ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
I have Ubiquiti Access Point, 2.4 + 5 GHz.
Both connected to same AP and frequency.
I just got a new Jukebox as the old suddently started to restart every minute.
After that, the Jukebox lose connection every minunte or so, then it reconnects.
I have then connected it to a 4G Huawei router, and there it seems to work better.
When connection is lost, the Radio / music continues to play.
Any suggestions?
Does it have problems with some encryptions?
Are there problems with some channels?
Does it prefer 2.4 or 5GHz?
Hints appriciated. Thanks
I'm pretty sure that the Moment Juke box (tablet) only connects to your network using 2.4GHz. The 5GHz is reserved for the WiSA connection to speakers if you use them.
I believe this is correct, regular wifi is on 2.4 and WISA uses the exact same RF band as 5.0ghz, hence if there's WISA, wifi is only 2.4ghz.
Also explains how the BS Core with Airplay uses 2.4 & 5.0, because there's no WISA.
Found the problem, som equipment (that didn't respond on ping) with fixed IP had been connected and made an IP confict.
Correct it is connecting to the 2.4 GHz AP.