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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


BeoSound 2 & iTunes 10 on MAC

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laursen Posted: Thu, Sep 27 2012 12:50 PM

For some it may sound stupid, that I still hang on to my old BeoSound 2, but I do. I'm having problems connecting it to my MBP running OSX Mountain Lion. When launching iTunes i get a prompt saying "BeoSoundPlugin.bundle could not load in 64-bit mode" - I've tried to locate a newer version of the plugin, but without any luck. Any help would be appreciated.


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elephant replied on Thu, Sep 27 2012 4:58 PM


For some it may sound stupid, that I still hang on to my old BeoSound 2, but I do. I'm having problems connecting it to my MBP running OSX Mountain Lion. When launching iTunes i get a prompt saying "BeoSoundPlugin.bundle could not load in 64-bit mode" - I've tried to locate a newer version of the plugin, but without any luck. Any help would be appreciated.

sorry to hear that - I have not checked mine (more a museum piece now) since I upgraded

are you able to access the SD card through a normal reader ? is your MBP one that has an SD slot ?

BeoNut since '75

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