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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Bob sells

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Top 200 Contributor
Charente, France
Posts 418
Bronze Member
Bob Posted: Fri, Oct 26 2012 6:36 PM

Hi all - for grabs are following:

Avant 32 VCR with STB kit (green)

Avant 28 VCR Blue

BG CD 4500

BG 1202 (in need of restoration)

BC4000 (in good working order)

BC2200 (with new Axels's MMC4 cartridge and stylus and set of Martins belts)

MMC 5 restored to MMC 4 spec

2x BC3500 for spares and parts (enough to make one complete & working)

Almost complete pair of S3702's (to be restored)

Pair of S45's

Pair of S40's (proceeds will go to charity)

Pair of X35's

Pair of X25's

Beolink 1000 (for parts or repair - some keys missing, but fully working)

Beolink 1000 in very good condition

Replacement Remote for BM / BG 4500

& some cables aerials and spares

and some non B&O Vintage equipment

I'm open to reasonable offers


P.S I will try to cling to my Virgin BC3500 (my very first one) and BC 8500,  my fully restored S3702's  and Beo4 (as long that will be possible) Sad and to keep appearances here Whistle


Don't worry - be Happy

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