ARCHIVED FORUM -- March 2012 to February 2022READ ONLY FORUM
This is the second Archived Forum which was active between 1st March 2012 and 23rd February 2022
It seems that one of my RL140 has a failure. The midrange speaker does not work.
How can I test if the speaker is okay or could it be one of the components on the crossover board?
If the speaker is defect does anyone have such a type (ITT). Martin?
Brengen & Ophalen
Swap them to one where the driver work, check the Ohms on the driver coil, if working in the other speaker, check the crossover: caps, resistors, and soldering.
Collecting Vintage B&O is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.
Thanks Soren! In case the speaker is kaputt is there a replacement or do they existy in other speakers like RL60's?
Yes.But try what Søren suggests first.
Will do, thanks Martin!
No need, got another pair of RL140's
Leslie: No need, got another pair of RL140's
Leslie, you have to save the other pair
Søren Mexico: Leslie: No need, got another pair of RL140's Leslie, you have to save the other pair
Well my friend, at least you can laugh after your last message!
Leslie:Well my friend, at least you can laugh after your last message!
All done and forgotten, we look forward to new adventures with B&O, and you are still here, which shows that you are a real Beoworlder.
That's the real spirit Soren! I know if you appear to much on Beoworld showing your stuff and (hard) work over and over again it can be annoying for some but what do I care. B&O is my passion..... But.. I must admit, you're comment made me think (a little bit)!