ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hello everyone! This is my first post/thread on this site and as such, it may be in the wrong forum. If so, I apologize.
Now to my troubles. I have dug up my dads old Beomaster 1700 to use as a system for playing vinyl. However, I can't seem to turn it on and I have no idea where to start troubleshooting. Any help is appreciated.
Picture of system attached.
Nice looking system. The 1700 has a problem with the switches but opens up very easily - there are a couple of screws at the front and then the whole top lifts up like the bonnet of a car - there is even a stay to prop it up! Check the fuse in the plug first though! If it isn't that, see if the switches are actually catching when pressed. Do any of the sources work?
I have it opened and located the fuse, but I don't have the necessary equipment to test it at the moment. Of course, the fuse is rather old and has endured a few moves.
I'm actually not sure if the switches are catching, except the Off switch. However, when I use the belts on each side, the none of sliders move. Are the switches supposed to stay down, like with the off switch?
I couldn't get the sources working, but I'm assuming it's because It won't turn on.
This image is after I've pressed down the off-switch
this one is after I've pressed down the phono switch (first red switch)
Sorry about the quality of the pics, camera phone, you know.
If you press one of the source buttons (the red switch pole heads), can you tell if the whiteswitch pole head (power switch actuator) pops out completely ?If not, the power is not switched on and the spring on the side of the power switch has become too weak.
Ah, that was one of the issues. It didn't completely pop out. If you do it manually, it turns on. Thanks mate!
Ok, problem number two: the belts. The right one, for FM/AM tuning sort of works (hold the button down and the slider moves a bit). But I don't really care about that, since I'm not going to be listening to the radio on it.
However, the volume, balance and bass don't work at all and the treble moves a just tiny bit up and when hold down the button at the same time as using the the belt.
Not too easy to replace but it can be done if you are just a little handy with things, new exact reproduction rubber washersfor the Beomaster 1600 and 1700 clutch mechanism are available (from me).If the common hexagonal (cross section) clutch shaft rotates when you operate the tractor belt but the slidersdon't move, the washers are worn and/or the sliders will need a shot of cleaner.I usually never recommend the use of contact cleaner unless you can wipe everything dry again afterwards but thetonecontrol slider group is practically impossible to get into and, located under the glass panel, it's not the placewhere you will usually find most dust so... give it a shot and work them all up and down a couple of times.No WD40 anywhere in B&Os!Some rubber washers, the ones from the very early production series, were actually bad from the factory and many were replacedunder warranty with some made from a better material with a more suitable friction - but far from all.
I'll start with cleaning the sliders. Any recommendation on what to use for cleaning now? It's 20:00 here and I won't be able to buy contact cleaner til tomorrow.
I tried tugging (gently) on the sliders and when they move, the indicators move as well, if that makes it any clearer.
And I really appreciate the help you're giving me. Tack!