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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Polk Audio and Definitive buy Denon, Marantz and Boston acoustics

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Jeff replied on Sun, Mar 5 2017 12:44 AM

Very interesting, thanks for posting this! Between this, and organizations such as Harman, seems there are damned few independent companies anymore. The other night I was up and went looking for the product offerings by all the old big hifi companies, Infinity, JBL, HK, Pioneer, Yamaha, etc. It's amazing how few products there are out there now compared to the glory days of the 70s. Back then every company, plus ones that are no longer around, had full lines, speakers, turntables, tape decks, receivers/integrated amps/tuners, preamps/amps. Now all of the companies combined have fewer models than some full range companies had by themselves. A lot of course is, as we've discussed here before, the changing nature of audio as a hobby (it's not much of a hobby anymore), and how we access our tunes. If the majors have problems dealing with the changes, small niche firms like B&O are even more precariously positioned.

It's funny, my first "real" hifi product was a Marantz 2240b receiver in the Sony/Superscope days of Marantz, and now I use a Marantz AVR for my video sound setup. Long journey to come full circle. Since I went B&O in the late 90s though I've not used anything else for music.


I'm afraid I'm recovering from the BeoVirus. Sad

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