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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Alarm clock with BeoSound 8

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This post has 3 Replies | 1 Follower

Top 100 Contributor
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Steph Posted: Wed, Jul 4 2012 2:38 PM

I own a BeoSound 8 and use it for the moment with my iPhone or Ipad to listen to music in the lounge.

The main music system (BeoSound 5) is in the dining room.

I'm planning to move the BS8 in the bedroom and use it with an Ipod Touch.

The question is : can i use the BS8 with the BeoPlayer app to program an alarm clock for the morning ?

The idea is to be wake up with a net radio or a song from the iPod albums. And replace my old sony alarm clock.

Another question : can i use the BeoTime to control the BeoSound 8 with the iPod ?


Paul W
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Paul W replied on Wed, Jul 4 2012 3:07 PM

Hi Steph,

I have the BeoPlay app on my iPhone 4S and I do find it a problem. Even now, i've just tried it and if i set it to play a radio station or a tune from my library, it basically doesn't and the little chime just sounds.

Personally, I don't rely on it because i don't trust it to work properly and instead I use the normal alarm on the iPhone. I'm affraid when it comes to B&O software i'd flee the country than rely on it.

Must admit, I don't use it much but the B&O logo looks dapper on my iPhone apps :) :) :)

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symmes replied on Wed, Jul 4 2012 7:02 PM

It works fine using your scenario with netradio, but you will have to leave the ipod "setting" "general" to "auto lock" "never" because the app must be open to function (per the easy-to-overlook instruction on the alarm page). There is no software issue that I have noticed, but this app does not wake up your phone from standby so you could use up your battery if you aren't charging it (which is not relevant to your question).  

To the BeoTime question, you might try this experiment (not verified):

1. Open the ipod app (itunes or netradio) that you wish to trigger with BeoTime, and pause the app.

2. Set BeoTime to relevant alarm source (AMEM or NRADIO).

3. Ensure ipod "setting" to "auto lock" "never".



Top 100 Contributor
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Steph replied on Thu, Jul 5 2012 9:46 AM

Thanks a lot guys for the info ! Yes - thumbs up

I'm going to buy the Ipod soon. I will try the scenario and will post the conclusions.

May be i can let the app running on the clock screen with the low light intensity.

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