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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Penta 1 Type 6603 displays not working

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pirates712 Posted: Mon, Dec 28 2015 2:42 PM

Hi all,

I managed to get a free beocenter 9000 and two penta 1 type 6603 speakers. Everything seems to work, with the exception of the displays in the pentas. On one, the display is always completely off, and on the other, the display is always completely on (every part of the lcd is illuminated), regardless of whether the speakerlink or line-in inputs are being used. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of issue? If it isn't an easy fix, is there a simply way to disable the display so at least both speakers match?


As a side note, I've been doing some research and it seems like some people go through and replace a bunch of caps on these speakers. Is this something I should be doing? Thanks!

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Here's some additional info. I managed to extract the display boards, and taking them apart revealed the most likely source of the problem.

Imgur album (high resolution photos)


Looks like the capacitor, voltage regulator, and bridge rectifier (?) should be replaced on both. Considering just removing the displays and not bothering fixing them. I'm planning on using the system with my TV and the extra lights might be distracting. Any known problems with doing this?

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