ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi Guys,
As you may have read in an alternative thread, I recently purchased a pair of Lab5s and am very happy with their sound, even though my current set up for wireless music is not optimum (I'm requiring some components in my digital connection still so I have a poor mans connection for a few more weeks).
Nevertheless I was hoping to get some suggestions of great music choices to show off the speaker's ability.
You know- some friends come over and the speakers "have" to be auditioned by the visitors. What are some great choices for that 'One' song/piece that you would play that can really impress the doubters. I'm open to any and all suggestions from any genre.
Thanks in advance.
Trentemoller - 'The Last Resort' (Take me into your skin, vamp, evil dub...)
No Doubt - 'Hellagood' (repeated listening would get annoying but the opening few bars are definitely good speaker testing material
My favorite:
Mercan Dede "Ginhawa" EcUtR4shjew
Nils Peter Molvaer "Tlon" qmCqHFL1btI
P.S. kidney massage guaranteed!
BS A1 2nd gen, BS 1, Beo 1, BL 2, BeoCom 2, 2x LC 2, Form 2, BS 2, Beosound 2, Beplay M3, 2x BS 3, BS 4, 2x Beo 4, BS 5 + CD rip, BM 5, BL 5, BL 6000, Beo 6, BS 6, H6, BL 8000, 2x A8, BV 8-40, H9, 3x A9 Keyring, BL 12 - 3, Serenata, BeoTime, BeoTalk 400, B&O Bottle Opener, BV Eclipse 55 My LEGO
First of all, congrats to the 5's... absolute joy everyday, you won't regret the purchase:
Here is my short selection of stuff I use to show off what the 5's can do:
Robert Manos - Album "Angel Road" - Track "Mombasa" ( Be prepared for MASSIVE Bass! )
The Eagles - Album "Hell Freezes Over" - Track "Hotel California" ( Overall very good song Bass / Mid, High )
Nils Lofgren - Album "Live" - Track "Keith don't go" ( High & Mid orientated, just Guitar and voice )
Godspeed you Black Emperor - Album " f#a# oo" - Whole Album ( this is cinema for the ears, post rock at its best! )
If you want very good electronic / easy listening stuff, check the German Mole Label with their Listening Pearls Series, very good recordings and fun to hear on the 5's
Enjoy and let me know if you like it :-)
Thanks guys for the suggestions so far.
Some seriously solid bass in some of those suggested tracks- I'm not sure the neighbours appreciate the kidney massage!
Stephan- thanks for the well wishes- I'm very happy with the speakers- best purchase I've made in a very long time!
I haven't listened to all your suggested tracks so far but some Nils Lofgren (he's good!) and the Eagles- always been a fan but the Lab 5s make the familiar seem amazing again! I'll get through some of the other suggestions tomorrow.
Thanks again everyone!
i always use "Pink Floyd - Wish you were here" to demonstrate my Beolab 5.
Digital feed in with Apple Lossless!
carlito:"Pink Floyd - Wish you were here"
Great choice ! I use this for my bl1's and bl2 demo for the few who ask.
Almost same here....
I'm using Pink Floyd's "Speak To Me" which is the beginning of the "Dark Side Of The Moon" album.
What a heartbeat
Carried it with me in Struer as a WAV-File but there was no chance to test-listen to it
I would say - Adele, rolling in the deep, Set fire to the rain.
Or if you just want to blow their head off - Yello, s.a.x or fat cry.
Metallica - And justice for all, Frayed ends of sanity, dyers eve - the drums there is so good!
Phil collins - another day in paradise - just great.
To many of Michael Jacksons songs would make for a good demo
Good luck and enjoy the speakers - I wish they were at my home :)
I made up a "Critical Listening" CD years ago that I give out to deserving students occasionally. It's got some technical material on it plus excerpts of 12 recordings and two long medleys of recordings of all types. These might be of interest to you because these are a significant part of the listening materials we used to develop the BeoLab 5. If you will send me your address (off-thread, to, I'll be happy to send you a copy of the CD gratis.
Thanks for listening.
Best reards,
Dave Moulton, Sausalito Audio
MrDMoulton:If you will send me your address (off-thread, to, I'll be happy to send you a copy of the CD gratis.
I think you might be inundated with requests after that offer!
I am very interested in that material too...!!...:)
So far I used the Quincy Jones album 'Back ón the Block', an awesome album with 14 songs containing All styles like jazz, funk, rap, pop, rock...
Featuring artists like Ray Charles, Chaka Khan, George Benson....beautifuly arranged by Quincy Jones and recorded and mixed by the world's most famous engineer Bruce Swedien - produced in 1989....
Sorry, but I'd go broke on the mailers and postage. So, I'm sorry to say, this offer is for Beology only.
However, if you're ever near Boston . . .
Best regards, Dave Moulton, Sausalito Audio
I'm thinking about Boston....:))
But What about Struer? We could meet at your next visit in Struer...:)
Another option is: I'll pay for shipping...?
MrDMoulton: Sorry, but I'd go broke on the mailers and postage. So, I'm sorry to say, this offer is for Beology only.
MrDMoulton:It's got some technical material on it plus excerpts of 12 recordings and two long medleys of recordings of all types. These might be of interest to you because these are a significant part of the listening materials we used to develop the BeoLab 5.
I think .. an album / track- list would be sufficient.
- Flere
smile and enjoy the moment
Pink Floyd - Wish you were here
No doubt it's an excellent track, but the intro takes too long. It takes more than a minute, before the 2nd guitar comes in. That’s where it becomes interesting. Not really perfect for demo. Imo, if you want to impress, your “audience” needs a wow-factor from the first second, to get them focussed. For example, Jack Johnson’s Banana Pancakes has a super catchy intro riff. But overall I like acoustical instruments to demo, because the sound is more pure
A bit of surprise factor wil help also. I mean choosing “Hotel California” or “Rolling in the deep”? I don’t think anybody is waiting for that song to hear it for the zillionist time. Well, I don’t..
We kid because we love.
MrDMoulton: I made up a "Critical Listening" CD years ago that I give out to deserving students occasionally. It's got some technical material on it plus excerpts of 12 recordings and two long medleys of recordings of all types. These might be of interest to you because these are a significant part of the listening materials we used to develop the BeoLab 5. If you will send me your address (off-thread, to, I'll be happy to send you a copy of the CD gratis. Thanks for listening. Best reards, Dave Moulton, Sausalito Audio
Hi Dave,
Thanks for your kind offer sir.... I'm not so sure I fit into the deserving student category, but I'll take you up on that generous offer...
With all these suggestions I've got some homework to do. At least its not a chore! Thanks to all the contributors!