ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I am looking to buy a RX-2/MMC4 from an original owner. It appears to be in good shape (some old 'sticker' paper on the cover...hmmm) and I am not sure about the price. My question is regarding the outputs on this - can this be used on a non-B&O pre-amp and/or can be used on some of the newer B&O systems (I have a 3200). Too be honest, I love the look of the RX2 and I dont have a lot of records (all my stuff is digital/CD's) but I might explore this new technology that is called "a record".....
If the non B&O amplifier has a dedicated record player input, it will be fine. The RX2 was designed primarily for use with non B&O equipment. It will not work simply with newer B&O equipment as that does not have the necessary RIAA pre-amp facility. These are good decks and should be good value - I would expect to pay about £70 for a mint one, with cartridge.