ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi guys,
Has anybody tried running a projector from a V1 setup? i.e. splitting the HDMI at source, running one into the V1 for sound (with P.MUTE enabled) and the other into the projector.
This is something I'd like to do but my initial concern is the audio latency - I want the sound to come out in full 5.1 without an annoying lag.
I don't want to buy an expensive projector - something mid-range would be fine. Does anybody know of any way to add an adjustable delay to the video signal so it matches the audio, and also do you have any recommendations for projectors for a mid-size living room.
talking bv and beamer: even the new bv11 does not have a projector out socket. very painful imho since bv7 went so successfully with it. lets hope for an early update.
sad to say whitetail
I asked something similar a while back
Yesterday I took delivery of an oppo 103 blu ray with dual HDMI out. Just for the fun of it I bypassed my bv7 and ran an HDMI directly to my projector. One thing I would definitely miss in a setup like this isthe display graphics.
I use an Epson tw3200. Great projector. Cheap too. But no option to delay the video signal. I can't see option on the oppo either.