephones are not good for your health. They are actually worse than mobile phones. Do you know if this is true? There are different sources that say that this phones constantly pulse radiations that are extremely bad for you particularly if you are close to them like in the bedroom. In my case I have a beocom 6000 phone on a base station in the living room and another phone in my bedroom on a charging dock only. I have disconnected the one in the bedroom because I am uncertain. Some say you could get brain tumours.
Could you give me some advice please.
Here there are some sources:
There are many other sources if you do a Google search
This was heavily discussed some ten years ago.
Some 'experts' found out, that there is an potential influence on the health of human beings (and animals too).
Other 'experts' did not find it that critical.
You probably won't find a final proof for any of these theories.
But who really cares now - DECT telephones ( = landline phones) are yesterday.
Nowadays it is much more interesting to find out how much influence mobile (4G...) communication as well as wifi has on us.
Since we won't be able to (or want to) 'escape it', we will have to deal with it.
Personally I would not leave an active e.g. mobile phone lying around near a small sleeping child etc.
Whatever we do, modern technology has an influence on us - there is no gain without loss..
There is a tv - and there is a BV
In use, mobile phones have higher emissions than landline DECT, of course. I've also heard and read the contrary, which is not true, however.
There have been tons of studies and still no evidence that there are any effects to the human health - at least that's the best of my knowledge. Nobody knows for sure. I use corded phones; the Beocom 2000. Great phone by the way.
Millemissen: But who really cares now - DECT telephones ( = landline phones) are yesterday. Nowadays it is much more interesting to find out how much influence mobile (4G...) communication as well as wifi has on us. Since we won't be able to (or want to) 'escape it', we will have to deal with it.
No - they are not yesterday... As long as those damn cell phone Companies cannot give us 100% coverage. I live in an area, where there are almost no coverage. I can hardly use the phone inside my home - my guests have the same problems. No matter what Company or what phone, there's very bad connection for cell phones. And it is not like I'm living in a lonely house in the middle of nowhere. I live inside the borders of a town with around 35.000 Citizens. And we have lots of areas here in Denmark with the same problems. I have to have a "landline phone" at my home if I want to be sure to make a call. Luckily I have a broadband fibre connection for my internet. My cell phone is always on wifi when I am at home. Thats the reality in 2015. So please Millemissen - don't tell us that it is history... the OP stated that he has a Beocom 6000 (and so has I) - so don't tell us "who cares". Some do! Another thing is, that I am not afraid of all those horror-stories. Yes - I rmember when cell phones "toasted" your brain. And then they did not... And when it was dangerous to eat eggs - or drink coffee or, or, or... and then it was not..! So I am not afraid of DECT phones either.
Hey - life is dangerous... We all end up dead.
Beovision 7 40 mk 5 ,beovision 6x3, beosound 3000, beogram 3300 , 2 x lc2, 2 x beocom 1401, beocom 6000 x 2, 5 x beo4,
, 4 x beolab 4's, form 2, h2, a2,a1 and a beolab 2 😀😀
Steffen: So please Millemissen - don't tell us that it is history...
So please Millemissen - don't tell us that it is history...
We use a DECT phone and two wired landline phones at home - of course they are not all gone.
But you just have to check the statistics to see, that landline phoning is on the declining route - in Denmark maybe even faster than elsewhere.
And you just have to check the prices for B&O landline phones (including DECT's) on Den Blå Avis (= Ebay) to know, that landline is yesterday.
Or visit the shops of the providers - you will have to look very carefull to find landline phones there.
Luckily for us (for you and me) we still have landlines, but for how long?
Yes I read about this many many months ago. Sadly, nobody knows the effects on human body cells from WiFi and mobile phone masts/antennas. Put it this way, I'd NEVER put a mobile phone in a pocket - a friend of mines mother has died from *** cancer caused by were she placed her mobile phone. Sadly these corporations have the most corrupt expensive lawyers and we'll aways be bared from the truth.
As a live long competing NATURAL bodybuilder, my advice is simple - diet diet and nutrition to protect the body from outside toxins and it's simple - buy organic, support organic farming and cram the body with superfoods that are full of antioxidants - berries, watermelon, lemons, spinach, tomatoes, cooked tomatoes, pasta in glass jars, pulses, nuts, whey protein, olive oil, chia seeds, spirulina, acas berry, a top quality multivitamin and only a tiny, tiny amount of meat - 40g per serving
I would think that the threat from wifi is worst - I noticed when I am in London where there are literally hundreds of wifi signals around my flat there I get a ringing in my ears - when by the seaside where the only other signal is from next door neighbour and that's weak, it disappears - might be just me thinking it has gone but I definitely notice it less away from wifi, phones etc. etc,
vikinger: [View:]
Here is a link to the American Cancer study that might help.
This was also studied at length in Sweden but I couldn't find the link to the report. Maybe someone could find it.
Whatabout a wi-fi modem 24/7 in the livingroom?
Oh my gosh Linder your FDA are quoted. They are the people responsible for GMO food. One year their Directors are part of the FDA, the next, they are CEOs of Monsanto. I get the impression that any information that comes out of the USA is a pile of lies in the name of profit. The USA also thinks it's OK that 1 out of 2 people will get cancer.
