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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Televisions Free to Collector in Bristol or Exeter

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Gary Nelson
Not Ranked
United Kingdom
Posts 52
Bronze Member
Gary Nelson Posted: Sat, Mar 26 2016 10:58 AM

Hello Beoworlders

'Her that must be obeyed' is kicking off on the number of Televisions lurking around our little cottage, so they must go, free to collectors:

BV4 37" Screen not working, can be much wrong with it and had an unmarked bezzel? Stainless steel surround.

BV6 26" Seems to work OK but don't have the pin code using the mastercode it fires up alright, The speaker fret it tidy if you want it for spares, so not working.

BC6 23" c/w DAB module, good fret, this one briefly shows picture before screen going black, so not working.

MX7000 In Black, currently still in use working well, but a bit big for a bedroom tele.  SO THIS ONE IS WORKING

All these TVs are FREE to collectors.  I live near Exeter and work near Bristol so they can be collected from either location or I could deliver to a location in between within reason.

Sorry to see them go, prefer to see them go to a fellow enthusiast rather than the recycling centre (Dump)



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