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ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022

This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022


Beosound 5 Encore with table stand for sale.

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BeoSeeker Posted: Wed, Nov 7 2012 5:34 PM

Hello fellow audiophiles, I regret to say that it is time for me to part with my Beosound5 Encore.Ive had the unit for about 7 months and its been running great on a pair of lab3's pulling music from an iOmega px4 NAS drive. Ive finially got the wifes blessing to spend the money on a BV11, the downside is I cannot link the Encore to the set as it is not a Link compatable product. I will be buying a BS5/BM5 to replace it and gain the ML capability. I am looking to get 2,100.00 USD for the Encore, power supply, and table stand. Or you can add the NAS drive (without music) and get the whole package for 2500.00 USD. Please respond with contact info if interested and I will gladly e-mail you the zip file of pictures Ive taken of the unit(s).


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