ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
Hi Forum,
I just switched from a BEOMASTER 3000 setup to a BEOCENTER 9500 and everything seems to work rather fine (ok, the usual door problem and some loose glass...that was expected when I bought the unit).
But with FM reception I'm a bit confused: the digital readout seems to be out of tune?!?
Maybe I better describe the problem: I am living in Hamburg,Germany and pretty close to the city's TV tower. So FM reception was never a problem ;-) But on the new 9500 it seems as if channels have moved. If I tune for example to 95.0, where a strong station should be expected, I get only messy reception and the peak perfect reception is somewhat below in the 94.0 region.
As long as I'm tuning manually this doesn't bother me too much and I can simply store the best reception (wherever that is). But when I want to locate a station by its published frequency and put that in, its a bit annoying to first scroll around that frequency to find the point where the station gives best reception.
Can it be that the digital readout is out of tune (or the reception/FM scale for that part?)
Hope that somebody here can help me out with that...
Welcome to Beoworld !
There is a calibration routine for the FM tuner in the service manual.Sounds like yours is in need of exactly this.
Hi Martin,
could you mail me the calibration routine? Willing to try it, but I dont' have a service manual, just the user manual.
Would be great,
I don't have it in electronic form but the service manual is available for download from our main websitefor silver and gold members. Well worth the small membership fee and we would appreciate the support.
Well, as far as I remember all you have to do inside is shorting the test-plug, the rest is done from the front panel.Section 7-11 in the service manual.
Thanks for your support. Greatly appreciated !