At the end of the day, intelligent people are wise to the way of the world. If you are concerned about this, protect yourself by turning off your WiFi when you retire for the evening and put your iPhone into 'flight' mode. That's what we do :) It certainly allows for a good nights sleep :)
Very interesting Andrew about the ringing. I'm the same in the city and just blamed it on, too many years DJing :) However, I thought i'd try something today, I was mountain biking with friends in the valleys and countryside today and guess what, ZERO ringing in my ears! Of course no wifi there or even much of a phone signal :)
In a Kerry Bradshaw style... "Is modern living ending human life early???"
All these studies that say that mobile phones and Dect phones are not dangerous are suspicious in my opinion. The market is huge and this industry tries its best to make sure you shut up about the truth.
How about those women that developed *** cancer exactly where they had their phones or men that became infertile having their phone in the pocket most of the time.
About wi-fi I always switch it off when I don't need it. Dect phones off when possible and certainly not in the bedroom. Don't make many calls on my mobile as well luckily.
The truth is that nobody has a real answer to this problem.
I'm tempted to remove the phone from the table net to my side of the bed now !
Beo Century ,Beoplay V1, Beocenter 6, Ex-Beolit 12, Beotime , A8. Beolit 15 , Form 2i , Beolab 2000, Beoplay A3.Beosound 1
Paul W: Oh my gosh Linder your FDA are quoted. They are the people responsible for GMO food. One year their Directors are part of the FDA, the next, they are CEOs of Monsanto. I get the impression that any information that comes out of the USA is a pile of lies in the name of profit. The USA also thinks it's OK that 1 out of 2 people will get cancer. At the end of the day, intelligent people are wise to the way of the world. If you are concerned about this, protect yourself by turning off your WiFi when you retire for the evening and put your iPhone into 'flight' mode. That's what we do :) It certainly allows for a good nights sleep :)
Sorry Paul but I was trying to point out information from the American Cancer Society which is not a government entity. It is a non profit. As I had mention, in Sweden they have studied this subject for many years. I was hoping someone had a link to the Swedish studies.
The Dect and wifi issues are much larger that most people think. Regardless of where you are and what you are doing, radiation from devices are everywhere and is becoming more ubiquitous. In my condo there are at least 20 wifi devices that includes a security system, lighting control, Macs, iPhones, Apple Watch and of all things my blood pressure cuff. In a few weeks, I will be ordering a new electric car soon which is loaded with all kinds of technology. I will be sitting on a large lithium battery pack as I go down the highway. There are so many things to fear but at least my car won't emit carbon into the atmosphere.
You may be right. Turning off WIFI at night might help in getting a good nights sleep. However Siri probably won't like it.
Would a timer plug on the router be problematic for any reason, I wonder?
Simonbeo: Would a timer plug on the router be problematic for any reason, I wonder?
That would work but it might be to no avail. All of your wifi devices should be turned off also because they are wifi transmitters and you may be receiving wifi signals from your neighbors. If you have a smartphone, you may put it in airplane mode but it is still transmitting to cell towers.
Some routers have a setting to switch wifi off overnight - and a good old fashioned corded phone maybe better next to the bed.
The sites are talking about the synchronization signal send by the base station every 10ms. In rest a DECT handset is not sending any signal, only the base station. A DECT handset next to a bed would therefor not be an issue. Furthermore there a mention of a maximum 250mW output with DECT, but this is not correct for residential systems. The maximum power output of a DECT handset is 10mW and of a DECT residential base station 60mW with 6 handsets active at the same time. The output power when the synchronization signal is 10mW as the handsets are in listening mode.
The DECT standard can be found on the ETSI web site, if one want the know the details of the DECT standard.
As a side note, the maximum power output of a GSM handset is 2W, GSM, furthermore GSM, UMTS all send synchronization signals, as this is required to synchronize the handset with the base station.
Oh man, this sounds similar to the fear years back about mobile phones' risky use at gas stations.
I little knowledge of RF and the concern is clearly overblown - there far worse things.
ISM band "wifi" runs at 2400-2475MHz, ignoring 5.0g band. Now the power level maximum is a puny 100mW - that's 1/10th of a watt. But that's the AP, a device like a mobile phone at best can push -60dBm or 0.000001mW! That's best case, realistic use is far below that, a mosquito has orders of magnitude more power output. A microwave oven which we know can heat water, using that same RF space is only capable of doing so because of its power output which is anywhere between 500-1000W. Obviously this is kept safe by means of RF filter (perforated metal container).
Broadcast radio which has been around for over a hundred years can have seemingly scary power levels. Average stations can broadcast at 50kW and there are some due to their height and antenna design capable of EIRP of +100kW. A local station here (CKOI-FM) has a stupidly powerful 300kW EIRP that can easily reach neighbouring NY & VT over 200km away. The actual transmitter is probably running something like 10 or 20 kW but the gain from antenna is what gets these figures. We're not getting vapourised from all that due to the frequency being far too low and not area concentrated to excite us bags of water.
No one complains about that.
GSM (at least in most North America) runs primarily at 1900MHz or 1.9 GHz. And the power levels used there are far lower than broadcast radio, actually similar levels to "wifi" RSSI on a good day -70dBm or 0.0000001mW but again that is from the antenna, the device's radio is capable of -40dBm or 0.0001mW or 0.0000001W. However the specification calls for sensitivity of -140dBm which is 0.00000000000001mW or 0.00000000000000001W. That frequency is (poorly) capable of exciting water true but the levels we are talking about are comically tiny.
There's far worse things to be concerned about.
It's amazing, at least to me, how advanced radio technology has become and even works.