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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beocord 8002 - tape clutch metal spring

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This post has 4 Replies | 2 Followers

Top 500 Contributor
Québec, Canada
Posts 194
Bronze Member
hamacbleu Posted: Thu, Jun 28 2012 11:47 PM


I recently investigated on my non-working beocord 8002. I thought, at first that the problem was the belts...Unfortunately, they were fine! So I dismantled a part of the transport and found out that the metal spring retaining the tape clutch (the white plastic wheel in the middle that activates the play shaft) has vanished....Is there anybody out there who has successfully repaired such problem? As a last resort, I could wait and try to find a transport from another similar machine. Does the transport from the Beocord 6000 is exactly the same as the one in the 8002?

Thanks in advance!

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Steffen replied on Fri, Jun 29 2012 12:04 AM

Yes -the transport in the BC 6000 is the same. And (as far as I know) -the same mechanism was used in some BeoCenters of that time - like BC 5000 - 7000/7007 and 7700.

Top 500 Contributor
Québec, Canada
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hamacbleu replied on Sat, Jun 30 2012 3:20 AM

Thanks... I'll probably wait for another non working of these unit and replace all the transport... Dismantling this stuff is a nightmare. that's unfortunate since everything else is perfect....

Top 25 Contributor
Burgundy, France
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chartz replied on Sat, Jun 30 2012 6:44 AM


Have you looked at the bottom of the machine?

The bearing plastic housing usually cracks and ultimately lets the shaft loose. And yes it can fall into the machine!

I might have a spare if that's the problem. Photo or drawing needed!

Are you French?


Top 500 Contributor
Québec, Canada
Posts 194
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hamacbleu replied on Sat, Jun 30 2012 8:48 PM

Bonjour!, yes i'm a french speaker, J'habite au Québec! I'm all new to this forum: I just acquired from a succession an ensemble comprising a Beomaster 8000, a beocord 8002 and a beogram 8000 plus 2 beolab remotes (wondering why 2...) every machine has it's own little problems, all solvable. (heat-sink too hot on one side of the bm, small "wow" when using the turntable....) the beocord is particular since it's more of a mechanical problem...I spoke with M. Olsen who kindly offered me to repair it. The housing is ok, the shaft is not loose. The spring that is missing is the no 12062 from the service manual (page 4-6). That spring is essential since it allows the clutch to stick to the play shaft. It has probably fall in the bottom, or (most probably) IN the mechanism, it can't be really far, but dismantling all this apparatus, without losing anything seems impossible for me! Plus I don't know if it's really the only problem surrounding that mécanique. I would need a procedure on how to do it effectively. Since i'm moving in 1 week, i'll stop all my investigation and focus on making boxes! I'll soon be back: I never had any  decent sound system before and i'm into mid-modern century furniture. So that whole system is So welcome in my new place...

By the way...Thanks all for your time: that's really pleasant to see how your community is willing to help each others and how everybody seems so passionate about B&O! I really hope that I'll know better in the future to help others too!


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