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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beogram 8002 Record Player

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Chuckleberryfin Posted: Wed, Oct 3 2012 8:53 PM

Hi all, 


New to this forum as of yesterday in my quest to learn more about these fantastic stereos. 

My grandfather passed on a Beogram 8002 Record Player to myself the other day as he knows that Im a vinyl fanatic. It is in near mint condition still working perfectly and sounding great. My question is though considering that new cartridges can cost from anything to AUD200+. How much for insurance purposes would my record player be worth ??


Any help in valuing my new toy would be much appreciated. 

Thank you all for your time. Smile

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Any thoughts?

Top 150 Contributor
Exeter, United Kingdom
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Hi and welcome to Beoworld.

My Beogram 8002 is insured as part of a package for all of my kit, but when I changed my cover I calculated 'cost of replacement' at £350 pounds (sterling).

In the UK, a near mint one with a good MMC 1 or 2 would probably get near that on eBay and a reseller would probably be looking for £550 - £650 for a similar model.

There are two or three very reputable resellers who are Beoworld members who could give you a more accurate likely selling price as a guide to the 'cost of replacement'

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Peter replied on Thu, Oct 4 2012 7:01 AM

It always surprises me that the 8002 is not the most valuable Beogram. It certainly has the highest specification and is a technical marvel. However it has a few faults:

1. It needs an external amplifier to play with the new equipment (not a problem with older equipment and not a problem when used with a BM8000)

2. The plastics it is made from are not great - the spring box quality is scandalous.

3. The double sided tape holding the metal bits on rots.

4. The cartridges are expensive new - you can however get them re-tipped much more cheaply.

5. It is very complicated and not many people can fix them!

I think Cleve gives an accurate estimate - though you can find non working examples for much less.


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Thank you Clevie and Peter for both your replies. Excuse my ignorance but what does MMC 1 stand for ?

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Woops the cartridge, my bad.  The MMC 2 are better quality over the 1's arent they?

Also so what you are saying is second hand and in mint condition it could fetch 500 pounds?

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Peter replied on Thu, Oct 4 2012 8:48 AM

The top of the range is the MMC1 - there is a little debate about the difference - the MMC1 was said to be a selected version of the MMC2 with the best diamonds. Either are fine! The innards of all the MMC range are the same so you can convert a MMC4 by changing the cantilever and tip, which Axel can do for you!


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