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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beosound Essence with other items

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Top 50 Contributor
Helsinki, Finland
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leosgonewild Posted: Wed, Apr 20 2016 1:09 PM
Complete B&O Beosound Essence music system. The following components are included:

-Beosound Essence main box (hide-away)

-2x table remotes

-wall remote

-2x keyring remotes which starts internet radio and lights.

-LC2 light dimmer (brand new, used for one month, original box)

-Infrared eye for use with the key rings and other remote controls from B&O (beo4, Beolink 1000/5000/7000)

-RJ45->power link cable

-Beotime alarm clock

The Beotime alarm clock has had the ringer disabled, this allows to use the system as an alarm clock. It also has different timer functions. It can be set to turn off the system after a given time when the alarm has started, turn of the system at a given time and so on. 
The Beotime also controls the LC2 light dimmer, so you can wake up to a sunrise function from your lights and at the same time your favourite tune from Spotify will start.
Selling this on eBay, but putting it here also.
1200 euros /945 gbp

"You think we can slap some oak on this thing?"

Top 50 Contributor
Helsinki, Finland
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"You think we can slap some oak on this thing?"

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