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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beosystem 6500: infrared in Master Control Panel not working

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beomasteruser6500 Posted: Sun, Aug 12 2012 8:52 PM

My Master Control Panel 6500 has stopped working, and I think that the 2 infrareds are not operating. Has any Forum Member experienced this, and is it possible to replace the infrared contacts?

I have replaced the batteries and continue to get the error message "No contact", and I have checked if there is an infrared light by examining the output source using a digital camera viewfinder.

Any help and/or guidance gratefully received. 

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Guy replied on Mon, Aug 13 2012 10:12 AM

Your post is a little unclear - do the IR transmitters light up on the MCP when viewed through a camera?  If they do, it could be that the Beomaster is simply not responding - perhaps it is set to the wrong 'option'.

View the front of the Beomaster with the same camera and see if is responds (transmits) when you press a button on the MCP.  This may enable us to narrow down the fault, if there is one.

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solderon29 replied on Mon, Aug 13 2012 10:14 AM

Thats odd! It's quite common for the ir receiver in the Beomaster to fail,but not the transmitters in the MCP6500.

As it's a two way communication,the "no contact" sign appears when the feedback from the Beomaster is not received.Do you have another remote,say BL1000,and if so, does that work?

If not,you may need to check the option programing,to ensure that the Beomaster is configured correctly.If you have a BL1000,set the Beomaster to option 1,via the SOUND-1-STORE buttons.


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I am most grateful for the two helpful replies. I am a novice in these matters, and therefore appreciate any help in narrowing down the problem. 

Guy asks about the IR transmitters. Unfortunately, the IR transmitters do not appear to light up on the front of the MCP when viewed through a digital camera. I have tried this repeatedly without success.  However, Nick, in his response suggests that the IR transmitters rarely fail in the MCP. So maybe I should be looking at the Beomaster as the source of the problem. What do you think?

Ideally, I would like to test the MCP with a similar Beosystem  but unfortunately, there isn't one to hand. 

I'm interested in Nick's remote control suggestion. Can I use any old remote, or do I need to get  a specific one?

Thank you,


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Guy replied on Mon, Aug 13 2012 7:49 PM

Des,  The IR transmitters are on the back top edge of the MCP - one each side about 1 cm from the edge.  You can see them through the back perspex if you look carefully or shine a bright light.  Can you confirm that it is this area you are viewing through the digital camera?  They can be quite dim.

And the remote Nick is suggesting is the Beolink 1000 - there are lots available 2nd hand for £20-30. 

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Thanks Guy, and apologies for the delay in replying. I can confirm that I was looking in the area you have identified, and to double check I asked a local electronics hobbyist to also examine it. Unfortunately, he too was unable to trace any signal.

Any ideas gratefully received.


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