ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hello all, for the BG6006 and similar i am looking for:
-the small transparent slider button for the stylus pressure on the tone-arm
-a working IR sensor unit based at the end of the transport axis, (counting turns).
For a BG4002:
-the perpex lid
-complete audio output cable with the DIN connector for the newer version BG, that is with the rectangular black connector (inside the BG).
Sorry, the IR sensor is not placed in the TX or 6002 i just noticed in the BG6096/8000/8002 then.
The opto - it's usually the sender LED that burns out.If that's the case, you can fit a OP240A instead.
At some point Frede (Classic) had some new BG400x dustcovers made. Perhaps he can still provide one - worth asking him.
Thanks Martin, indeed it seems the sender diode, will check the type you mention.